
  1. using System;
  2. using System.Xml;
  3. using System.Xml.Linq;
  4. namespace MyTest
  5. {
  6. internal class Program
  7. {
  8. private static void Main(string[] args)
  9. {
  10. var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
  11. xmlDocument.LoadXml("<Root><Child>Test</Child></Root>");
  12. var xDocument = xmlDocument.ToXDocument();
  13. var newXmlDocument = xDocument.ToXmlDocument();
  14. Console.ReadLine();
  15. }
  16. }
  17. public static class DocumentExtensions
  18. {
  19. public static XmlDocument ToXmlDocument(this XDocument xDocument)
  20. {
  21. var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
  22. using(var xmlReader = xDocument.CreateReader())
  23. {
  24. xmlDocument.Load(xmlReader);
  25. }
  26. return xmlDocument;
  27. }
  28. public static XDocument ToXDocument(this XmlDocument xmlDocument)
  29. {
  30. using (var nodeReader = new XmlNodeReader(xmlDocument))
  31. {
  32. nodeReader.MoveToContent();
  33. return XDocument.Load(nodeReader);
  34. }
  35. }
  36. }
  37. }

如果您正在使用3.0或更低,您必须使用XmlDocument aka经典的DOM API。同样地,你会发现有一些其他api可以期待

如果你想要选择,我将彻底推荐使用LINQ to XML XDocument aka。这是更简单的创建文件和处理它们。例如,它的区别

  1. XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
  2. XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("root");
  3. root.SetAttribute("name", "value");
  4. XmlElement child = doc.CreateElement("child");
  5. child.InnerText = "text node";
  6. root.AppendChild(child);
  7. doc.AppendChild(root);
  8. and
  9. XDocument doc = new XDocument(
  10. new XElement("root",
  11. new XAttribute("name", "value"),
  12. new XElement("child", "text node")));

Namespaces are pretty easy to work with in LINQ to XML, unlike any other XML API I've ever seen:

  1. XNamespace ns = "http://somewhere.com";
  2. XElement element = new XElement(ns + "elementName");
  3. // etc

LINQ to XML also works really well with LINQ - its construction model allows you to build elements with sequences of sub-elements really easily:

  1. // Customers is a List<Customer>
  2. XElement customersElement = new XElement("customers",
  3. customers.Select(c => new XElement("customer",
  4. new XAttribute("name", c.Name),
  5. new XAttribute("lastSeen", c.LastOrder)
  6. new XElement("address",
  7. new XAttribute("town", c.Town),
  8. new XAttribute("firstline", c.Address1),
  9. // etc
  10. ));


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