Fabrice Bellard is a French computer programmer known for writing FFmpeg, QEMU, and the Tiny C Compiler and 许许多多别的。
gcd(long a, long b) {
long i;
i = a - b;
if (i == 0) return a;
else if (i > 0) return gcd(i, b);
else return gcd(a, -i);
tonum(long s) {
long n, i;
for (n = 0; ;s++) {
if ((i = *(char*)s) == 0) break;
n = n * 10 + (i - '0');
return n;
main() {
long i, j;
long ;
i = tonum("20"); j = tonum("24");
printf("%ld\n", gcd(i, j));
return 0;
- 数据类型只能用long. x64下int是32位,long和void*都是64位,x86下它们都是32位。所以以上程序(gcd.c)用gcc -m32,-m64,或默认,都能编译运行。
- gcd是Greatest Common Divisor (最大公约数)的缩写。
// Adapted from otccelfn.c (written by Fabrice Bellard)
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned uint; ///////////////////////// lexer ////////////////////////////
FILE* srcfp;
struct opr {
uint code;
int ws; // weird stuff
char ch, ch2;
} oprs[] = { // https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/language/operator_precedence
{ 0x1, 11, '+', '+' },
{ 0xff, 11, '-', '-' },
{ 0x1, 10, '|', '|' },
{ 0x0, 9, '&', '&' },
{ 0xc809, 8, '|' },
{ 0xc831, 7, '^' },
{ 0xc821, 6, '&' },
{ 0x4, 5, '=', '=' },
{ 0x5, 5, '!', '=' },
{ 0xe, 4, '<', '=' },
{ 0xd, 4, '>', '=' },
{ 0xc, 4, '<' },
{ 0xf, 4, '>' },
{ 0xe0d391, 3, '<', '<' },
{ 0xd391, 3, '>', '>' },
{ 0xc801, 2, '+' },
{ 0xd8f7c829, 2, '-' }, // f7 d8 is neg %eax; 29 c8 is sub %ecx,%eax
{ 0xd0f7, 2, '~' },
{ 0x4, 2, '!' },
{ 0xc1af0f, 1, '*' }, // 0f af c1 imul %ecx, %eax
{ 0xf9f79991, 1, '/' },
{ 0xf9f79991, 1, '%' },
{ 0x0, 0, '*' }, // typecast
typedef map<string, int> Str2N;
Str2N keywords;
struct Symbols {
vector<int> addr; // address = [id]
Str2N str2n; // id = [name]
int add(const string& name) {
int id;
Str2N::const_iterator p = str2n.find(name);
if (p == str2n.end()) { str2n[name] = id = addr.size(); addr.push_back(0); }
else id = p->second;
return id;
int& operator[](int id) { return addr[id]; }
int& operator[](const string& name) { return addr[str2n[name]]; }
} symbols;
char _ch;
int tk, tkval, tkws; string tkstr; inline bool is_alnum(int c) { return c == '_' || isalnum(c); } inline int read_char() { return _ch = getc(srcfp); } int read_char_unesc() {
if (_ch != '\\') return _ch;
if (read_char() == 'n') return _ch = '\n';
else assert("unknown escape");
return 0;
} void read_token() { // _ch should already be read
tk = tkval = tkws = 0; tkstr = ""; // clear token
while (isspace(_ch)) read_char(); // skip white spaces
if (is_alnum(_ch)) {
do tkstr += _ch; while (is_alnum(read_char()));
if (isdigit(tkstr[0])) { tk = T_NUM; tkval = atoi(tkstr.c_str()); return; } // NUMBER
Str2N::iterator p = keywords.find(tkstr);
if (p != keywords.end()) { tk = p->second; return; } // KEYWORD
tk = T_SYMBOL; tkval = symbols.add(tkstr); return; // SYMBOL
char c = _ch; read_char(); // check two chars: c, _ch
if (c == '\'') { // '0' ' ' etc
tk = T_NUM; // they are also numbers, e.g ' ' is 32
tkstr = tkval = read_char_unesc();
if (read_char() != '\'') assert("'\'' expected");
read_char(); return; // NUMBER
tkstr = tk = c;
for (const opr* p = oprs; p < &oprs[sizeof(oprs) / sizeof(oprs[0])]; ++p) {
if (p->ch == c && (p->ch2 == _ch || !p->ch2)) {
tkval = p->code; tkws = p->ws;
if (p->ch2 == _ch) { tk = T_DOUBLE; tkstr += _ch; read_char(); return; } // ++ -- == etc
// ( ) + * and so on. parser handles strings
} int next_tk() {
return tk;
if (tk == EOF) printf("EOF\n");
else if (tk == T_NUM) printf("%d\n", tkval);
else if (tk == T_DOUBLE) printf("%s\n", tkstr.c_str());
else if (tk >= T_SYMBOL) printf(".%d `%s'\n", tkval, tkstr.c_str());
else if (tk >= T_INT) printf("%s\n", tkstr.c_str());
else printf("%c\n", tk);
return tk;
} #define curr_must_be(c) (assert(tk == c), next_tk())
#define next_must_be(c) (assert(next_tk() == c), next_tk()) ///////////////////////// yacc/yuck? :-) ////////////////////////////
#define STARTUP_CODE_SIZE 7 // startup code calls main and then exit
#define FIRST_GLOBAL_VAR_ADDR 4 // don't use 0 -- what about NULL?
