使用Python写的WingPro7 Pyside2 和 PyQt5插件
import wingapi
import subprocess pyside2_uic = "pyside2-uic"
pyside2_qrc = "pyside2-rcc" def Pyside2_uic():
count_wait = 0
count_done = 0
for i in wingapi.gApplication.GetCurrentFiles():
if ".ui" in i:
count_wait += 1
p = subprocess.Popen([pyside2_uic, i, "-o", i.replace(".ui", "_ui.py"), "-x"])
if p.returncode == 0:
count_done += 1
print(i.split("\\")[-1] + " FAILED")
print("{0} ui files need to be converted.".format(count_wait))
print("{0} SUCESSFULLY".format(count_done)) def Pyside2_rcc():
count_wait = 0
count_done = 0
for i in wingapi.gApplication.GetCurrentFiles():
if ".qrc" in i:
count_wait += 1
p = subprocess.Popen([pyside2_qrc, i, "-o", i.replace(".qrc", "_rc.py")])
if p.returncode == 0:
count_done += 1
print(i.split("\\")[-1] + " FAILED")
print("{0} qrc files need to be converted.".format(count_wait))
print("{0} SUCESSFULLY".format(count_done)) def Pyside2_pcq():
def readUi(uiPath):
import xml.dom.minidom as xmldom
uiDict = {}
domObj = xmldom.parse(uiPath)
elementObj = domObj.documentElement
windowName = elementObj.getElementsByTagName("widget")
uiDict["class"] = windowName[0].getAttribute("class")
uiDict["name"] = "Ui_" + windowName[0].getAttribute("name")
uiDict["connections"] = []
connections = elementObj.getElementsByTagName("connection")
for i in connections:
connection = {}
sender = i.getElementsByTagName("sender")
connection["sender"] = sender[0].firstChild.data
signal = i.getElementsByTagName("signal")
connection["signal"] = signal[0].firstChild.data
receiver = i.getElementsByTagName("receiver")
connection["receiver"] = "Ui_" + receiver[0].firstChild.data
slot = i.getElementsByTagName("slot")
connection["slot"] = slot[0].firstChild.data
return uiDict def logUi(uiPath, uiDict):
from datetime import datetime
with open(uiPath.replace(".ui", ".log"), "w") as f:
content = []
content.extend(["Updated Time:" + str(datetime.now()) + "\n\n"])
content.extend(["class=" + uiDict["class"] + "\n"])
content.extend(["name =" + uiDict["name"] + "\n"])
for i in uiDict["connections"]:
content.extend(["sender :" + i["sender"] + "\n"])
content.extend(["signal :" + i["signal"] + "\n"])
content.extend(["receiver :" + i["receiver"] + "\n"])
content.extend(["slot :" + i["slot"] + "\n"])
f.write("".join(content)) def generatePy(uiPath, uiDict): def importGen():
from datetime import datetime
return("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"
"#Generated by [pyside2 pcq]\n"
"#Created By Lulu\n"
"#Updated Time:{2}\n"
"#WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n"
"from PySide2 import QtWidgets\n"
"from {0} import {1} as Parent"
"\n\n".format(uiPath.split("\\")[-1].replace(".ui", "_ui"), uiDict["name"], datetime.now())) def classGen():
return("class {0}(QtWidgets.{1},Parent):\n"
" def __init__(self):\n"
" '''Constructor'''\n"
" super().__init__()\n"
" self.setupUi(self)\n"
" \n\n".format(uiDict["name"].replace("Ui_", "Win_"), uiDict["class"])) def slotGen():
slotContent = []
slots = []
for i in uiDict["connections"]:
slots = list(set(slots))
for i in slots:
" def {0}(self):\n"
" \n"
" pass\n\n".format(i[:-2])])
return "".join(slotContent) def mainGen():
'if __name__ == "__main__": \n'
' import sys\n'
' app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)\n'
' {0} = {1}()\n'
' {0}.show()\n'
' sys.exit(app.exec_())\n'.format(uiDict["name"].replace("Ui_", "Win_").lower(), uiDict["name"].replace("Ui_", "Win_")))
with open(uiPath.replace(".ui", "_Win.py"), "w") as f:
f.write(importGen() + classGen() + slotGen() + mainGen()) for i in wingapi.gApplication.GetCurrentFiles():
if ".ui" in i:
uiDict = readUi(i)
logUi(i, uiDict)
generatePy(i, uiDict) Pyside2_uic.contexts = [
Pyside2_rcc.contexts = [
Pyside2_pcq.contexts = [
import wingapi
import subprocess pyuic5 = "pyuic5"
pyrcc5 = "pyrcc5" def PyQt5_uic():
count_wait = 0
count_done = 0
for i in wingapi.gApplication.GetCurrentFiles():
