Last summer vacation, a classmate contacted with me and we finished a intelligent car project with indoor logistic system. One member of team is  in charge of reading the car's manual and testing the functions with C# program. And my job is finishing some functions in MFC interface by the reference of his C# program.

  In this procedure, a error crashed out. A C# method and a mfc method are in the same. When I finished this part of work, however,  the car didn't move. I checked the code many times. Then I deleted all code and recode it. However, it still didn't work.

  Fortunately, after thinking long time about it, I solved it.  Before this vacation, I learned using wireshark to get some bag on the transmission of signal and understand all meaning in some bag. And my program is  using hTTP to connect to the car. Then I used wireshark to get the two kind of different  bags and understand some parameter was wrong in my bag.  

  However these two methods have the same parameter list. And I just copied the parameter list to my method. I knowed  there must be something wrong. So I searched the method in Internet and checked the meaning of every parameter. At last I found there is a parameter with the same name in C# method and c method. It represents different meaning and parameter in Htttp transmission.  Then  I altered it. And it worked.

  We should not just copy code. Even we think  we have understood it all. There must be something you don't know. We should be serious to every line in our text.

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