East Central Regional Contest

Problem C: Hexagon Perplexagon
A well known puzzle consists of hexagonal pieces, each with the numbers through printed on the
sides. Each piece has a different arrangement of the numbers on its sides, and the object is to place the
pieces in the arrangement shown below such that the numbers on each shared edge of the arrangement
are identical. Figure (a) is an example of one solution:
(a) Example Solution (b) Position Notation for Output
Rotating any solution also gives another trivially identical solution. To avoid this redundancy, we will
only deal with solutions which have a on the uppermost edge of the central piece, as in the example.
The first line of the input file will contain a single integer indicating the number of test cases. Each case
will consist of a single line containing integers. The first represent the values on piece listed in
clockwise order; the second represent the values on piece , and so on.
For each test case, output the case number (using the format shown below) followed by either the phrase
No solution
or by a solution specification. A solution specification lists the piece numbers in the order
shown in the Position Notation of Figure (b). Thus if piece is in the center, a is printed first; if
piece is at the top, is printed second, and so on. Each test case is guaranteed to have at most one
Sample Input Sample Output
Case :
Case : No solution





using namespace std;
typedef long long ll; struct six
int a[];
int pos[];
}; int t,n;
six a[];
int no[];
int up[];
bool used[];
int getup(int x)
if(x==) return a[no[x]].pos[];
int edge=a[no[]].a[(up[]+x-)%];
int pose=a[no[x]].pos[edge];
int pedge=(x+)%;
return (pose-pedge+)%;
} bool gank(int x)
if(x<) return false;
//cout<<no[x]<<'.'<<(up[x]+x+3)%6<<"="<<a[ no[x] ].a[ (up[x]+x+3)%6 ]<<" ";
//cout<<no[x-1]<<'.'<<(up[x-1]+x)%6<<'='<<a[ no[x-1] ].a[ (up[x-1]+x)%6 ]<<endl;
if(a[ no[x] ].a[ (up[x]+x+)% ] != a[ no[x-] ].a[ (up[x-]+x)% ]) return true;
if(x== && a[ no[x] ].a[ (up[x]+)% ] != a[ no[] ].a[ (up[]+)% ]) return true;
return false;
} bool dfs(int x)
// printf("x=%d ",x);
// for(int i=0;i<x;i++)
// printf("%d,",no[i]);
// printf("\n");
// printf("up ",x);
// for(int i=0;i<x;i++)
// printf("%d,",up[i]);
// printf("\n");
return true;
for(int i=;i<;i++)
if(gank(x)) continue;
if(dfs(x+)) return true;
return false;
} int main()
int i,j,x;
printf("Case %d:",t);
printf(" %d",no[i]);
else printf(" No solution\n");
return ;

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