coreutils 是GNU下的一个软件包,包含linux下的 ls等常用命令。这些命令的实现要依赖于shell程序。
例如,安装coreutils-6.7.tar.gz ,安装后,
[root@lee ~]# rpm -qi coreutils-5.2.1-32
Name : coreutils Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version : 5.2.1 Vendor: (none)
Release : 32 Build Date: 2006年07月13日 星期四 00时12分39秒
Install Date: 2007年03月15日 星期四 11时50分49秒 Build Host:
Group : System Environment/Base Source RPM: coreutils-5.2.1-32.src.rpm
Size : 8089056 License: GPL
Signature : (none)
Summary : The GNU core utilities: a set of tools commonly used in shell scripts
Description :
These are the GNU core utilities. This package is the combination of
the old GNU fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils packages.
1、文件套件 chgrp - Changes file group ownership.
chown - Changes file ownership.
chmod - Changes file permissions.
cp - Copies files.
dd - Copies and converts a file.
df - Shows disk free space on filesystems.
dir - Gives a brief directory listing.
dircolors - Setup program for the color output of GNU ls.
du - Shows disk usage on filesystems.
install - Copies file and sets its permissions.
ln - Creates file links.
ls - Lists directory contents.
mkdir - Creates directories.
mkfifo - Creates FIFOs (named pipes).
mknod - Creates special files.
mv - Moves files.
rm - Removes (deletes) files.
rmdir - Removes empty directories.
shred - Destroy data in files.
sync - Synchronizes filesystem buffers and disk.
touch - Changes file timestamps.
vdir - Long directory listing. 2、shell套件 [ - Check file types and compare values
basename - Removes the path prefix from a given pathname.
chroot - Changes the root directory.
date - Prints/sets the system date and time.
dirname - Removes the last level or filename from a given pathname.
echo - Prints a line of text.
env - Displays/modifies the environment.
expr - Evaluates expressions.
factor - Prints prime factors.
false - Returns an unsuccessful exit status.
groups - Print the groups that the user is a member of.
hostid - Print the numeric identifier for the current host
hostname - Print or set the machine name.
id - Print real/effective uid/gid.
logname - Print current login name.
nice - Modify scheduling priority.
nohup - Allows a command to continue running after logging out.
pathchk - Check file name portability.
pinky - Lightweight finger
printenv - Prints environment variables.
printf - Formats and prints data.
pwd - Print the current working directory.
seq - Print numeric sequences.
sleep - Suspends execution for a specified time.
stty - Print/change terminal settings.
su - Allows you to adopt the id of another user or superuser.
tee - Sends output to multiple files.
test - Evaluates an expression.
true - Returns a successful exit status.
tty - Print terminal name.
uname - Print system information.
users - Print current user names.
who - Print a list of all users currently logged in.
whoami - Print effective user id.
yes - Print a string repeatedly.
3、文本操作套件 cat - concatenate files and print to the standard output
cksum - checksum and count the bytes in a file
comm - compare two sorted files line by line
csplit - split a file into sections determined by context lines
cut - remove sections from each line of files
expand - convert tabs to spaces
fmt - simple optimal text formatter
fold - wrap each input line to fit in specified width
join - join lines of two files on a common field
md5sum - compute and check MD5 message digest
nl - number lines of files
od - dump files in octal and other formats
paste - merge lines of files
pr - convert text files for printing
ptx - produce a permuted index of file contents
sort - sort lines of text files
split - split a file into pieces
sum - checksum and count the blocks in a file
tac - concatenate and print files in reverse
tail - output the last part of files
tr - translate or delete characters
tsort - perform topological sort
unexpand - convert spaces to tabs
uniq - remove duplicate lines from a sorted file
wc - print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files
head - output the first part of files

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