
   ado.net框架支持两种模式的数据访问: 连接模式(Connected)和非连接模式(disconnected)。这一节介绍如何使用连接模式访问数据库中的数据,利用ADO.NET中的Connection,Command,DataReader来获取和修改数据库中的数据

1. 连接模式的数据访问

     ● IDBConnection : 表示数据源的连接,所有Connection类的基类
        SqlConnection实现了IDBConnection接口,用来与SQL Server数据源进行连接
     ● DBCommand  : 表示所有Command类的基类
        SqlCommand实现了IDBCommand接口,与来对SQL Server数据库执行的一个 Transact-SQL 语句或存储过程
     ● DataReader : 所有DataReader类的基类
        SqlDataReader实现了IDataReader接口,提供一种从 SQL Server 数据库读取行的只进流的方式。
     如果要连接到微软SQL Server数据库,尽量使用SqlClient命名空间中的SqlConnection,SqlCommand,SqlDataReader类,如果与Oracle数据库通信,应该使用OracleClient命名空间的类;与其它数据库进行通信,就应该使用OleDB或ODBC命名空间的类。
图1: DbConnection与DbCommand的关系图如下所示:

例1: 一个简单的连接数据库查询的例子
=== App_Code\DawnDataObject.cs ===

Code      namespace  DawnDataObject        {             public class Movies  // 数据实体对象            {                public static readonly string _connectionString;  // 连接数据库字符串为静态成员,每个实例共享。                       static Movies(){                    _connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DawnEnterpriseDBConnectionString"].                        ConnectionString;                 }                         private string _title;                private string _director;                        // Movies类中包括的属性有Title、Director                public string Title{                    get { return _title; }                    set { _title = value; }                }                 public string Director {                    get { return _director; }                    set { _director = value; }                }                         // Movies类中的GetAll方法返回一个List对象,该对象可以被GridView等控件做为数据源绑定                public List<Movies> GetAll()                {                     List<Movies> result = new List<Movies>();                    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);                    SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("select Title,Director from Movies", conn);                    using(conn){  // using关键字指定了conn一旦离开这个代码段,自动调用其Dispose函数                        conn.Open();                        SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader();                        while(reader.Read()){                            Movies newmovie = new Movies();                            newmovie._title = (string)reader["Title"];                            newmovie._director = (string)reader["Director"];                            result.Add(newmovie);                         }                         return result;                    }                 }             }         }     

=== Movies.aspx ===

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1" />      <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" TypeName="DawnDataObject.Movies" SelectMethod="GetAll" runat="server" />      

2. 使用Connection对象


   2.1 连接字符串

    string _connectionString = "Data Source=(LOCAL);Initial Catalog=DawnEnterpriseDB;User ID=sa;Password=*****";          SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionSring);   // 可以在建立SqlConnection对象时把连接字符串传递给构造参数     

       也可以使用Connection对象的ConnectionString属性来获取或设置用于打开 SQL Server 数据库的字符串

    string connString = conn.ConnectionString;          conn.ConnectionString = "Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=Northwind;server=(local)";      


SqlConnectionStringBuilder connstrBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();      connstrBuilder.DataSource = "(local)";      connstrBuilder.InitialCatalog = "Test";      connstrBuilder.IntegratedSecurity = true;      using(SqlConnection testConn = new SqlConnection(connstrBuilder.toString()))      {               testConn.open();               if (testConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) {                   Console.WriteLine("Connection successfully opened");              }       }     


<configuration>          <add connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=DawnEnterpriseDB;User ID=sa;Password=******" name="DawnEnterpriseDBConnectionString" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />      </configuration>     


    2.2 IDbConnection的共通行为与属性
         2.2.1: 相关方法
             ● BeginTransaction() : 开始数据库事务。
             ● ChangeDatabase(string database) : 更改当前数据库。
             ● Open() : 打开一个数据库连接,其设置由提供程序特定的 Connection 对象的 ConnectionString 属性指定
             ● Close() : 关闭数据库连接
             ● Dispose() : 法关闭或释放由实现此接口的类的实例保持的文件、流和句柄等非托管资源。
             ● CreateCommand(): 创建并返回一个与该连接相关联的 Command 对象。
         2.2.2: 相关属性
             ● 包括ConnectionString、ConnectionTimeout、Database、Sate属性