#define DATA_SECTION_START 0x6800 // loader puts the data section here
byte code[4096], data[4096];
uint code_end = STARTUP_CODE_SIZE, data_end = FIRST_GLOBAL_VAR_ADDR; void modify32(uint i, int n) { // code[i] = n; little endian
byte* p = code + i; *p = n; p[1] = n >> 8; p[2] = n >> 16; p[3] = n >> 24;
} void out_4(uint n) {
byte* p = code + code_end;
*p = n; p[1] = n >> 8; p[2] = n >> 16; p[3] = n >> 24;
code_end += 4;
} void out_vl(uint n) { for (;n;n >>= 8) code[code_end++] = n; } // variable length uint gen(uint a, uint n) { out_vl(a); uint r = code_end; out_4(n); return r; } void gen_load_imm(uint x) { gen(0xb8, x); } // b8 xx xx xx xx mov $0x0,%eax inline uint gen_jmp(uint to) { return gen(0xe9, to); } void patch_jmp(uint i) {
while (i) { // it's a chain!
const byte* p = code + i;
uint next = *p | (p[1] << 8) | (p[2] << 16) | (p[3] << 24);
modify32(i, code_end - i - 4);
i = next;
} uint gen_je_or_jne(int i, int to) { // i: 0=je, 1=jne
out_vl(0x0fc085); // 85 c0 test %eax, %eax; 0f 84 xx xx xx xx je
return gen(0x84 + i, to);
} void gen_cmp(int i) {
out_vl(0xc139); // 39 c1 cmp %eax,%ecx
out_vl(0xc031); // 31 c0 xor %eax, %eax
out_vl(0x0f); // 0f 94 c0 sete %al ; set_if_equal
out_vl(0x90 + i); // 0f 9f c0 setg %al ; set_if_greater
out_vl(0xc0); // 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
} // 83 85 08 00 00 00 01 addl $0x1,0x8(%ebp)
// 89 85 fc ff ff ff mov %eax,-0x4(%ebp
// 8b 85 08 00 00 00 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax
// 8d 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2006/readings/i386/LEA.htm
void gen_add_mov_lea(int i, int addr) { out_vl(i + 0x83); gen(0x85, addr); } int ret_point, local;
void _expr(int);
#define do_expr() _expr(11) // 11 is ++ and -- // deal with i= a- b; i== 0) i> gcd( i, b) a, -i and so on
void do_2_tokens(bool do_assign) {
if (tk == '\"') { // string
gen_load_imm(DATA_SECTION_START + data_end);
while (_ch != '\"') { read_char_unesc(); data[data_end++] = _ch; read_char(); }
data[data_end] = 0;
data_end = (data_end + 4) & ~3; // align heap -4=~3
read_char(), next_tk(); return;
} // save useful information of current token before calling next_tk
int saddr = (tk == T_SYMBOL) ? symbols[tkval] : 0;
int tt = tk; // token ype
int tkv = tkval; // token value
int ws = tkws;
string tks = tkstr;
//printf("2 tokens: %s%s\n", tks.c_str(), tkstr.c_str()); if (tt == T_NUM) gen_load_imm(tkv);
else if (ws == 2) { // + - ! ~
gen(0xb9, 0); // movl $0, %ecx
if (tt == '!') // e.g. !i, to know !i is to know whether i equals 0
