好长时间没有写博客了,昨天花了些时间又整理了下之前发布过的《Ember.js之computed Property》文章,并创建了一个测试代码库,花了些时间,希望能使用测试代码的方式,来演示如何使用Ember.js同时能避免升级Ember版本后,一些功能上的变化所带来的隐含Bug。
如果大家对Ember.js有兴趣想一起研究的话,欢迎大家一起维护测试代码库 :)
一、如何使用[] & @each
totalArea: Ember.computed('sizeArray.[]', function () {
return this.get('sizeArray').reduce(function (prev, cur) {
return prev + Ember.get(cur, 'height') * Ember.get(cur, 'width');
}, 0);
totalArea: Ember.computed(‘sizeArray.@each', function () {
return this.get('sizeArray').reduce(function (prev, cur) {
return prev + Ember.get(cur, 'height') * Ember.get(cur, 'width');
}, 0);
注:Ember计算属性有多种写法,这里给出了Ember推荐写法,更多具体细节请参考文章《Ember.js之computed Property-1. What is CP》
二、Array.[] & Array.@each特性总结
(Ember v1.13.7)
1. Array.@each.property 特性
- columns里面任何一个元素的isLoaded属性发生变化。
- columns增加元素或者删除子元素。
- columns数组本身被重新赋值。
- 不能依赖@each.owner.@each.name 。
test('computed property depend on @each.height', function (assert) {
var Size = Ember.Object.extend({height: 0, width: 0});
var rectangle = Ember.Object.extend({
totalArea: Ember.computed('sizeArray.@each.height', function () {
return this.get('sizeArray').reduce(function (prev, cur) {
return prev + Ember.get(cur, 'height') * Ember.get(cur, 'width');
}, 0);
sizeArray: [
Size.create({height: 10, width: 10}),
Size.create({height: 10, width: 10})
var sizeArray = rectangle.get('sizeArray'); assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 200, "the total area should be 200"); sizeArray.pushObject(Size.create({height: 10, width: 10}));
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 300, "the total area should be 300 after added"); sizeArray.removeAt(0);
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 200, "the total area should be 200 after removed"); sizeArray[0].set('height', 20);
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 300, "the total area should be 300 after 'height' changed"); sizeArray[0].set('width', 20);
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 300, "the total area should not be changed after 'width' changed"); sizeArray.clear();
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 0, "the total area should be 0 after reset rectangle.sizeArray");
2. Array.@each特性
- columns增加或删除元素。
- columns自身被替换或重新赋值。
test('computed property depend on @each', function (assert) {
var Size = Ember.Object.extend({height: 0, width: 0});
var rectangle = Ember.Object.extend({
totalArea: Ember.computed('sizeArray.@each', function () {
return this.get('sizeArray').reduce(function (prev, cur) {
return prev + Ember.get(cur, 'height') * Ember.get(cur, 'width');
}, 0);
sizeArray: [
Size.create({height: 10, width: 10}),
Size.create({height: 10, width: 10})
var sizeArray = rectangle.get('sizeArray'); assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 200, "the total area should be 200"); sizeArray.pushObject(Size.create({height: 10, width: 10}));
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 300, "the total area should be 300 after added"); sizeArray.removeAt(0);
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 200, "the total area should be 200 after removed"); sizeArray[0].set('height', 20);
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 200, "the total area should not be changed"); sizeArray.clear();
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 0, "the total area should be 0 after reset rectangle.sizeArray");
3. Array.[]特性
- 与绑定.property(‘columns.@each') 行为相同。
test('computed property depend on []', function (assert) {
var Size = Ember.Object.extend({height: 0, width: 0});
var rectangle = Ember.Object.extend({
totalArea: Ember.computed('sizeArray.[]', function () {
return this.get('sizeArray').reduce(function (prev, cur) {
return prev + Ember.get(cur, 'height') * Ember.get(cur, 'width');
}, 0);
sizeArray: [
Size.create({height: 10, width: 10}),
Size.create({height: 10, width: 10})
var sizeArray = rectangle.get('sizeArray'); assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 200, "the total area should be 200"); sizeArray.pushObject(Size.create({height: 10, width: 10}));
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 300, "the total area should be 300 after added"); sizeArray.removeAt(0);
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 200, "the total area should be 200 after removed"); sizeArray[0].set('height', 20);
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 200, "the total area should not be changed"); sizeArray.clear();
assert.equal(rectangle.get('totalArea'), 0, "the total area should be 0 after reset rectangle.sizeArray");
(Ember v2.0.0)
2015-08-17 除建议用[]代替@each,暂未发现其他变化。
注: 更多关于计算属性问题,请参考文章《Ember.js之computed Property-3.CP重要原则》
三、源码分析Array.[] & Array.@each
'@each': computed(function() {
if (!this.__each) {
var EachProxy = requireModule('ember-runtime/system/each_proxy')['EachProxy']; this.__each = new EachProxy(this);
} return this.__each;
'[]': computed({
get(key) {
return this;
set(key, value) {
this.replace(0, get(this, 'length'), value);
return this;
二者之间唯一的区别是Array.[]返回的是一对象自身(普通对象组成的数组), 而Array.@each返回的是EachProxy对象, 针对普通对象组成的数组而言,仅仅能检测到数组长度的变化和对象本身的变化,对数组内容发生变化则不得而知,而EachProxy对每一个元素增加observerListener监听器,当数组内容发生变化时,通知数组发生变更,实现了数组元素这一级别的监听。
var EachProxy = EmberObject.extend({ init(content) {
this._content = content;
content.addArrayObserver(this); // in case someone is already observing some keys make sure they are
// added
forEach(watchedEvents(this), function(eventName) {
}, this);
}, ...
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