NoVirus Thanks MAC Address Changer

NoVirus Thanks MAC Address Changer is yet another simple MAC address changer. It displays all the available adapters and if you want you can even enable virtual network adapters, other than that it displays current MAC address and the manufacturer details.

To change the MAC address you simply need to hit the ‘Change MAC’ button and enter the new MAC address, again you can randomise it or simply choose one of your choice. Option for rolling back changes is also available. The program is quite easy to use and it doesn’t display any un-necessary confusing information, it is plain and quite straight forward.

Click here to download NoVirus Thanks MAC Address Change




Technitium MAC Address Changer

Technitium MAC changer lets you instantly spoof or change MAC address of your network interface card. It provides you with enough information about the adapter and lets you edit settings to a greater extent. The UI is simple and easiest to operate, moreover it automatically gets and updates the vendor information by downloading latest vendor data (OUI) from

If you do not know much about structures of MAC address then this tool can randomly provide you with a proper MAC address with complete vendor data. You can even make the new MAC address persistent and if you’ve accidently changed the MAC address or you simply want to revert back the changes then the program has capabilities to do so. Once you change a MAC address, the software automatically restarts network connection to apply changes.

点我 here .

Technitium MAC Address Changer在最新版win10测试可以使用

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