1. TCP Server

The server’s job is to set up an endpoint for clients to connect to and passively wait for connections.

The typical TCP server goes through two steps:

1. Construct a TcpListener instance, specifying the local address and port, and call the Start() method.

This socket listens for incoming connections on the specified port.

2. Repeatedly:
■ Call the AcceptTcpClient() method of TcpListener to get the next incoming
   client connection. Upon establishment of a new client connection, an instance of
   TcpClient for the new connection is created and returned by the AcceptTcp-
   Client() call.
■ Communicate with the client using the Read() and Write() methods of TcpClient’s
■ Close the new client socket connection and stream using the Close() methods of
   NetworkStream and TcpClient.


using System; // For Console, Int32, ArgumentException, Environment
using System.Net; // For IPAddress
using System.Net.Sockets; // For TcpListener, TcpClient class TcpEchoServer
private const int BUFSIZE = ; // Size of receive buffer static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length > ) // Test for correct # of args
throw new ArgumentException("Parameters: [<Port>]"); int servPort = (args.Length == ) ? Int32.Parse(args[]): ; TcpListener listener = null; try
// Create a TCPListener to accept client connections
listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, servPort);
catch (SocketException se)
Console.WriteLine(se.ErrorCode + ": " + se.Message);
} byte[] rcvBuffer = new byte[BUFSIZE]; // Receive buffer
int bytesRcvd; // Received byte count for (;;)
// Run forever, accepting and servicing connections
TcpClient client = null;
NetworkStream netStream = null;
client = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); // Get client connection
netStream = client.GetStream();
Console.Write("Handling client - "); // Receive until client closes connection, indicated by 0 return value
int totalBytesEchoed = ;
while ((bytesRcvd = netStream.Read(rcvBuffer, , rcvBuffer.Length)) > )
netStream.Write(rcvBuffer, , bytesRcvd);
totalBytesEchoed += bytesRcvd;
Console.WriteLine("echoed {0} bytes.", totalBytesEchoed); // Close the stream and socket. We are done with this client!
catch (Exception e)

The TcpListener listens for client connection requests on the port specified in the constructor.

Be careful to use a port that is not in use by another application, or a SocketException will be thrown.

Loop forever, iteratively handling incoming connections.

Receive and repeat data until the client closes.

Close the client stream and socket.


using System; // For String, Int32, Console, ArgumentException
using System.Text; // For Encoding
using System.IO; // For IOException
using System.Net.Sockets; // For TcpClient, NetworkStream, SocketException class TcpEchoClient
static void Main(string[] args)
if ((args.Length < ) || (args.Length > ))
// Test for correct # of args
throw new ArgumentException("Parameters: <Server> <Word> [<Port>]");
} String server = args[]; // Server name or IP address // Convert input String to bytes
byte[] byteBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(args[]); // Use port argument if supplied, otherwise default to 7
int servPort = (args.Length == ) ? Int32.Parse(args[]) : ; TcpClient client = null;
NetworkStream netStream = null; try
// Create socket that is connected to server on specified port
client = new TcpClient(server, servPort);
Console.WriteLine("Connected to server... sending echo string");
netStream = client.GetStream(); // Send the encoded string to the server
netStream.Write(byteBuffer, , byteBuffer.Length);
Console.WriteLine("Sent {0} bytes to server...", byteBuffer.Length);
int totalBytesRcvd = ; // Total bytes received so far
int bytesRcvd = ; // Bytes received in last read // Receive the same string back from the server
while (totalBytesRcvd < byteBuffer.Length)
if ((bytesRcvd = netStream.Read(byteBuffer, totalBytesRcvd, byteBuffer.Length - totalBytesRcvd)) == )
Console.WriteLine("Connection closed prematurely.");
totalBytesRcvd += bytesRcvd;
Console.WriteLine("Received {0} bytes from server: {1}", totalBytesRcvd,
Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteBuffer, , totalBytesRcvd));
catch (Exception e)

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