gen_cmp(tkv); // that is to compare i and 0, and that's substraction
else out_vl(tkv);
} else if (tt == '(') { do_expr(); curr_must_be(')'); }
else if (tt == '*') { // typecast e.g. *(char*)
curr_must_be('('), next_tk(), next_tk(); curr_must_be(')');
if (tk == '=') {
out_vl(0x50); // push %eax
out_vl(0x59); // pop %ecx
out_vl(0x0188 + (tt == T_SYMBOL)); // movl %eax/%al, (%ecx)
} else if (tt) {
if (tt == T_INT) out_vl(0x8b); // mov (%eax), %eax
else { out_vl(0xbe0f); code[code_end++] = 0; } // movsbl (%eax),%eax
} else if (tt == '&') { // lea imm(%ebp) %eax
gen_add_mov_lea(10, saddr); next_tk();
else if (tk == '(') { // function call
int subesp = gen(0xec81, 0); // 81 ec 00 00 00 00 sub $0, %esp (to be modified)
int i = 0; for (;tk != ')'; i += 4) {
do_expr(); gen(0x248489, i); // 89 84 24 xx xx xx xx movl %eax, xxx(%esp)
if (tk == ',') next_tk();
modify32(subesp, i); // modify jmp sub $xxx, %esp
gen(0xe8, saddr - code_end - 5); // call
if (i) gen(0xc481, i); // add $xxx, %esp
else if (tk == '=' && do_assign) {
next_tk(); do_expr(); gen_add_mov_lea(6, saddr); // mov %eax, effective_address
} else if (tk != '(') { // variable
gen_add_mov_lea(8, saddr); /* mov EA, %eax */
if (tkws == 11) { // ++ -- tkval is instruction
gen_add_mov_lea(0, saddr); out_vl(tkval); next_tk();
} void _expr(int what) {
if (what-- == 1) { do_2_tokens(true); return; } // * / %
uint pos = 0;
int tkv = tkval;
if (what == tkws) {
int tt = tk; next_tk();
if (what > 8) { // && || -- ++
pos = gen_je_or_jne(tkv, pos); _expr(what);
} else {
out_vl(0x50); _expr(what); out_vl(0x59); // push %eax; eval; pop %ecx
if (what == 4 || what == 5) gen_cmp(tkv); // > < >= <= != ==
else { // << >> + - ~
// _expr(2) - _expr(1) - do_2_tokens(true), then here
if (tt == '%') out_vl(0x92); // xchg %edx, %eax
if (pos && what > 8) { // && ||
pos = gen_je_or_jne(tkv, pos);
gen_load_imm(tkv ^ 1);
gen_jmp(5); // jmp $ + 5
} uint do_test_expr() { do_expr(); return gen_je_or_jne(0, 0); } // je 00 00 00 00 void do_block(uint* plevel) {
uint pos, p2, p3, tt;
if (tk == T_IF) {
next_must_be('('); pos = do_test_expr(); curr_must_be(')');
if (tk == T_ELSE) {
next_tk(); p2 = gen_jmp(0); patch_jmp(pos);
do_block(plevel); patch_jmp(p2);
else patch_jmp(pos);
else if (tk == T_WHILE || tk == T_FOR) {
tt = tk; next_must_be('(');
if (tt == T_WHILE) { p2 = code_end; pos = do_test_expr(); }
else { // for (i=0; i<9; i++) {}
if (tk != ';') do_expr(); // for (;i<9 ...
p2 = code_end; pos = 0;
if (tk != ';') pos = do_test_expr(); // for(;;i++ ...
