In this tutorial, you'll learn about how to use Dojo to manipulate the DOM in a simple, cross-browser way. Using basic DOM knowledge and only a few Dojo functions, you will be able to efficiently create, read, update and delete elements in the page on the fly.


Getting Started 开始

As far as browser-based JavaScript is concerned, the Document Object Model (DOM) is the glass that we paint on to put content and user interface in front of our users. If we want to augment, replace or add to the HTML once loaded into the browser, JavaScript and the DOM is how it's done. Dojo aims to make working with the DOM easy and efficient by providing a handful of convenience functions that fill some awkward cross-browser incompatibilities and make common operations simpler and less verbose.


To explore those functions we will be manipulating a simple page containing an unordered list with five elements in it:


 <!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Demo: DOM Functions</title>
<script src="//"
data-dojo-config="async: true">
require(["dojo/domReady!"], function() { });
<ul id="list">
<li id="one">One</li>
<li id="two">Two</li>
<li id="three">Three</li>
<li id="four">Four</li>
<li id="five">Five</li>

The page already has the Dojo script tag, and you should recognize the require block. All code that manipulates the DOM must wait until the DOM is ready before it can be executed.


Retrieval 检索

First things first: We need to know how to get elements from the DOM, in order to work with them. The easiest way to do that is by using the dojo/dom resource's byId method. When you pass an ID to dom.byId, you will receive the DOM node object with that ID. If no matching node is found, a null value will be returned.


This is the equivalent of using document.getElementById, but with two advantages: it is shorter to type, and it works around some browsers' buggy implementations of getElementById. Another nice feature of dom.byId is that when it is passed a DOM node, it immediately returns that node. This helps to create APIs that take both strings and DOM nodes. Let's look at an example:


 // Require the DOM resource
require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/domReady!"], function(dom) { function setText(node, text){
node = dom.byId(node);
node.innerHTML = text;
} var one = dom.byId("one");
setText(one, "One has been set");
setText("two", "Two has been set as well"); });

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The setText function sets the text of a node, but since it passes the node argument to dom.byId it will take either a node ID as a string or a DOM node.


Creation 创建

Another thing you will be doing often is creating elements. Dojo doesn't prevent you from using the native document.createElement method to create elements, but creating the element and setting all the necessary attributes and properties on it can be verbose. Furthermore, there are enough cross-browser quirks to attribute setting to make dojo/dom-construct's create method a more convenient and reliable option.


The arguments to domConstruct.create are as follows: node name as a string, properties of the node as an object, an optional parent or sibling node, and an optional position in reference to the parent or sibling node (which defaults to "last"). It returns the new DOM element node. Let's take a look at an example:


 require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/domReady!"],
function(dom, domConstruct) { var list = dom.byId("list"),
three = dom.byId("three"); domConstruct.create("li", {
innerHTML: "Six"
}, list); domConstruct.create("li", {
innerHTML: "Seven",
className: "seven",
style: {
fontWeight: "bold"
}, list); domConstruct.create("li", {
innerHTML: "Three and a half"
}, three, "after");

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A simple list item is created with the content of "Six" and appended to the list. Next, another list item is created with the content of "Seven", its className property is set to "seven", it's styled so it has a bold font, and then appended to the list. Finally, a list item is created with the contents "Three and a half" and is inserted after the list item with the ID "three".

代码创建了一个内容为Six的列表元素,并添加到了List节点上。下面,另外一个内容为Seven的List item被创建,它的classname为“seven”,样式为字体加粗,然后添加到了列表中。最后一个内容为"Three and a half"的list item被创建,并且添加到ID为three的节点的后面。

When would you create elements explicitly like this, versus setting a container element's innerHTML property? If you already have your content as a string of HTML, setting the innerHTML property will always be faster. However, domConstruct.create comes into its own when you want to create elements but not immediately place them in the DOM, or when you want to insert or append a new element without disturbing the sibling nodes around it.

当你使用这种方式创建一个元素的时候,就可以同时设置容器元素的InnderHtml属性。如果你已经有了string类型的html内容,那么设置innerHtml属性会更快。然后,当你想创建一个元素的时候,使用domConstruct.create 不会立即呈现到DOM中,也无法以父节点和兄弟节点为参考添加或插入新的节点。

Placement 放置

If you already have a node and want to place that node, you will need to use The arguments are as follows: a DOM node or string ID of a node to place, a DOM node or string ID of a node to use as a reference, and an optional position as a string which defaults to "last" if not provided. This is very similar to what we saw in domConstruct.create and, in fact, domConstruct.create uses under the hood. For our example, we have added a few buttons to the page:


  • 需要放置的ODM节点对象或者其ID;
  • 需要使用的DOM节点ID或者节点对象引用;
  • 可选参数,位置。默认为last。


 <button id="moveFirst">The first item</button>
<button id="moveBeforeTwo">Before Two</button>
<button id="moveAfterFour">After Four</button>
<button id="moveLast">The last item</button>

The example defines functions which move the third node around the list using


 require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/on", "dojo/domReady!"],
function(dom, domConstruct, on){ function moveFirst(){
var list = dom.byId("list"),
three = dom.byId("three");, list, "first");
} function moveBeforeTwo(){
var two = dom.byId("two"),
three = dom.byId("three");, two, "before");
} function moveAfterFour(){
var four = dom.byId("four"),
three = dom.byId("three");, four, "after");
} function moveLast(){
var list = dom.byId("list"),
three = dom.byId("three");, list);
} // Connect the buttons
on(dom.byId("moveFirst"), "click", moveFirst);
on(dom.byId("moveBeforeTwo"), "click", moveBeforeTwo);
on(dom.byId("moveAfterFour"), "click", moveAfterFour);
on(dom.byId("moveLast"), "click", moveLast);

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The possible values for the placement argument are "before", "after", "replace", "only", "first", and "last". Please see the reference guide for for more details as to what each placement option does, though the names are decently intuitive.

placement参数可以取值"before", "after", "replace", "only", "first", and "last",每个参数的详细意义参考reference guide for

In the simple case, does little more than the native parentNode.appendChild(node) might do. Its value is in being able to easily specify position, whether it is in reference to a parent or sibling node - with one consistent API.


Destruction 销毁

Most often you'll be creating nodes, but occasionally, you'll want to remove nodes as well. There are two ways to do this in Dojo: domConstruct.destroy which will destroy a node and all of its children, while domConstruct.empty will only destroy the children of a given node. Both take a DOM node or a string ID of a node as their only argument. We're going to add two more buttons to our page:


 button id="destroyFirst">Destroy the first list item</button>
<button id="destroyAll">Destroy all list items</button>
 function destroyFirst(){
var list = dom.byId("list"),
items = list.getElementsByTagName("li"); if(items.length){
function destroyAll(){
} // Connect buttons to destroy elements
on(dom.byId("destroyFirst"), "click", destroyFirst);
on(dom.byId("destroyAll"), "click", destroyAll);

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The first button will destroy the first item in the list on each click. The second empties the list entirely.


Conclusion 总结

So far, we have a pretty comprehensive set of tools that we can use to do simple DOM manipulation, from creating nodes, to moving them about, to getting rid of them -- but they all work on only one node at a time. What if the nodes you want to work with don't have IDs? The next tutorial will cover dojo/query, which allows us to search for and work with nodes based on CSS selectors!


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