

IDEA Plugin EduTools

是一个非常出色的培训工具,具备在IDE中学习,能够通过单元测试验证正确错误,能够设置用户输入的地方,能够空缺位置让用户输入,有插件版本,还可以提供Web平台,可以在线选择课程,可以课程分享和制作课程,我最早是通过Kotlin 的 koans学习平台接触到这个功能,发现确实异常的先进,发现可以用在其他的地方,很遗憾只有IDEA的版本,没有vscode的版本


IDEA EduTools Plugin Learning Cause的更多相关文章

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    Machine and Deep Learning with Python Education Tutorials and courses Supervised learning superstiti ...

  2. Learning Puppet — Resource Ordering

    Learning Puppet — Resource Ordering Learn about dependencies and refresh events, manage the relation ...

  3. Learning Puppet — Manifests

    Begin In a text editor — vim, emacs, or nano — create a file with the following contents and filenam ...

  4. gvim work notes.. a few days' work on 64bit vim and plugin compilations

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  5. Ultimate guide to learning AngularJS in one day

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  6. [Javascript AST] 0. Introduction: Write a simple BabelJS plugin

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  7. How to add Facebook’s Customer Chat Plugin to your website

    How to add Facebook’s Customer Chat Plugin to your website By Gerardo Salandra  Do you need a live c ...

  8. New Machine Learning Server for Deep Learning in Nuke(翻译)

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  9. AMD - Learning JavaScript Design Patterns [Book] - O'Reilly

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  10. Jenkins 安装的HTML Publisher Plugin 插件无法展示ant生成的JunitReport报告

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  1. pytorch学习笔记二之自动差分引擎

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  2. PostgreSQL Repmgr集群

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