if (tk != ')') { // for(;;i++)
p3 = gen_jmp(0);
gen_jmp(p2 - code_end - 5); patch_jmp(p3);
p2 = p3 + 4;
gen_jmp(p2 - code_end - 5); patch_jmp(pos);
else if (tk == '{') { // declaration
for (next_tk(); tk == T_INT;) { // int i; int j, k;
for (next_tk(); tk == T_SYMBOL;) {
symbols[tkval] = -(local += 4);
if (next_tk() == ',') next_tk();
curr_must_be(';'); // TODO: `int ;'
while(tk != '}') do_block(plevel);
else {
if (tk == T_RETURN) {
if (next_tk() != ';') do_expr();
ret_point = gen_jmp(ret_point);
else if (tk == T_BREAK) { next_tk(); *plevel = gen_jmp(*plevel); }
else if (tk != ';') do_expr();
} void do_func() {
symbols[tkval] = code_end; // put function address
int n = 8; // stack: LOW ... ebp ret_addr params HIGH
while (tk != ')') { // read param name and compute offset
assert(tk == T_SYMBOL); symbols[tkval] = n; n += 4;
if (next_tk() == ',') next_tk();
} next_tk();
out_vl(0xe58955); // 55 push %ebp; 89 e5 mov %esp, %ebp
uint pos = gen(0xec81, 0); // sub imm, %esp
ret_point = local = 0; do_block(0);
out_vl(0xc3c9); // c9 leave; c3 ret
modify32(pos, local); // save local variables
} void save_bin_files() {
FILE* fp;
fp = fopen("data.bin", "wb"); fwrite((void*)data, 1, data_end, fp); fclose(fp);
int csize = code_end; code_end = 0; // add the startup code
out_vl(0xe8); out_4(symbols["main"] - 5); // e8 xx xx xx xx call
out_vl(0x80cd); // int $0x80
fp = fopen("code.bin", "wb"); fwrite((void*)code, 1, csize, fp); fclose(fp);
} int main() {
srcfp = fopen("gcd.c", "rt"); assert(srcfp);
Str2N& kw = keywords; kw["long"]=T_INT; kw["if"]=T_IF; kw["else"]=T_ELSE;
kw["while"]=T_WHILE; kw["for"]=T_FOR; kw["break"]=T_BREAK; kw["return"]=T_RETURN;
read_char(), next_tk(); // parser wants a token; lexer wants a char
while (tk != EOF) do_func();
fclose(srcfp), save_bin_files();
return 0;
编译器里:srcfp = fopen("gcd.c", "rt"); assert(srcfp); 这当然很好改了。
编译器的输出是code.bin和data.bin,也写死了,也好改。code.bin里是x86 32位机器码,在Linux下,可用objdump反汇编查看:
objdump -b binary -m i386 -D code.bin
0: e8 18 00 00 00 call 0x1d
5: cd 80 int $0x80
7: 55 push %ebp
8: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
a: 81 ec 00 00 00 00 sub $0x0,%esp
10: b8 03 00 00 00 mov $0x3,%eax
15: 89 85 08 00 00 00 mov %eax,0x8(%ebp)
1b: c9 leave
1c: c3 ret
1d: 55 push %ebp
1e: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
20: 81 ec 04 00 00 00 sub $0x4,%esp
26: b8 04 00 00 00 mov $0x4,%eax
2b: 89 85 fc ff ff ff mov %eax,-0x4(%ebp)
31: 81 ec 04 00 00 00 sub $0x4,%esp
37: 8b 85 fc ff ff ff mov -0x4(%ebp),%eax
3d: 89 84 24 00 00 00 00 mov %eax,0x0(%esp)
44: e8 be ff ff ff call 0x7
49: 81 c4 04 00 00 00 add $0x4,%esp
4f: c9 leave
50: c3 ret
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned char byte; byte mem[65536];
void load(int i) {
FILE* fp = fopen(i ? "data.bin" : "code.bin", "rb");
