PLSQL 新建普通用户




--create user 用户名 identified by 密码
create user scott identified by luckily
grant connect to scott;
grant resource to scott;



2、输入命令:sqlplus /nolog

3、输入命令:conn /as sysdba

4、输入命令:alter user 要修改的用户名 identified by 新的密码;

select *from emp
  select empno from emp
  select empno,job from emp
  select empno 员工编号,job as 工作, ename as "员工姓名" from emp
  --连接符: select 字段名||‘字符’||字段名 ... from 表名
  select empno||'的姓名是'||ename as "信息" from emp
  --去除重复:select distinct 字段名 from 表名
  select distinct job from emp
  --排序:desc 降序 asc 升序
  select *from emp order by empno desc --单字段排序
  select *from emp order by empno,job asc --多字段排序
  select empno,ename,sal*2+1000 from emp
  select empno,ename,sal*2+1000,sal+comm from emp

    select *from emp where sal > 500
    --between and (查询900-2000的数据)
    select *from emp where sal between 900 and 2000
    --in (要么等于多少,要么等于多少)
    select *from emp where sal in(800,1600)
    select *from emp where ename like '%a'
    --is null(查询为null的数据)
  select *from emp where job is null
  --逻辑运算符:AND与 OR或 NOT非
  select *from emp where sal<800 or sal>1500
--关联查询(需要两张表,left on)
--统计函数:count总数 max最大 min最小 avg平均
select count(*)from emp where sal>800 --统计工资高于800的人数
select max(sal),min(sal) from emp where deptno = 20 --统计deptno里为20的sal最大最小值
select avg(sal) from emp --sal的平均值
select avg(sal),deptno from emp --统计deptno里的平均值
group by deptno
select avg(sal),deptno from emp
group by deptno
having avg(sal)>2000 --统计大于2000的平均值
select count(*)from emp where sal>
select sal from emp where ename = 'SMITH'
select *from emp where rownum <= 5 --查询五条数据
select *from
select *from(select *from emp order by sal desc)
where rownum<=5 --查询薪水最高的五条记录

create table hero(
id number,
name varchar2(100),
hp number,
mp number,
speed number,
sex char(4),
birth date,
uskill varchar2(100)

insert into hero values(001,'流浪法师',500,500,365,'男','08-4月-2005','曲径折跃');
insert into hero values(002,'战争之王',530,580,385,'男','18-9月-2008','大荒星陨');
insert into hero values(003,'弗拉基米尔',523,0,395,'男',to_date('2000-09-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),'鲜血潮汐');
insert into hero values(004,'拉克丝',500,600,309,'女','19-2月-2010','终极闪光');
insert into hero values(005,'虚空恐惧',600,570,378,'女','22-10月-2012','盛宴');
select *from hero
update hero set birth = to_date('2000-09-01','yyyy-mm-dd') where id = 3;
delete from hero where id = 5;
--舍去表:truncate table hero
--增加新的一列:alter table hero add (kills number)
--修改列:alter table hero modify(name varchar2(300))
--删除列:alter table hero drop column kills
--删除表:drop table 表名

唯一约束 unique 不可重复 
非空约束 not null 不能为空必须制定值 
主键约束 primary key 通常是给id使用的,同时具备了unique和not null约束 
外键约束 foreign key



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