Rules are meant to be broken.


What is innovation?

Some may tell you innovation is to break the rules if you feel you are limited by them.

To some extent, such kinds of view sound well and make sense.

Because we may find out some new ways and new fields that can give us the opportunities to fully play our capabilities, and then we can attain greater and higher achievements.

But in fact, it is not so simple as just to break the rules.

At least we must observe the rules and try to know them deeply, then we may have better insights to find out their defects and try to break them and improve them.

When there is a strong woman character in a story, that always grabs me.


Li An, who said these words above, is a well-known film director.

In several films directed by Li, he had successfully shaped several strong female roles, not in the physical aspects, but in their characters.

Anyway, both strong man and woman can grab us, because those are good traits we want to have.

The International Woman's Day and the Mother's Day, are the very time you improve the relationships with your mother, your girlfriend, and other women.

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