if ".ui" in i:
count_wait += 1
p = subprocess.Popen([pyuic5, i, "-o", i.replace(".ui", "_ui.py"), "-x"])
if p.returncode == 0:
count_done += 1
print(i.split("\\")[-1] + " FAILED")
print("{0} ui files need to be converted.".format(count_wait))
print("{0} SUCESSFULLY".format(count_done)) def PyQt5_rcc():
count_wait = 0
count_done = 0
for i in wingapi.gApplication.GetCurrentFiles():
if ".qrc" in i:
count_wait += 1
p = subprocess.Popen([pyrcc5, i, "-o", i.replace(".qrc", "_rc.py")])
if p.returncode == 0:
count_done += 1
print(i.split("\\")[-1] + " FAILED")
print("{0} qrc files need to be converted.".format(count_wait))
print("{0} SUCESSFULLY".format(count_done)) def PyQt5_pcq():
def readUi(uiPath):
import xml.dom.minidom as xmldom
uiDict = {}
domObj = xmldom.parse(uiPath)
elementObj = domObj.documentElement
windowName = elementObj.getElementsByTagName("widget")
uiDict["class"] = windowName[0].getAttribute("class")
uiDict["name"] = "Ui_" + windowName[0].getAttribute("name")
uiDict["connections"] = []
connections = elementObj.getElementsByTagName("connection")
for i in connections:
connection = {}
sender = i.getElementsByTagName("sender")
connection["sender"] = sender[0].firstChild.data
signal = i.getElementsByTagName("signal")
connection["signal"] = signal[0].firstChild.data
receiver = i.getElementsByTagName("receiver")
connection["receiver"] = "Ui_" + receiver[0].firstChild.data
slot = i.getElementsByTagName("slot")
connection["slot"] = slot[0].firstChild.data
return uiDict def logUi(uiPath, uiDict):
from datetime import datetime
with open(uiPath.replace(".ui", ".log"), "w") as f:
content = []
content.extend(["Updated Time:" + str(datetime.now()) + "\n\n"])
content.extend(["class=" + uiDict["class"] + "\n"])
content.extend(["name =" + uiDict["name"] + "\n"])
for i in uiDict["connections"]:
content.extend(["sender :" + i["sender"] + "\n"])
content.extend(["signal :" + i["signal"] + "\n"])
content.extend(["receiver :" + i["receiver"] + "\n"])
content.extend(["slot :" + i["slot"] + "\n"])
f.write("".join(content)) def generatePy(uiPath, uiDict): def importGen():
from datetime import datetime
return("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"
"#Generated by [PyQt5 pcq]\n"
"#Created By Lulu\n"
"#Updated Time:{2}\n"
"#WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n"
"from PyQt5 import QtWidgets\n"
"from {0} import {1} as Parent"
"\n\n".format(uiPath.split("\\")[-1].replace(".ui", "_ui"), uiDict["name"], datetime.now())) def classGen():
return("class {0}(QtWidgets.{1},Parent):\n"
" def __init__(self):\n"
" '''Constructor'''\n"
" super().__init__()\n"
" self.setupUi(self)\n"
" \n\n".format(uiDict["name"].replace("Ui_", "Win_"), uiDict["class"])) def slotGen():
slotContent = []
slots = []
for i in uiDict["connections"]:
slots = list(set(slots))
for i in slots:
" def {0}(self):\n"
" \n"
" pass\n\n".format(i[:-2])])
return "".join(slotContent) def mainGen():
'if __name__ == "__main__": \n'
' import sys\n'
' app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)\n'
' {0} = {1}()\n'
' {0}.show()\n'
' sys.exit(app.exec_())\n'.format(uiDict["name"].replace("Ui_", "Win_").lower(), uiDict["name"].replace("Ui_", "Win_")))
with open(uiPath.replace(".ui", "_Win.py"), "w") as f:
f.write(importGen() + classGen() + slotGen() + mainGen()) for i in wingapi.gApplication.GetCurrentFiles():
if ".ui" in i:
uiDict = readUi(i)
logUi(i, uiDict)
generatePy(i, uiDict) PyQt5_uic.contexts = [
PyQt5_rcc.contexts = [
PyQt5_pcq.contexts = [
import wingapi def split_horizontally():
wingapi.gApplication.ExecuteCommand("split-horizontally") def split_vertically():
wingapi.gApplication.ExecuteCommand("split-vertically") def join_all_split():
wingapi.gApplication.ExecuteCommand("unsplit") split_horizontally.contexts = [
split_vertically.contexts = [
join_all_split.contexts = [
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