poj 1450 Gridland
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 4996 Accepted Submission(s): 2281
The president of Gridland has hired you to design a program that calculates the length of the shortest traveling-salesman tour for the towns in the country. In Gridland, there is one town at each of the points of a rectangular grid. Roads run from every town in the directions North, Northwest, West, Southwest, South, Southeast, East, and Northeast, provided that there is a neighbouring town in that direction. The distance between neighbouring towns in directions North–South or East–West is 1 unit. The length of the roads is measured by the Euclidean distance. For example, Figure 7 shows 2 × 3-Gridland, i.e., a rectangular grid of dimensions 2 by 3. In 2 × 3-Gridland, the shortest tour has length 6.
For each scenario, the grid dimensions m and n will be given as two integer numbers in a single line, separated by a single blank, satisfying 1 < m < 50 and 1 < n < 50.
2 2
2 3
Scenario #2:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h> int main()
int t,i = ;
double n,m;
scanf("%lf%lf",&n,&m); printf("Scenario #%d:\n",i++); if((int)n%== || (int)m%==)
} return ;
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