


You will be given a string which only contains ‘1’; You can merge two adjacent ‘1’ to be ‘2’, or leave the ‘1’ there. Surly, you may get many different results. For example, given 1111 , you can get 1111, 121, 112,211,22. Now, your work is to find the total number of result you can get. 


The first line is a number n refers to the number of test cases. Then n lines follows, each line has a string made up of ‘1’ . The maximum length of the sequence is 200. 


The output contain n lines, each line output the number of result you can get . 
Sample Input

Sample Output


 #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define maxn 300
int str1[maxn][maxn];
int main()
int T, i, j;
scanf("%d ",&T); while(T--)
char str[];
gets(str); int len=strlen(str);
str1[][]=; for(i=;i<len;i++)
int c=,k;
int s=str1[i-][k]+str1[i-][k]+c;
} for(i=;i>=;i--)
break; for(j=i;j>=;j--)
return ;


#include<string.h> #define N 210
int f[][N]; void init()
int i, j;
f[][] = ;
f[][] = ; for(i = ; i <= ; i++)
for(j = ; j <= ; j++)
f[i][j] += f[i-][j] + f[i-][j];
if(f[i][j] >= )
f[i][j] -= ;
} int main()
{ int i, j, t;
char s[N]; scanf("%d", &t);
init(); while(t--)
scanf("%s", s); int n = strlen(s); int k = ;
for (; f[n][k] == ; k--);
for (; k >= ; k--)
printf ("%d",f[n][k]); printf("\n"); } return ;

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