

  1. 求出图的割边
  2. 在每个边双连通分量内Dfs,标记每个节点所属于的双连通分量编号
  3. 构建一新图Tree,一个节点代表一个双连通分量。原图中遍历割边,将割边连接的两个双连通分量在Tree中的对应节点连接。
  4. Tree中算出每个节点的度数,如果一节点度数为1,则其为叶子节点。输出(叶子节点数+1/2)。(连接了叶子节点,就形成了环,Tree中不连接叶子节点的边因为在环内,所以不再是割边了。)


#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std; #define LOOP(i, n) for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
const int MAX_NODE = 5010, MAX_EDGE = 10010 * 2; struct G {
struct Node;
struct Edge; struct Node {
int Id, DfsN, Low, InBlock, Degree;
Edge *Head;
}_nodes[MAX_NODE], *Root; struct Edge {
bool IsCut;
Node *From, *To;
Edge *Next, *Rev;
Edge(Node *from, Node *to, Edge *next):From(from),To(to),Next(next),IsCut(false){}
}*_edges[MAX_EDGE]; int _vCount, _eCount, DfsCnt, BlockCnt, LeafCnt; void Init() {
memset(_nodes, 0, sizeof(_nodes));
_vCount = _eCount = DfsCnt = LeafCnt = 0;
BlockCnt = 0;
} Edge *NewEdge() {
return _edges[_eCount] ? _edges[_eCount] : _edges[_eCount] = new Edge();
} Edge *AddEdge(Node *from, Node *to) {
Edge *e = NewEdge();
*e = Edge(from, to, from->Head);
from->Head = e;
return e;
} void Build(int uId, int vId, bool is2d) {
while (_vCount < uId || _vCount < vId)
Node *u = uId + _nodes, *v = vId + _nodes;
u->Id = uId;
v->Id = vId;
Edge *e1 = AddEdge(u, v);
if (is2d) {
Edge *e2 = AddEdge(v, u);
e1->Rev = e2;
e2->Rev = e1;
} void FindCutEdge(Node *u, Edge *Prev) {//易忘点:prev
if (u->DfsN)
u->DfsN = u->Low = ++DfsCnt;
for (Edge *e = u->Head; e; e = e->Next) {
if (!e->To->DfsN) {
FindCutEdge(e->To, e);
u->Low = min(u->Low, e->To->Low);
if (u->DfsN < e->To->Low)
e->IsCut = e->Rev->IsCut = true;//易忘点:e->Rev->IsCut
else if (e->Rev != Prev)
u->Low = min(u->Low, e->To->DfsN);
} void FindCutEdge() {
LOOP(i, _vCount) {//易忘点:图不一定连通,所以要循环。
Root = i + _nodes;
FindCutEdge(Root, NULL);
} void SetBlock(Node *u) {
u->InBlock = BlockCnt;
for (Edge *e = u->Head; e; e = e->Next)
if (!e->IsCut && !e->To->InBlock)
} void SetBlock() {
LOOP(i, _vCount) {
if (!_nodes[i].InBlock) {
SetBlock(i + _nodes);
void SetLeafCnt() {//此处比较有技巧,注意看看
LOOP(i, _eCount)
LOOP(i, _vCount)
if (_nodes[i].Degree <= 1)
}Org, Tree; int main() {
#ifdef _DEBUG
freopen("c:\\noi\\source\\input.txt", "r", stdin);
//freopen("c:\\noi\\source\\output.txt", "w", stdout);
int totNode, totEdge, uId, vId;
scanf("%d%d", &totNode, &totEdge);
LOOP(i, totEdge) {
scanf("%d%d", &uId, &vId);
Org.Build(uId, vId, true);
LOOP(i, Org._eCount)
if (Org._edges[i]->IsCut)
Tree.Build(Org._edges[i]->From->InBlock, Org._edges[i]->To->InBlock, false);
printf("%d\n", (Tree.LeafCnt + 1) / 2);
return 0;


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