    2.3 SqlConnection的一些其它特性
         2.3.1 使用RetrieveStatistics()方法获得数据命令执行时的统计信息,例如,可以获取总命令执行时间的统计信息。
                  ●   BytesReceived : 查询中接收到的字节数
                  ●   BytesSend : 发送出数据的字节数
                  ●   ConnectionTime : 当前连接被开启的总时间
                  ●   ExecutionTime : 返回以毫秒为单位的连接执行时间
                  ●   IduCount: 用于返回被执行Insert、Update、Delete命令的次数
                  ●   IduRows : 用于返回被执行Insert、Update、Delete命令的行数
                  ●   SelectCount: 用于返回Select命令执行的次数
                  ●   SelectRows : 用于返回Select命令执行的行数
                  ●   …
例3: 取得数据库查询的执行时间      
=== App_Code\DawnDataObject.cs ===

Code      // Movies类中的GetAll方法返回一个List对象,该对象可以被GridView等控件做为数据源绑定        namespace  DawnDataObject        {             public class Movies            {                 public static readonly string _connectionString;  // 连接数据库字符串为静态成员,每个实例共享。                       static Movies(){                    _connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DawnEnterpriseDBConnectionString"].                        ConnectionString;                 }                         private string _title;                private string _director;                        // Movies类中包括的属性有Title、Director                public string Title{                    get { return _title; }                    set { _title = value; }                }                 public string Director {                    get { return _director; }                    set { _director = value; }                }                         // Movies类中的GetAll方法返回一个List对象,该对象可以被GridView等控件做为数据源绑定                public List<Movies> GetAll(out long executeTime)  // executeTime作为out参数                {                    List<Movies> result = new List<Movies>();                    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);                    SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:03';select Title,Director from Movies", conn);                    conn.StatisticsEnabled = true;   // 开启获取统计信息的功能                    using(conn){  // using关键字指定了conn一旦离开这个代码段,自动调用其Dispose函数                        conn.Open();                        SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader();                        while(reader.Read()){                            Movies newmovie = new Movies();                            newmovie._title = (string)reader["Title"];                            newmovie._director = (string)reader["Director"];                            result.Add(newmovie);                         }                         IDictionary stats = conn.RetrieveStatistics();                        executeTime = (long)stats["ExecutionTime"];                        return result;                    }                 }                     }         } 

=== Movies.aspx ===

Code      <script runat=”server”>        protected void ObjectDataSource1_Selected(object sender, ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e)        {             Label1.Text = e.OutputParameters["executeTime"].ToString();  // 取得返回参数值        }        </script>                <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1">        <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" TypeName="DawnDataObject.Movies"      SelectMethod="GetAll" runat="server" onselected="ObjectDataSource1_Selected">            <SelectParameters>                <asp:Parameter Name="executeTime" DbType="Int64" Direction="Output" /> <!-- 获得GetAll的返回参数 -->            </SelectParameters>        </asp:ObjectDataSource>        <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>        

         2.3.2 使用连接池
             ●  清空连接池
                ClearAllPools() : 用于清空系统中所有连接池中的数据库连接
                ClearPool() : 清空第统中指定连接池里的数据库连接
             ● 设置连接字符串中连接池的属性 [以上这些属性的键/值对是在ConnectionString中指定的]
                Connection Timeout : 用于指定为秒为单位的连接生存最大值(默认为0,永不失效)
                Connection Reset : 是否自动 重置来自连接池中的连接(默认为true)
                Max Pool Size : 保存在连接池中的最大连接数(默认为100)
                Min Pool Size : 保存在连接池中的最小连接数
                Pooling : 是否开始连接池

    2.4 关闭连接 Close()与Dispose()

• Calling Close on a connection object enables the underlying connection to be pooled.      • Calling Dispose on a connection object alleviates the need for you to call Close on it explicitly. It not only ensures that       the underlying connection can be pooled, but it also makes sure that allocated resources can now be garbage collected.       • Not calling either Close or Dispose will effectively kill your application performance by increasing the connection pool to a maximum limit,       and then everyone will have to wait for the next available connection object. Not only that, but even when the open connections fall out of scope,       they won’t be garbage collected for a relatively long time because the connection object itself doesn’t occupy that much memory—and the lack of memory       is the sole criterion for the garbage collector to kick in and do its work.         In short, Dispose is the best option as it helps garbage collection and connection pooling, Close is second best option as it helps only connection pooling,       and not calling either Close or Dispose is so bad that you shouldn’t even go there.       

