



Morning, in accordance with the usual time to eat breakfast, canteen exceptionally open, Dafan staff said that today few people, I said Yesterday is a New Year's party, she said today is a holiday, I later thought, or she said more justified . She saw more clearly than I know!

Fortunately, last night to record the morning to help others search the text of things, or morning to the Department will certainly forget. It took a few minutes to do this. After the arrangement of what today's task, call, in the evening, back to one of them bought a gift. Today to see the circle of friends, are summed up and outlook, I have a flag impulse. In the circle of friends to be a witness, but estimates will soon be submerged.

Today did not do work-related things in the morning, learning the basic theory of music model, listening to two classes, listening to go, and feel time flies. Today heard a noun, black swan incident, unpredictable events that have a significant impact. In the afternoon, in the dormitory, called his family and students, their practice of the guitar, but not too much after the harvest, may be too anxious.

Then wake up to sleep at eight o'clock, woke up to chat when the promise of Joan, come back to buy clothes together. And to help students download papers, nine to the teaching and research section, to the students to buy their own account notebook, and then is always learning the basic action of the guitar action points, beginning, I would like to regulate some. I am in the hands of the guitar crash course, taking the empiricism.


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