About VirtualBoxImages.com
About VirtualBoxImages.com | VirtualBoxImages.com
About VirtualBoxImages.com
VirtualBoxImages was created to provide users with complete, functional Open Source Virtual Computers, originally named veeDee-Eyes.com.We download the distribution ISOs. Try and follow the installation instructions. We attempt to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions. VirtualBox VDIs that have the Guest Additions installed are noted on the VDI page.
Build Notes:
Unless noted in the "Build Notes" there are
- No additional packages added.
- No update performed.
- Only default options are used when ever possible
The goal is to create a CLEAN virtual computer. You get exactly what the creators of the "Operating System" designed in a STANDARD installation. From there you can make it your own.
VDIs in use/Svc:
This is a VERY inaccurate count of the number of VDIs in service for a given release.
The count is actually the number of distinct IP addresses that access the "Browser Start Page" within the Virtual Computer since May 5, 2008. Some of the release VDIs do not have the browser start page set, therefore there is not indication as to the number of computers in service.Linux Newbies:
If you're new to Linux or have never used Linux, now you can learn linux faster using the veeDee-Eyes virtual computers. Linux is not hard to learn, it's just different!!Linux Experts:
If you're an experienced Linux user, this is a chance to try other Linux distributions in a REAL computer. Install packages, change what you like. Best of all starting over does not mean you have to reinstall the system. Just get another copy of the veeDee-Eyes VirtualBox computer file. It's that easyMy Reasons:
Learning more about Linux was important to me for a project. I needed to be able to practice managing and building LAMP servers.
At the time I did not have an extra computer that I could dedicate as a Linux machine. Someone suggested a Virtual Computer and told me about QEMU.QEMU is great and is also Open Source. When I was using QEMU it was painfully slow when installing systems.
Then I found VirtualBox and started my own collection of Virtual computers. After purchasing an inexpensive Dell server I now have my own VirtualBox Virtual OS Server (headless). Create a VDI and deploy it to the OS server and connect to the system using Remote Desktop.
In the end 60 Virtual Computers are easier to store and manage that 50 real computers
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