3. Command对象

    3.1 SQL或存储过程 命令的执行
       当然也可以用来执行如Create Table,Drop DataBase命令等
例4: 使用SqlCommand更新和删除电影记录的方法UpdateMovie和DeleteMovie()
=== App_Code\DawnDataObject.cs ===

Code     namespace  DawnDataObject       {            public class Movies           {                public static readonly string _connectionString;  // 连接数据库字符串为静态成员,每个实例共享。                      static Movies(){                   _connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DawnEnterpriseDBConnectionString"].                       ConnectionString;                }                        private string _title;               private string _director;               private Int32 _id;                       // Movies类中包括的属性有Title、Director               public string Title{                   get { return _title; }                   set { _title = value; }               }                public string Director {                   get { return _director; }                   set { _director = value; }               }                public Int32 Id {                   get { return _id; }               }                        // Movies类中的GetAll方法返回一个List对象,该对象可以被GridView等控件做为数据源绑定               public List<Movies> GetAll(out long executeTime)  // executeTime作为out参数               {                   List<Movies> result = new List<Movies>();                   SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);                   SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("select Id,Title,Director from Movies", conn);                   conn.StatisticsEnabled = true;                   using(conn){  // using关键字指定了conn一旦离开这个代码段,自动调用其Dispose函数                       conn.Open();                       SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader();                       while(reader.Read()){                           Movies newmovie = new Movies();                           newmovie._title = (string)reader["Title"];                           newmovie._director = (string)reader["Director"];                           newmovie._id = (Int32)reader["Id"];                           result.Add(newmovie);                        }                        IDictionary stats = conn.RetrieveStatistics();                       executeTime = (long)stats["ExecutionTime"];                       return result;                   }                }                        // 对Movies表进行更新的方法               public void UpdateMovie(int id,string title,string director)               {                    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);                   SqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand();  // 使用SqlConnection.CreateCommand获得SqlCommand对象                   command.CommandText = "Update Movies set Title=@title,Director=@director where Id=@id";                   command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);                   command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@title", title);                   command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@director", director);                   using(conn){                       conn.Open();                        command.ExecuteNonQuery();                    }                }                        // 对Movies表进行删除的方法               public void DeleteMovie(int id)               {                    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);                   // 使用new SqlCommand获得SqlCommand对象                   SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("delete from Movies where Id=@id",conn);                   command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);                   using(conn)                   {                        conn.Open();                        command.ExecuteNonQuery();                    }                }                    }        }

=== Movies.aspx ===

Code     <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="Id"           AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1"                   onrowcommand="GridView1_RowCommand" onrowdeleting="GridView1_RowDeleting"                   AllowPaging="True" >       <Columns>           <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Id" DataField="Id" Visible="false" />           <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Title" DataField="Title" />           <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Director" DataField="Director" />           <asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" />           <asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" />       </Columns>       </asp:GridView>       <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" TypeName="DawnDataObject.Movies"           SelectMethod="GetAll" UpdateMethod="UpdateMovie" DeleteMethod="DeleteMovie" runat="server" onselected="ObjectDataSource1_Selected">           <SelectParameters>               <asp:Parameter Name="executeTime" DbType="Int64" Direction="Output" />           </SelectParameters>           <UpdateParameters>               <asp:Parameter Name="Id" DbType="Int32" />               <asp:Parameter Name="Title" DbType="String" />               <asp:Parameter Name="Director" DbType="String" />           </UpdateParameters>           <DeleteParameters>               <asp:Parameter Name="Id" DbType="Int32" />           </DeleteParameters>       </asp:ObjectDataSource>


    3.2 执行带参数的命令
        而使用SqlParameter对象来表示参数有很多种构建方式,最简单的就像下面一样来调用 SqlCommand.AddWithValue()方法

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert Title(Title) values(@title)",conn);  // 注意,@title就算为字符串类型也不需要用''括起来     cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@title",”ASP.NET 2.0");

           当使用AddWithValue()方法时,SqlCommand自动识别并推测参数的类型和大小。该方法会假设字符串值类型为NVarChar, 整数值类型为Int,十进行数值类型为Decimal,以此类推。

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert Title(Title) values(@title)",conn);     SqlParameter paramTitle = new SqlParameter();     paramTitle.ParameterName = "@Title";     paramTitle.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar;     paramTitle.Size = 50;     paramTitle.Value = "ASP.NET";     cmd.Parameters.Add(paramTitle);     


SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert Title(Title) values(@title)",conn);     cmd.Parameters.Add("@Title",SqlDbType.NVarChar,50).Value = "ASP.NET";    

图2: Command与Parameters的关系图如下所示:

    3.3 执行存储过程
        SqlCommand对象可以用来执行存储过程 ,执行存储过程如下所示:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetTitles",conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
例5: 使用存储过程而非SQL语句更新电影信息记录
=== 存储过程创建 ===

create procedure UpdateMovie     (          @id int,         @title varchar(255),         @director varchar(255)     )      as         update movies set title=@title,director=@director where id=@id     

