the problem is from PAT,which website is

the code is as followed:

long int gongyue(long int num1, long int num2)
long int gcd=0;
if (num1==num2)
gcd = num1;
if (num1>num2)
long int tmp = num1;
num1 = num2;
num2 = tmp;
if (num2 % num1 == 0)
gcd = num1;
long int tmp = num1;
num1 = num2 % num1;
num2 = tmp;
gcd = gongyue(num1, num2);
return gcd;
long int gongbei(long int x, long int y)
return x * y / gongyue(x,y);
} int main()
long int fenzi,fenmu;
long int tempzi,tempmu;
int n;
n -= 1;
long int temp = fenzi;
if (fenzi == 0)
fenmu = 1;
fenzi = fenzi / gongyue(abs(temp), fenmu);
fenmu = fenmu / gongyue(abs(temp), fenmu);
while (n--)
{ scanf("%ld/%ld",&tempzi,&tempmu);
fenzi = fenzi * gongbei(fenmu,tempmu)/fenmu + tempzi * gongbei(fenmu,tempmu)/tempmu;
fenmu = gongbei(fenmu,tempmu);
long int tempfenzi = fenzi;
if (fenzi == 0)
fenmu = 1;
fenzi = fenzi / gongyue(abs(tempfenzi), fenmu);
fenmu = fenmu / gongyue(abs(tempfenzi), fenmu);
} }
if (abs(fenzi)>=fenmu)
if (fenzi%fenmu != 0)
printf(" %ld/%ld",abs(fenzi)%fenmu,fenmu);
if (fenzi == 0)

the time complexity is O(n) .

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