leetcode 106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal----- java
Given inorder and postorder traversal of a tree, construct the binary tree.
You may assume that duplicates do not exist in the tree.
* Definition for a binary tree node.
* public class TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode left;
* TreeNode right;
* TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
* }
public class Solution {
public TreeNode buildTree(int[] inorder, int[] postorder) { int len = inorder.length;
if( len == 0)
return null; return helper(inorder,0,len-1,postorder,len-1); } public TreeNode helper(int[] inorder,int start,int end, int[] postorder, int pos ){ if( pos < 0 || start > end)
return null;
TreeNode node = new TreeNode(postorder[pos]); int size = 0;
for( int i = end;i >= start && inorder[i] != postorder[pos];i--,size++)
; node.left = helper(inorder,start,end-size-1,postorder,pos-size-1); node.right = helper(inorder,end-size+1,end,postorder,pos-1); return node; }
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