=== App_Code\DawnDataObject.cs ===

Code     // 只要变更例4中的UpdateMovie函数,其它代码不变       public void UpdateMovie(int id,string title,string director)       {            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);           SqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand();  // 使用SqlConnection.CreateCommand获得SqlCommand对象           // 与例4相比,只要变更下面两句           command.CommandText = "UpdateMovie";        command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;           command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);           command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@title", title);           command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@director", director);           using(conn){               conn.Open();                command.ExecuteNonQuery();            }        } 

例6: 从存储过程中取得返回值
=== SelectMovies存储过程 ===


=== movies.aspx ===

Code     <script runat="server">       void Page_Load()       {            lblMovieCount.Text = GetMovieCount().ToString();       }        private int GetMovieCount()       {            int result = 0;           string connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.connectionString["Movies"].ConnectionString;           SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString);           SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetMovieCount", con);           cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;           cmd.Parameters.Add("@ReturnVal", SqlDbType.Int).Direction =ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; // 设定返回值参数           using (con)           {                con.Open();                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();  // 好像一定要使用ExecuteNonQuery,如果使用ExecuteReader,则相应的返回值就取不出来。               result = (int)cmd.Parameters["@ReturnVal"].Value;  // 取得返回值参数值           }           return result;       }        </script>

例7: 从存储过程中取得OUTPUT值
=== 存储过程创建 ===

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetBoxOfficeTotals     (          @SumBoxOfficeTotals Money OUTPUT     )      AS     SELECT @SumBoxOfficeTotals = SUM(BoxOfficeTotals) FROM Movies      

=== movies.aspx ===

Code     <script runat=server>       public List<Movie5> GetBoxOffice(out decimal SumBoxOfficeTotals)       {            List<Movie5> results = new List<Movie5>();           SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);           SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetBoxOfficeTotals", con);           cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;           cmd.Parameters.Add("@SumBoxOfficeTotals", SqlDbType.Money).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;           using (con)            {                con.Open();                SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();  // 使用OUTPUT参数,可以使用ExecuteReader。与ReturnValue不同。               while (reader.Read())               {                    Movie5 newMovie = new Movie5();                   newMovie.Title = (string)reader["Title"];                   newMovie.BoxOfficeTotals = (decimal)reader["BoxOfficeTotals"];                   results.Add(newMovie);                }            reader.Close();            SumBoxOfficeTotals = (decimal)cmd.Parameters["@SumBoxOfficeTotals"].           Value;            }            return results;       }        </script>

    3.4 单一的返回值

    3.5 返回结果集
例8: 不使用泛型集合作数据源
=== App_Code\DawnDataObject.cs ===

Code     namespace  DawnDataObject       {            public class Movies           {                public SqlDataReader GetDataReader()               {                    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);                   SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SelectMovies", conn);                   command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;                   conn.Open();                    return command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);  // 直接返回DataReader作为数据源               }                      public void UpdateMovies() {…}               public void DeleteMovies() {…}           }        }

=== movies.aspx ===

Code     <!-- 因为DataReader的原因,这里的GridView不支持分页,排序 -->       <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="Id"                   AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1"                   onrowcommand="GridView1_RowCommand" onrowdeleting="GridView1_RowDeleting" >       <Columns>           <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Id" DataField="Id" Visible="false" />           <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Title" DataField="Title" />           <asp:BoundField HeaderText="Director" DataField="Director" />           <asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" />           <asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" />       </Columns>       <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" TypeName="DawnDataObject.Movies"           SelectMethod="GetDataReader" UpdateMethod="UpdateMovie" DeleteMethod="DeleteMovie" runat="server" >           <UpdateParameters>               <asp:Parameter Name="Id" DbType="Int32" />               <asp:Parameter Name="Title" DbType="String" />               <asp:Parameter Name="Director" DbType="String" />           </UpdateParameters>           <DeleteParameters>               <asp:Parameter Name="Id" DbType="Int32" />           </DeleteParameters>       </asp:ObjectDataSource>   

4. DataReader对象


    4.1 获得DataReader对象中数据行的字段值
         ● string title = (string)reader["title"];     // 通过字段名称返回Object类型,再转换
         ● string title = (string)reader[0];           // 通过字段位置返回Object类型,再转换
         ● string title = reader.GetString(0);       // 通过字段位置返回string类型。
         ● string title = reader.GetSqlString(0);   // 通过字段位置,返回SqlString类型。
     4.2 返回多个结果集
         "select * from MovieCategories; select * from movies"
=== App_Code\DawnDataObject.cs ===

