
API examples

Updated Aug 12, 2014 by theraysm...@gmail.com

This wiki provide simple example how to use tesseract-ocr API (v3.02.02) in C++. It is expected that tesseract-ocr is correctly installed including all dependecies. It is expected that user is familiar with C++, compiling and linking program on his platform, though basic compilation examples are included for beginners with Linux.

More details about tesseract-ocr API can found at baseapi.h

Basic example


#include <tesseract/baseapi.h>
#include <leptonica/allheaders.h> int main()
    char *outText;     tesseract::TessBaseAPI *api = new tesseract::TessBaseAPI();
    // Initialize tesseract-ocr with English, without specifying tessdata path
    if (api->Init(NULL, "eng")) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize tesseract.\n");
    }     // Open input image with leptonica library
    Pix *image = pixRead("/usr/src/tesseract-3.02/phototest.tif");
    // Get OCR result
    outText = api->GetUTF8Text();
    printf("OCR output:\n%s", outText);     // Destroy used object and release memory
    delete [] outText;
    pixDestroy(&image);     return 0;

Program must be linked to tesseract-ocr library and leptonica library.

If you want to restrict recognition to a sub-rectangle of the image - call SetRectangle(left, top, width, height) after SetImage. Each SetRectangle clears the recogntion results so multiple rectangles can be recognized with the same image. E.g.

  api->SetRectangle(30, 86, 590, 100);

GetComponentImages example

  Pix *image = pixRead("/usr/src/tesseract-3.02/phototest.tif");
  tesseract::TessBaseAPI *api = new tesseract::TessBaseAPI();
  api->Init(NULL, "eng");
  Boxa* boxes = api->GetComponentImages(tesseract::RIL_TEXTLINE, true, NULL, NULL);
  printf("Found %d textline image components.\n", boxes->n);
  for (int i = 0; i < boxes->n; i++) {
    BOX* box = boxaGetBox(boxes, i, L_CLONE);
    api->SetRectangle(box->x, box->y, box->w, box->h);
    char* ocrResult = api->GetUTF8Text();
    int conf = api->MeanTextConf();
    fprintf(stdout, "Box[%d]: x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d, confidence: %d, text: %s",
                    i, box->x, box->y, box->w, box->h, conf, ocrResult);

Result iterator example

There is posibility to get confidence value and BoundingBox per word from ResultIterator:

  Pix *image = pixRead("/usr/src/tesseract-3.02/phototest.tif");
  tesseract::TessBaseAPI *api = new tesseract::TessBaseAPI();
  api->Init(NULL, "eng");
  tesseract::ResultIterator* ri = api->GetIterator();
  tesseract::PageIteratorLevel level = tesseract::RIL_WORD;
  if (ri != 0) {
    do {
      const char* word = ri->GetUTF8Text(level);
      float conf = ri->Confidence(level);
      int x1, y1, x2, y2;
      ri->BoundingBox(level, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
      printf("word: '%s';  \tconf: %.2f; BoundingBox: %d,%d,%d,%d;\n",
               word, conf, x1, y1, x2, y2);
      delete[] word;
    } while (ri->Next(level));

Of course there is posibility to use other PageiteratorLevel.

Orientation and script detection (OSD) example

  const char* inputfile = "/usr/src/tesseract-3.02/eurotext.tif";
  tesseract::Orientation orientation;
  tesseract::WritingDirection direction;
  tesseract::TextlineOrder order;
  float deskew_angle;   PIX *image = pixRead(inputfile);
  tesseract::TessBaseAPI *api = new tesseract::TessBaseAPI();
  api->Init("/usr/src/tesseract-3.02/", "eng");
  api->Recognize(0);   tesseract::PageIterator* it =  api->AnalyseLayout();
  it->Orientation(&orientation, &direction, &order, &deskew_angle);
  printf("Orientation: %d;\nWritingDirection: %d\nTextlineOrder: %d\n" \
         "Deskew angle: %.4f\n",
         orientation, direction, order, deskew_angle);

Explanation for result codes are in publictypes.h

Example of iterator over the classifier choices for a single symbol

  Pix *image = pixRead("/usr/src/tesseract-3.02/phototest.tif");
  tesseract::TessBaseAPI *api = new tesseract::TessBaseAPI();
  api->Init(NULL, "eng");
  api->SetVariable("save_blob_choices", "T");
  api->SetRectangle(37, 228, 548, 31);
  api->Recognize(NULL);   tesseract::ResultIterator* ri = api->GetIterator();
  tesseract::PageIteratorLevel level = tesseract::RIL_SYMBOL;
  if(ri != 0) {
      do {
          const char* symbol = ri->GetUTF8Text(level);
          float conf = ri->Confidence(level);
          if(symbol != 0) {
              printf("symbol %s, conf: %f", symbol, conf);
              bool indent = false;
              tesseract::ChoiceIterator ci(*ri);
              do {
                  if (indent) printf("\t\t ");
                  printf("\t- ");
                  const char* choice = ci.GetUTF8Text();
                  printf("%s conf: %f\n", choice, ci.Confidence());
                  indent = true;
              } while(ci.Next());
          delete[] symbol;
      } while((ri->Next(level)));

Compiling C++ API programs on Linux

Including and linking to Tesseract's API is done in a standard Linux way. To compile a basic program against the API, you can use a command like this:

g++ -o myprogram myprogram.cpp -llept -ltesseract

If Tesseract is installed in an unusual place, you can specify the include and lib directories explicitly with g++'s -I and -L flags, like this:

g++ -o myprogram myprogram.cpp -I/home/nick/local/include/tesseract -L/home/nick/local/lib -llept -ltesseract

C-API in python

Tesseract-ocr from version 3.02.02 provide C-API. This enable to use tesseract-ocr shared library in python (and other languages that can use C libraries):

import os
import ctypes lang = "eng"
filename = "/usr/src/tesseract-ocr/phototest.tif"
libname = "/usr/local/lib64/libtesseract.so.3"
    TESSDATA_PREFIX = "../" tesseract = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libname)
tesseract.TessVersion.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
tesseract_version = tesseract.TessVersion()
api = tesseract.TessBaseAPICreate()
rc = tesseract.TessBaseAPIInit3(api, TESSDATA_PREFIX, lang)
if (rc):
    print("Could not initialize tesseract.\n")
    exit(3) text_out = tesseract.TessBaseAPIProcessPages(api, filename, None, 0)
result_text = ctypes.string_at(text_out) print 'Tesseract-ocr version', tesseract_version
print result_text

Example of passing python file object to C-API can be found at pastebin.

Example using the C-API in a C program

The C-API can of course also be used by regular C programs, as in this very basic example.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <allheaders.h>
#include <capi.h> void die(const char *errstr) {
        fputs(errstr, stderr);
} int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        TessBaseAPI *handle;
        PIX *img;
        char *text;         if((img = pixRead("img.png")) == NULL)
                die("Error reading image\n");         handle = TessBaseAPICreate();
        if(TessBaseAPIInit3(handle, NULL, "eng") != 0)
                die("Error initialising tesseract\n");         TessBaseAPISetImage2(handle, img);
        if(TessBaseAPIRecognize(handle, NULL) != 0)
                die("Error in Tesseract recognition\n");         if((text = TessBaseAPIGetUTF8Text(handle)) == NULL)
                die("Error getting text\n");         fputs(text, stdout);         TessDeleteText(text);
        pixDestroy(&img);         return 0;

On Linux you can compile it as you would build a program using the C++ API.

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