
  Cydia Substrate (formerly called MobileSubstrate) is the de facto framework that allows 3rd-party developers to provide run-time patches (“Cydia Substrate extensions”) to system functions.


  Cydia Substrate consists of 3 major components: MobileHooker, MobileLoader and safe mode.



  MobileHooker is used to replace system functions. This process is known as hooking. There are 2 APIs that one would use:


  MSHookMessage() will replace the implementation of the Objective-C message -[class selector] by replacement, and return the original implementation. To hook a class method, provide the meta class retrieved from objc_getMetaClass in the MSHookeMessage(Ex) call and see example note below. This dynamic replacement is in fact a feature of Objective-C, and can be done using method_setImplementation. MSHookMessage() is not thread-safe and has been deprecated in favor of MSHookMessageEx().


  MSHookFunction() is like MSHookMessage() but is for C/C++ functions. The replacement must be done at assembly level. Conceptually, MSHookFunction() will write instructions that jumps to the replacement function, and allocate some bytes on a custom memory location, which has the original cut-out instructions and a jump to the rest of the hooked function. Since on iOS by default a memory page cannot be simultaneously writable and executable, a kernel patch must be applied for MSHookFunction() to work.

  ios中黑夜一块内存不能同时具有写&执行的权限,需要打一个kernel patch才能使MSHookFunction()起作用。

MSHook Example Code

1、Using MSHookFunction:


2、Using MSHookMessageEx:


3、Note that if you are hooking a class method, you have to put a meta-class in the class argument, e.g.


  MobileLoader loads 3rd-party patching code into the running application.

  MobileLoader will first load itself into the run application using DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable. Then it looks for all dynamic libraries in the directory /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/, and dlopen them. An extension should use constructor code to perform any works, e.g.


safe mode】  

When a extension crashed the SpringBoard, MobileLoader will catch that and put the device into safe mode. In safe mode all 3rd-party extensions will be disabled.

The following signals will invoke safe mode:




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