A - B-number

Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u


A wqb-number, or B-number for short, is a non-negative integer whose decimal form contains the sub- string "13" and can be divided by 13. For example, 130 and 2613 are wqb-numbers, but 143 and 2639 are not. Your task is to calculate how many wqb-numbers from 1 to n for a given integer n.


Process till EOF. In each line, there is one positive integer n(1 <= n <= 1000000000).


Print each answer in a single line.

Sample Input


Sample Output

2 数位dp
#include<string> using namespace std; int dp[][][][];
int mi[]; int cal(int x, int n, int p)
return x*mi[n]%p;
} int judge(int x)//三态函数
if(x==)return ;
else if(x==)return ;
else return ;
} int solve(string s)
memset(dp, , sizeof(dp));
dp[][][][] = ;
int len = s.size();
for(int i = ; i < len; i++)
for(int j = ; j < ; j++)
for(int k = ; k < ; k++)
for(int p = ; p < ; p++)
int l, r;
l = ; r = (k==?s[i]-'':);
for(int x = l; x <= r; x++)
dp[i+][(j+cal(x, len-i-, ))%][(k==&&x==r)?:][x==?:]+=dp[i][j][k][p];
else if(p==)
dp[i+][(j+cal(x, len-i-, ))%][(k==&&x==r)?:][judge(x)]+=dp[i][j][k][p];
else if(p==)
dp[i+][(j+cal(x, len-i-, ))%][(k==&&x==r)?:][]+=dp[i][j][k][p];
return dp[len][][][] + dp[len][][][];
} int main()
string n;
mi[] = ;
for(int i = ; i < ; i++)
mi[i] = mi[i-]*%;
int ans;
ans = solve(n);
} return ;


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