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); int n = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
fread(mem + i, 1, n, fp); fclose(fp);
int r32(byte* p) { return *p | (p[1] << 8) | (p[2] << 16) | (p[3] << 24); } // little endian
int r32(int a) { return r32(mem + a); }
void w32(int a, int v) { *((int*)&mem[a]) = v; } int reg[16];
#define eax reg[0]
#define ecx reg[2]
#define edx reg[3]
#define res reg[10]
#define eip reg[11]
#define ebp reg[14]
#define esp reg[15]
void set_al(int c) { eax = (eax & 0xffffff00) | (c ? 1 : 0); } void print() {
printf("%3x: %2x | ax %8x cx %8x dx %4x bp %4x sp %4x | -4: ", eip, mem[eip], eax, ecx, edx, ebp, esp);
for (int j = esp - 4; j < esp + 12; j++) printf(mem[j] ? "%02x " : " ", mem[j]);
void quit() { printf("Press Enter to quit."); getchar(); exit(0); }
#define _(i) break; int main() {
load(0), load(0x6800);
for (esp = 65532;;) {
int oip = eip, i, j;
byte op = mem[eip], *p = &mem[eip];
switch (op) {
case 0x01: eax += ecx; eip += 2; _(add %ecx %eax)
case 0x0f:
if (p[1] == 0x84) { eip += 6; if (res == 0) eip += r32(p+2); }
else if (p[1] == 0x9f) { set_al(res > 0); eip += 3; }
else if (p[1] == 0x94) { set_al(res == 0); eip += 3; }
else if (p[1] == 0xaf) { eax *= ecx; eip += 3; }
else if (p[1] == 0xbe) { eax = char(mem[eax]); eip += 3; }
case 0x29: eax -= ecx; eip += 2; _(sub %ecx %eax)
case 0x31: eax ^= eax; eip += 2; _(xor %eax %eax)
case 0x39: res = ecx - eax; eip += 2; _(cmp %eax %ecx)
case 0x50: w32(esp -= 4, eax); ++eip; _(push %eax)
case 0x55: w32(esp -= 4, ebp); ++eip; _(push %ebp)
case 0x59: ecx = r32(esp); esp += 4; ++eip; _(pop %ecx)
case 0x81:
if (p[1] == 0xec) { esp -= r32(p+2); eip += 6; }
else if (p[1] == 0xc4) { esp += r32(p+2); eip += 6; }
case 0x83: i = r32(p+2)+ebp; w32(i, r32(i)+p[6]); eip += 7; _(addl imm imm(%ebp))
case 0x85: res = eax & eax; eip += 2; _(test %eax %eax)
case 0x89:
if (p[1] == 0xe5) { ebp = esp; eip += 2; } // mov %esp,%ebp
else if (p[1] == 0x84) { w32(esp + r32(p+3), eax); eip += 7; } // mov %eax,imm(%esp)
else if (p[1] == 0x85) { w32(ebp + r32(p+2), eax); eip += 6; } // mov %eax,imm(%ebp)
case 0x8b:
if (p[1] == 0x85) { eax = r32(ebp + r32(p+2)); eip += 6; } // mov imm(%ebp),%eax
case 0x8d: eax = r32(p+2) + ebp; eip += 6; _(lea imm(%ebp) %eax)
case 0x91: i = eax; eax = ecx; ecx = i; ++eip; _(xchg %eax %ecx)
case 0x92: i = eax; eax = edx; edx = i; ++eip; _(xchg %eax %edx)
// cltd converts the signed long in EAX to a signed double long in EDX:EAX
case 0x99: edx = (eax < 0) ? -1 : 0; ++eip; _(cltd)
case 0xb8: eax = r32(p+1); eip += 5; _(mov imm %eax)
case 0xb9: ecx = r32(p+1); eip += 5; _(mov imm %ecx)
case 0xc3: { eip = r32(esp); esp += 4; } _(ret)
case 0xc9: { ebp = r32(esp = ebp); esp += 4; ++eip;} _(leave)
