Lesson aim

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about restaurant food using verbs of perception and adjectives..

Lesson aim

By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to talk about restaurant food using verbs of perception and adjectives.

What's on the menue?

Describe your favourite dish

hotpot / steak / shrimps

smell / tast / appearance

cooking style = stir fry / grill / bake .


well done medium / rare

depends what you like

It's spicy and warming and filling. Good on a cold day!

It's yummy, delicious

shrimps are sweet and tasty.

verb = smell and taste


adjective = deicious and horrible.

The pizza was overcooked and unhealthy

The fish was fresh and healthy

The seafood soup tasted fresh and delicous

The chicken soup was nutritious and tasty.

Verbs of perception: smell, taste, look, feel

Adjectives to describe food: delicious/horrible; bland; undercooked/overcooked; healthy/unhealthy; fresh/stale

Restaurant courses: appetizer, main dish, dessert

Additional possible language might include:







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