
-- =============================================
-- DatabaseName: WelfareSystem
-- remark: 福利发放系统
-- author: YuanBo
-- date: 09:51 2013-03-26
-- =============================================

1.A,数据库关系图(Database Diagram) 返回顶部
1.B,数据库设计脚本(Database Design Script)返回顶部


use master
-- =============================================
-- DatabaseName: WelfareSystem
-- remark: 福利发放系统
-- author: YuanBo
-- date: 09:51 2013-03-26
-- =============================================
FROM master..sysdatabases
WHERE name = N'WelfareSystem')
use WelfareSystem go
-- =============================================
-- ylb:1,部门表
-- =============================================
create table Department
departmentId int primary key identity(100,1), --编号【PK】
departmentName varchar(100) --部门名称
) go
-- =============================================
-- ylb:2,员工表
-- =============================================
create table Employee
employeeId int primary key identity(1001,1), --编号【PK】
[id] char(18), --身份证号
username varchar(40), --姓名
sex char(6) check(sex='男'or sex='女'),--性别
cardNo char(22), --银行卡号
hireDate datetime, --受雇日期
departmentId int, --部门编号
state char(8) --员工性质(正式内,正式入,中心版)
--select employeeId,[id],username,sex,cardNo,hireDate,departmentId,state,ToRegularDate from Employee go
-- =============================================
-- ylb:2.2,员工子女表
-- =============================================
create table Children
childrenId int primary key identity(1001,1), --编号【PK】
[id] char(18), --身份证号
username varchar(20), --姓名
sex char(6) check(sex='男'or sex='女'),--性别
birthdate datetime, --出生日期
multipleBirths varchar(20), --多胞胎 单保胎,多保胎
howManyChild varchar(20), --第一胎,第二胎,第三胎...
employeeId int --员工编号
-- =============================================
-- ylb:3.1,项目表
-- =============================================
create table Project
projectId int primary key identity(100,1), --编号【PK】
projectName varchar(100), --项目名称
salary money, --福利金额
type char(20) --发放形式(一次性发放,多次性发放)
---- =============================================
---- ylb:3.2,项目年度发放表
---- =============================================
--create table ProjectAnnualIssue
--projectAnnualIssueId int primary key identity(1,1), --编号【PK】
--pubdate datetime, --发放日期
--projectId int --项目编号【FK】
-- =============================================
-- ylb:3.2,项目年度发放表
-- =============================================
create table ProjectAnnualIssue
projectAnnualIssueId int primary key identity(1,1), --编号【PK】
pubdate datetime, --发放日期
projectId int, --项目编号【FK】
projectName varchar(100), --项目名称
total money, --发放金额
baseId int default(-1), -- 上级编号 -1:代表无上级
remark varchar(100), --摘要,即描述
number int --发放人数
) go
-- =============================================
-- ylb:4,金额发放表
-- =============================================
create table AmountIssuing
amountIssuingId int primary key identity(1,1), --编号【PK】
employeeId int, --员工编号【FK】
departmentId int, --部门编号【FK】
departmentName varchar(20), --部门名称
projectId int, --项目编号【FK】
salary money, --发放金额【单个项目|一系列项目总额】
pubdate datetime --发放日期
) print'福利发放系统创建成功!' select amountIssuingId,employeeId,departmentId,departmentName,projectId,salary,pubdate from AmountIssuing


use WelfareSystem
alter table Project
alter column [type] varchar(20) alter table Employee
alter column [id] varchar(30) alter table Employee
alter column cardNo varchar(30) alter table Employee
alter column state varchar(8)
alter table Employee
alter column isRent varchar(20) alter table Employee
alter column sex varchar(6) --注意检查约束 alter table Employee
alter column toRegularDate varchar(20) --把允许为空的日期类型换成字符串修饰符 alter table Employee
alter column hireDate varchar(20) --把允许为空的日期类型换成字符串修饰符 alter table Children
alter column sex varchar(6) alter table Children
alter column isOnlyChild varchar(10) --begin-去除原先Char修饰符产生的多余空格
select employeeId,SUBSTRING([id],1,len([id])) from Employee where employeeId=1404 update Project set [type]= SUBSTRING([type],1,len([type]))
update Employee set [id]= SUBSTRING([id],1,len([id])),cardNo=SUBSTRING([cardNo],1,len([cardNo]))
,isRent=SUBSTRING([isRent],1,len([isRent])),toRegularDate=SUBSTRING([toRegularDate],1,len([toRegularDate])) go
update Children set [sex]= SUBSTRING([sex],1,len([sex])),isOnlyChild=SUBSTRING([isOnlyChild],1,len([isOnlyChild])) --end-去除原先Char修饰符产生的多余空格 --2,
update WelfareSystem.dbo.Children set howManyChild='第一胎' where isOnlychild='' or isOnlychild is null
update WelfareSystem.dbo.Children set howManyChild='非第一胎' where isOnlychild='' --3,移除“身份帐号”
alter table Children
drop column [id] update employee set state='正式内' where state='内'
update employee set state='正式外' where state='外' -- =============================================
-- ylb: 5,用户表
-- =============================================
create table Users
username varchar(100) unique not null, --姓名【UN】
userpass varchar(100) not null --密码
) insert into Users(username,userpass) values('admin','m12345') alter table AmountIssuing
add [year] int alter table AmountIssuing
add [month] int alter table AmountIssuing
add hireDate varchar(30) alter table AmountIssuing
add toRegularDate varchar(30) alter table AmountIssuing
add [state] varchar(30) --NewAdd alter table projectAnnualIssue
add projectAnnualIssueGuid uniqueidentifier --项目发放编号【FK】 alter table AmountIssuing
add projectAnnualIssueGuid uniqueidentifier --项目发放编号【FK】 alter table projectAnnualIssue
add flagNgn int default(0) --财务工会是否生成凭证 0:未生成;1:已生成 --年度
create table Annual
annualId int primary key identity(1,1),
[year] int,
[month] int
) alter table Project
add kmdm varchar(30) --科目代码 alter table Department
add [type] varchar(30) --部门区域京内、京外
update Department set [type]='京内' alter table Employee
add [type] varchar(30) --职工状态 在职、离职、退休 update Employee set [type]='在职'


use WelfareSystem
go alter table Children
add duZi varchar(20) --独子 有;无 update Children set duZi='无'
update Children set duZi='有' where howManyChild='第一胎' alter table Children
add remark varchar(500) --备注 alter table Children
add flagDuZi varchar(20) --独子补发表标识,1:年底要补发;0:已经补发过 alter table Children
add updateDate datetime --补充独子证书时间 alter table Children
add remark varchar(500) --备注 select * from Children /***
select duZi,flagDuZi,updateDate,remark from Children select * from Employee where employeeId in(select employeeId from Children where flagDuZi='1') select employeeId from Children where flagDuZi='1' select e.hireDate,c.birthdate, c.updateDate,* from Employee e
inner join Department d on e.departmentId=d.departmentId
inner join Children c on e.employeeId=c.employeeId
where e.[type]='在职' and c.flagDuZi='1'
order by e.departmentId asc, e.employeeId asc update Children set flagDuZi='0'


1.C,功能实现代码(Function Implementation Code)返回顶部


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