Code     namespace mulitResults       {            public class DataLayer1           {                private static readonly string _connectionString;                       public class MovieCategory  // 表示电影种类实体,注意是嵌套类               {                   private int _id;                   private string _name;                   public int Id                   {                        get { return _id; }                       set { _id = value; }                   }                    public string Name                   {                        get { return _name; }                       set { _name = value; }                   }                }                        public class Movie  // 表示电影实体,注意是嵌套类               {                   private string _title;                   private int _categoryId;                   public string Title                   {                        get { return _title; }                       set { _title = value; }                   }                    public int CategoryId                   {                        get { return _categoryId; }                       set { _categoryId = value; }                   }                }                        // 不像刚才实体列表作为返回值反回,现在作为参数返回               public static void GetMovieData(List<DataLayer1.MovieCategory> movieCategories,List<DataLayer1.Movie> movies)               {                    string commandText = "SELECT Id,Name FROM MovieCategories;SELECT Title,CategoryId FROM Movies";                   SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);                   SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, con);                   using (con)                   {                        // Execute command                       con.Open();                       SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();                       // Create movie categories                       while (reader.Read())                       {                            DataLayer1.MovieCategory newCategory = new DataLayer1.                           MovieCategory();                            newCategory.Id = (int)reader["Id"];                           newCategory.Name = (string)reader["Name"];                           movieCategories.Add(newCategory);                        }                        // Move to next result set                       reader.NextResult();                       // Create movies                       while (reader.Read())                       {                            DataLayer1.Movie newMovie = new DataLayer1.Movie();                           newMovie.Title = (string)reader["Title"];                           newMovie.CategoryId = (int)reader["CategoryID"];                           movies.Add(newMovie);                        }                    }                }                static DataLayer1()               {                    _connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Movies"].ConnectionString;               }            }        } 

=== ShowMovies.aspx ===

Code     <script runat="server">       void Page_Load()       {            // Get database data           List<DataLayer1.MovieCategory> categories = new List<DataLayer1.MovieCategory>();           List<DataLayer1.Movie> movies = new List<DataLayer1.Movie>();           DataLayer1.GetMovieData(categories, movies);            // Bind the data           grdCategories.DataSource = categories;           grdCategories.DataBind();            grdMovies.DataSource = movies;           grdMovies.DataBind();        }        </script>       <h1>Movie Categories</h1>       <asp:GridView id="grdCategories" Runat="server" />       <h1>Movies</h1>       <asp:GridView id="grdMovies" Runat="server" />

    4.3 多活动结果集MARS (Multiple Active Resultsets)
        ADO.NET 2.0提供了MARS的新特性,在以前版本的ADO.NET中,数据库连接在一个有限时间段内能且只能表示一个查询结果集。
        打开MARS功能,需要在连接字符口串中包含以下字段: MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
例10: 使用多个结果集

Code     <script runat=”server”>       void BuildTree()       {            // Create MARS connection           SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);           // Create Movie Categories command           string cmdCategoriesText = "SELECT Id,Name FROM MovieCategories";           SqlCommand cmdCategories = new SqlCommand(cmdCategoriesText, con);           // Create Movie command           string cmdMoviesText = "SELECT Title FROM Movies " + "WHERE CategoryId=@CategoryID";           SqlCommand cmdMovies = new SqlCommand(cmdMoviesText, con);           cmdMovies.Parameters.Add("@CategoryId", SqlDbType.Int);           using (con)            {                con.Open();                // 打开一个结果集,表示电影目录               SqlDataReader categories = cmdCategories.ExecuteReader();               while (categories.Read())               {                    // Add category node                   int id = categories.GetInt32(0);                   string name = categories.GetString(1);                   TreeNode catNode = new TreeNode(name);                   TreeView1.Nodes.Add(catNode);                    // Iterate through matching movies                   cmdMovies.Parameters["@CategoryId"].Value = id;                   SqlDataReader movies = cmdMovies.ExecuteReader();  // 打开另一个结果集.注:上一个结果集还没有被关闭.                   while (movies.Read())                   {                        // Add movie node                       string title = movies.GetString(0);                       TreeNode movieNode = new TreeNode(title);                       catNode.ChildNodes.Add(movieNode);                    }                    movies.Close();            }        }        void Page_Load()       {            if (!Page.IsPostBack)               BuildTree();        }        </script>               <asp:TreeView id=”TreeView1” Runat=”server” />


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