Girl Develop It Chapter Leaders at 2015 Annual Leadership Summit
Girl Develop It Chapter Leaders at 2015 Annual Leadership Summit
Corinne Warnshuis, Executive Director
Vanessa Hurst, Co-Founder, Advisor
Corinne is a passionate advocate for community-centered movements and their power to change the world. Prior to becoming the first Executive Director of Girl Develop It, she co-led the organization's Philadelphia chapter to become one of the organization's largest and most active.
She has previously held positions with the news network, producing large-scale technology conferences like Philly Tech Week and Baltimore Innovation Week, and at WHYY. Philadelphia's NPR and PBS affiliate, in community relations.
Corinne has spoken at the White House, Dreamforce, Lesbians Who Tech Summit, Code Conf, OSCON and more.
A native Californian, Corinne moved to Philadelphia after graduating from University of California 一 Santa Cruz with a degree in Sociology and Film & Digital Media.
Vanessa believes every person should be empowered to use technology to make the world a better place. She started Girl Develop It to provide judgment-free learning opportunities with a focus on results, and to support women teaching and learning from one another. She's a lifetime Girl Scout, a teacher, and a passionate supporter of open source software.
Vanessa is currently building CodeMontage to help people improve their software skills while improving the world. She also founded and organizes Developers for Good to connect technologists who want to use their skills to make an impact with organizations that need help. Previously, Vanessa led the database and analytics efforts at Paperless Post.
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