class Cache {
private $cache_path;//path for the cache
private $cache_expire;//seconds that the cache expires
//cache constructor, optional expiring time and cache path
public function Cache($exp_time=3600,$path){
//returns the filename for the cache
private function fileName($key){
return $this->cache_path.$key;
//creates new cache files with the given data, $key== name of the cache, data the info/values to store
public function put($key, $data){
$values = serialize($data);
$filename = $this->fileName($key);
$file = fopen($filename, 'w');
if ($file){//able to create the file
fwrite($file, $values);
else return false;
//returns cache for the given key
public function get($key){
$filename = $this->fileName($key);
if (!file_exists($filename) || !is_readable($filename)){//can't read the cache
return false;
if ( time() < (filemtime($filename) + $this->cache_expire) ) {//cache for the key not expired
$file = fopen($filename, "r");// read data file
if ($file){//able to open the file
$data = fread($file, filesize($filename));
return unserialize($data);//return the values
else return false;
else return false;//was expired you need to create new
public function CreateFolder($dir, $mode = 0777){
if (is_dir($dir) || @mkdir($dir, $mode))
return true;
if (!self::CreateFolder(dirname($dir), $mode))
return false;
return @mkdir($dir, $mode);
include 'cache.class.php'; //引入缓存类
$cache_time = '86400'; //设置缓存时间
$cache_path = 'cache/'; //设置缓存路径
$cache_filename = 'cachefile'; //设置缓存文件名
$cache = new Cache($cache_time,$cache_path); //实例化一个缓存类
$key = $cache_filename;
$value = $cache->get($key);
if ($value == false) {
$value = getDataFromDb(); //getDataFromDb是从数据库中读取数据的函数
$cache->put($key, $value); //写入缓存
得到$value就是想要的数据 ,根据需求自己写方法。
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