- from flask import Flask, render_template, url_for, session, request, redirect
- app = Flask(__name__, template_folder="templates111", static_folder="jingtaimulu", static_url_path='/static') # √
- app.secret_key = "wang"
- def confirm(func):
- def inner(*args, **kwargs):
- if session.get('auth'):
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- else:
- next_url = request.path[1:]
- return redirect(url_for("login") + f"?next={next_url}")
- return inner
- @app.route('/', endpoint="index")
- @confirm
- def index():
- return "index"
- @app.route('/login', methods=["GET", "POST"])
- def login():
- msg = ""
- if request.method == "POST":
- auth = request.form.get("auth")
- if auth:
- session["auth"] = auth
- next_url = request.args.get("next", "index")
- return redirect(url_for(next_url))
- else:
- msg = "error"
- return render_template("login.html", msg=msg)
- @app.route('/shopping/', endpoint="shopping")
- def shopping():
- return "Shopping"
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- app.run(debug=True)
- class Flask(_PackageBoundObject)
- def __init__(
- self,
- import_name,
- static_url_path=None, # 静态文件的访问路径, 就相当于别名, 类似于django中的 {% load static %}, 资源的url开头就是这里指定的路径
- static_folder='static', # 静态文件目录的路径 默认当前项目中的static目录
- static_host=None, # 远程静态文件所用的Host地址, 如CDN的主机地址
- host_matching=False, # 是否开启host主机位匹配,是要与static_host一起使用,如果配置了static_host, 则必须赋值为True
- subdomain_matching=False, # 理论上来说是用来限制SERVER_NAME子域名的,但是目前还没有感觉出来区别在哪里
- template_folder='templates', # template模板目录, 默认当前项目中的 templates 目录
- instance_path=None, # 指向另一个Flask实例的路径
- instance_relative_config=False, # 是否加载另一个实例的配置
- root_path=None # 主模块所在的目录的绝对路径,默认项目目录
- Flask中的路由、实例化参数和config配置文件
Flask中的路由 endpoint 别名不能重复,对应的视图函数,默认是视图函数名.endpoint 才是路由的核心.视图函数与路由的对应关系.可以通过url_for 反向创建url # metho ...
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from flask import Flask,render_template,request from others import checkLogin app = Flask(__name__) ...
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