1.ART Testbed


The Agent Reputation and Trust (ART) Testbed initiative has been launched with the goal of establishing a testbed for agent reputation- and trust-related technologies. The ART Testbed is designed to serve in two roles:

  • as a competition forum in which researchers can compare their technologies against objective metrics, and
  • as an experimental tool, with flexible parameters, allowing researchers to perform customizable, easily-repeatable experiments.

As a versatile, universal experimentation site, the ART Testbed scopes relevant trust research problems and unites researchers toward solutions via unified experimentation methods. Through objective, well-defined metrics, the testbed provides researchers with tools for comparing and validating their approaches. The testbed also serves as an objective means of presenting technology features, both advantages and disadvantages, to the community. In addition, the ART Testbed places trust research in the public spotlight, improving confidence in the technology and highlighting relevant applications.




P-Grid is a next generation peer-to-peer platform for distributed information management beyond mere file-sharing. P-Grid's most important properties are:

  • complete decentralization
  • self-organization
  • decentralized load balancing
  • data management functionalities (update)
  • management of dynamic IP addresses and identities
  • efficient search

P-Grid is a truly decentralized structured P2P system which does not require central coordination or knowledge. It is based purely on randomized algorithms and local interactions and targeted at environments with low online probabilities of peers.

P-Grid differs from other approaches such as Chord, CAN, Pastry, etc. in terms of practical applicability (especially in respect to dynamic network environments), algorithmic foundations (randomized algorithms with probabilistic guarantees), robustness, and flexibility.

3.Query Cycle Simulator


Testing algorithms on file-sharing P2P networks is often done by simulations, since deploying algorithms on real P2P networks is often impossible. However, many P2P algorithms are sensitive to network and traffic models that are used in simulations. Therefore, to accurately test P2P algorithms, we require a simulator that resembles real-world file-sharing P2P networks as closely as possible. The Query-Cycle Simulator is a file-sharing P2P network simulator that is standardized, extensible, and modeled after measurements in real-world file-sharing P2P networks. We are making the code available so that research groups can test their algorithms on a standardized P2P network simulator.



google code上的一个开源的信任建模和仿真平台,主要还是针对P2P网络而开发。

P2PRepsim is a Java based simulator of P2P Networks with focus on the analysis of several reputation systems against misbehavior threats and malicious peers. It simulates P2P network architectures (gnutela, superpeer, chord) and evaluates their working performance in front crititical scenarios of security threats.



TRMSim-WSN is a Java-based simulator aimed to test Trust and Reputation models for WSNs. It provides several Trust and Reputation models and new ones can be easily added. It allows researchers to test and compare their trust and reputation models against a wide range of WSNs. They can decide whether they want static or dynamic networks, the percentage of fraudulent nodes, the percentage of nodes acting as clients or servers, etc.
It has been designed to easily adapt and integrate a new model within the simulator. Only a few classes have to be implementend in order to carry out this task.



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