
MYAPP.utilities.array = (function () {

    // dependencies

    var uobj = MYAPP.utilities.object,

        ulang = MYAPP.utilities.lang,

        // private properties

        array_string = "[object Array]",

        ops = Object.prototype.toString;

    // private methods

    // ...

    // end var

    // optionally one-time init procedures

    // ...

    // public API

    return {

        inArray: function (needle, haystack) {

            for (var i = 0, max = haystack.length; i < max; i += 1) {

                if (haystack[i] === needle) {

                    return true;




        isArray: function (a) {

            return === array_string;


        // ... more methods and properties



Revealing Module Pattern

Privacy pattern

The above can become:

MYAPP.utilities.array = (function () {

    // private properties

    var array_string = "[object Array]",

        ops = Object.prototype.toString,

        // private methods

        inArray = function (haystack, needle) {

            for (var i = 0, max = haystack.length; i < max; i += 1) {

                if (haystack[i] === needle) {

                    return i;





        isArray = function (a) {

            return === array_string;


    // end var

    // revealing public API

    return {

        isArray: isArray,

        indexOf: inArray



Modules That Create Constructors

The only difference is that the immediate function that wraps the module will return a function at the end, and not an object.


MYAPP.utilities.Array = (function () {

    // dependencies

    var uobj = MYAPP.utilities.object,

        ulang = MYAPP.utilities.lang,

        // private properties and methods...


    // end var

    // optionally one-time init procedures

    // ...

    // public API -- constructor

    Constr = function (o) {

        this.elements = this.toArray(o);


    // public API -- prototype

    Constr.prototype = {

        constructor: MYAPP.utilities.Array,

        version: "2.0",

        toArray: function (obj) {

            for (var i = 0, a = [], len = obj.length; i < len; i += 1) {

                a[i] = obj[i];


            return a;



    // return the constructor

    // to be assigned to the new namespace

    return Constr;


var arr = new MYAPP.utilities.Array(obj);

Importing Globals into a Module

In a common variation of the pattern, you can pass arguments to the immediate function that wraps the module. You can pass any values, but usually these are references to global variables and even the global object itself. Importing globals helps speed up the global symbol resolution inside the immediate function, because the imported variables become locals for the function.

MYAPP.utilities.module = (function (app, global) {

    // references to the global object

    // and to the global app namespace object

    // are now localized

}(MYAPP, this));


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