case 0xcd: quit();
case 0xe8:
eip += 5; // return to next instruction
j = eip + (i = r32(p + 1));
// callee: stack: LOW local_vars ebp ret_addr param1 param2 HIGH
// caller: sub $8, %esp; movl %eax, 0(%esp); movl %eax, 4(%esp); add $8, %esp
// cdecl: caller cleans stack; fastcall, pascal, WINAPI
if (!j) puts(""), printf((char*)&mem[r32(esp)], r32(esp + 4)), puts("");
else { w32(esp -= 4, eip); eip += i; }
case 0xe9: eip += 5 + r32(p + 1); _(jmp)
case 0xf7:
if (p[1] == 0xd8) eax = -eax; // neg %eax
else if (p[1] == 0xf9 && ecx) { edx = eax % ecx; eax /= ecx; } // idiv %ecx
eip += 2; break;
if (oip == eip) quit();
return 0;
205: e8 | ax 4 cx 0 dx 0 bp fff4 sp ffe4 | -4: 18 0c 68 04 18 +c 4 20a: 81 | ax 4 cx 0 dx 0 bp fff4 sp ffe4 | -4: 18 0c 68 04 18 +c
210: b8 | ax 4 cx 0 dx 0 bp fff4 sp ffec | -4: 04 18 14 +c
215: e9 | ax 0 cx 0 dx 0 bp fff4 sp ffec | -4: 04 18 14 +c
21a: c9 | ax 0 cx 0 dx 0 bp fff4 sp ffec | -4: 04 18 14 +c
21b: c3 | ax 0 cx 0 dx 0 bp 0 sp fff8 | -4: 05 +c
5: cd | ax 0 cx 0 dx 0 bp 0 sp fffc | -4: 05 +c
以上代码都既可以用Visual C++ 6,也可以用gcc/g++ version 10.2.1 20210110编译。
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这里不会将UML的各种元素都提到,我只想讲讲类图中各个类之间的关系: 能看懂类图中各个类之间的线条.箭头代表什么意思后,也就足够应对 日常的工作和交流: 同时,我们应该能将类图所表达的含义和最终的代码 ...
- [转]看懂ExtJS的API
原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/youring2/archive/2013/03/05/2944004.html ExtJS的功能很强大,相应的其API也很庞大,并且看起来并不 ...
- 看懂UML类图与时序图
看懂UML类图和时序图 这里不会将UML的各种元素都提到,我只想讲讲类图中各个类之间的关系: 能看懂类图中各个类之间的线条.箭头代表什么意思后,也就足够应对 日常的工作和交流: 同时,我们应该能将类图 ...
- XSS-Game
很简单的弹窗<script>alert(1)</script> 过滤了>.& ...
- 分支结构之二:switch-case
1.格式 switch(表达式){case 常量1: 执行语句1; //break; case 常量2: 执行语句2; //break; ... default: 执行语句n; //break; } ...
- 解决在vue中设置的height: 100%没有效果
在新的页面设置height无效果的时候.需要改动App这个文件的heigth 解决办法.给app这个盒子设置高度.默认情况下为0 设置高度100%时,div的高度会等同于其父元素的高度.而上面中id为 ...
- Spring Retry 重试
重试的使用场景比较多,比如调用远程服务时,由于网络或者服务端响应慢导致调用超时,此时可以多重试几次.用定时任务也可以实现重试的效果,但比较麻烦,用Spring Retry的话一个注解搞定所有.话不多说 ...
- MQTT+esp32+nodered+springboot 智能家居项目 -- 项目准备
1.后台系环境:idea jdk8.0以上 maven tomcat spring boot 2.前端环境 nodejs nodered 3.硬件环境: audrion esp32 ...
- 部署owncloud连接ladp迁移数据
定期 清理日志 echo '' > /var/www/html/data/owncloud.log 查询 用户 的 ldap 语句 (|(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(o ...
- NC 使用Nginx实现https的反向代理
summary: [通过Nginx实现NCC的https访问,并解决UClient应用的问题] 1 概述 通过Nginx 安装配置反向代理,实现NC.NCC的https访问. 本文以NCC2005为例 ...
- nsenter命令简介
nsenter命令是一个可以在指定进程的命令空间下运行指定程序的命令.它位于util-linux包中. 用途 一个最典型的用途就是进入容器的网络命令空间.相当多的容器为了轻量级,是不包含较为基础的命令 ...
- Kubernetes核心技术-Controller
Kubernetes核心技术-Controller 内容 什么是Controller Pod和Controller的关系 Deployment控制器应用场景Deployment控制器应用 yaml文件 ...
- 【lvgl】01-lvgl移植之在linux上跑
目录 前言 linux安装SDL2 官方推荐 移植lvgl v8.0 目录框架 拉取lvgl 添加lv_conf.h和lv_drv_conf.h配置文件 lv_conf.h lv_drv_conf.h ...