package com.bbcmart.util;

import net.sf.ehcache.Cache;

import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;

import net.sf.ehcache.Element;


public class CacheHelper {

private static CacheManager cacheManager;

public enum CacheType {

policy, airline, jinri, result, other,

bulletin, linkImage, linkChar, advertisement,waiter


public enum OtherType {



static {



public static void init() {

try {

cacheManager = CacheManager.create();












catch (Exception e) {




private static Cache createCacheByType(CacheType aCacheType) {

Cache result = null;

if (CacheType.policy.equals(aCacheType))

result = new Cache(CacheType.policy.toString(), 4000, false, true, 0, 0);

if (CacheType.airline.equals(aCacheType))

result = new Cache(CacheType.airline.toString(), 4000, false, false, 300, 300);

if (CacheType.jinri.equals(aCacheType))

result = new Cache(CacheType.jinri.toString(), 4000, false, false, 300, 300);

if (CacheType.result.equals(aCacheType))

result = new Cache(CacheType.result.toString(), 4000, false, false, 300, 300);

if (CacheType.other.equals(aCacheType))

result = new Cache(CacheType.other.toString(), 100, false, true, 0, 0);

if (CacheType.bulletin.equals(aCacheType))

result = new Cache(CacheType.bulletin.toString(), 1000, false, false, 900, 600);

if (CacheType.linkImage.equals(aCacheType))

result = new Cache(CacheType.linkImage.toString(), 1000, false, false, 900, 600);

if (CacheType.linkChar.equals(aCacheType))

result = new Cache(CacheType.linkChar.toString(), 1000, false, false, 900, 600);

if (CacheType.advertisement.equals(aCacheType))

result = new Cache(CacheType.advertisement.toString(), 1000, false, false, 900, 600);

if (CacheType.waiter.equals(aCacheType))

result = new Cache(CacheType.waiter.toString(), 1000, false, false, 900, 600);

//Cache black = new Cache(Const.CACHE_BLACK, 2000, MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy.LFU, false, null, true, 0, 0, false, 0, null);

return result;


private static Cache getCacheByType(CacheType aCacheType) {

Cache result = cacheManager.getCache(aCacheType.toString());

if (result==null)

result = createCacheByType(aCacheType);

return result;


public static boolean exist(CacheType aType, String aKey) {

boolean result = false;

if (aType != null && aKey != null) {

Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(aType.toString());

if (cache!=null)

result = cache.isKeyInCache(aKey);


return result;


public static void put(CacheType aType, String aKey, Object aValue) {

if (aType != null && aKey != null) {

getCacheByType(aType).put(new Element(aKey, aValue));



public static void remove(CacheType aType, String aKey) {



public static Object get(CacheType aType, String aKey) {

Object result = null;

if (aType != null && aKey != null) {

try {

Element element = getCacheByType(aType).get(aKey);

if (element!=null)

result = element.getValue();


catch (Exception ex) {




return result;


public static String getStrFromCache(CacheType aType, String aKey) {

String result = "";

Object temp = get(aType, aKey);

if (temp != null)

result = temp.toString();

return result;


public static void putOther(OtherType aKey, Object aValue) {

if (aKey != null) {

getCacheByType(CacheType.other).put(new Element(aKey.toString(), aValue));



public static void removeOther(OtherType aKey) {



public static Object getOther(OtherType aType) {

Object result = null;

if (aType != null) {

try {

Element element = getCacheByType(CacheType.other).get(aType.toString());

if (element!=null)

result = element.getValue();


catch (Exception ex) {




return result;


public static String getStrFromCacheOther(OtherType aKey) {

String result = "";

Object temp = getOther(aKey);

if (temp != null)

result = temp.toString();

return result;


public static void destroy() {

try {


cacheManager = null;


catch (Exception ex){






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