一,setCycleDetectionStrategy 防止自包含

public static void testCycleObject() { 
        CycleObject object = new CycleObject(); 
        JsonConfig jsonConfig = new JsonConfig(); 

JSONObject json = JSONObject.Object(object, jsonConfig); 

public static void main(String[] args) { 
    }此中 CycleObject.java是我本身写的一个类:

public class CycleObject {

private String      memberId; 
    private String      sex; 
    private CycleObject me = this; 
…… // getters && setters 


public static void testExcludeProperites() { 
        String str = "{""string"":""JSON"", ""integer"": 1, ""double"": 2.0, ""boolean"": true}"; 
        JsonConfig jsonConfig = new JsonConfig(); 
        jsonConfig.setExcludes(new String[] { "double", "boolean" }); 
        JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) JSerializer.toJSON(str, jsonConfig); 

public static void main(String[] args) { 

public static void testMap() { 
Map map = new HashMap(); 
map.put("name", "json"); 
map.put("class", "ddd"); 
JsonConfig config = new JsonConfig(); 
config.setIgnoreDefaultExcludes(true);  //默认为false,即过滤默认的key 
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.Object(map,config); 

上方的代把name 和 class都输出。


private static final String[] DEFAULT_EXCLUDES = new String[] { "class", "declaringClass", 
         "metaClass" }; // 默认会过滤的几个key 
四,registerJsonBeanProcessor 当value类型是从java的一个bean转化过来的时辰,可以供给自定义处理惩罚器

public static void testMap() { 
Map map = new HashMap(); 
map.put("name", "json"); 
map.put("class", "ddd"); 
map.put("date", new Date()); 
JsonConfig config = new JsonConfig(); 
new JsDateJsonBeanProcessor()); // 当输出时候格局时,采取和JS兼容的格局输出 
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.Object(map, config); 

注:JsDateJsonBeanProcessor 是json-lib已经供给的类,我们也可以实现本身的JsonBeanProcessor。



为了演示,起首我本身实现了两个 Processor


public class MyDefaultIntegerValueProcessor implements DefaultValueProcessor {

public Object getDefaultValue(Class type) { 
if (type != null && Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { 
return Integer.valueOf(9999); 

return JSONNull.getInstance(); 


public class MyPlainObjectProcessor implements DefaultValueProcessor {

public Object getDefaultValue(Class type) { 
if (type != null && PlainObject.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { 
return "美男" + "瑶瑶"; 

return JSONNull.getInstance(); 




public class PlainObjectHolder {

private PlainObject object; // 自定义类型 
private Integer a; // JDK自带的类型

public PlainObject getObject() { 
return object; 

public void setObject(PlainObject object) { 
this.object = object; 

public Integer getA() { 
return a; 

public void setA(Integer a) { 
this.a = a; 

PlainObject 也是我本身定义的类

public class PlainObject {

private String memberId; 
    private String sex;

public String getMemberId() { 
        return memberId; 

public void setMemberId(String memberId) { 
        this.memberId = memberId; 

public String getSex() { 
        return sex; 

public void setSex(String sex) { 
        this.sex = sex; 

A,若是JSONObject.Object(null) 这个参数直接传null进去,json-lib会怎么处理惩罚

public static JSONObject Object( Object object, JsonConfig jsonConfig ) { 
      if( object == null || JSONUtils.isNull( object ) ){ 
         return new JSONObject( true ); 

B,其次,我们看若是java对象直接是一个JDK中已经有的类(什么指Enum,Annotation,JSONObject,DynaBean,JSONTokener,JString,Map,String,Number,Array),然则值为null ,json-lib如何处理惩罚


}else if( object instanceof Enum ){ 
         throw new JSONException( """object"" is an Enum. Use JSONArray instead" ); // 不支撑列举 
      }else if( object instanceof Annotation || (object != null && object.getClass() 
            .isAnnotation()) ){ 
         throw new JSONException( """object"" is an Annotation." ); // 不支撑 注解 
      }else if( object instanceof JSONObject ){ 
         return _JSONObject( (JSONObject) object, jsonConfig ); 
      }else if( object instanceof DynaBean ){ 
         return _DynaBean( (DynaBean) object, jsonConfig ); 
      }else if( object instanceof JSONTokener ){ 
         return _JSONTokener( (JSONTokener) object, jsonConfig ); 
      }else if( object instanceof JString ){ 
         return _JString( (JString) object, jsonConfig ); 
      }else if( object instanceof Map ){ 
         return _Map( (Map) object, jsonConfig ); 
      }else if( object instanceof String ){ 
         return _String( (String) object, jsonConfig ); 
      }else if( JSONUtils.isNumber( object ) || JSONUtils.isBoolean( object ) 
            || JSONUtils.isString( object ) ){ 
         return new JSONObject();  // 不支撑纯数字 
      }else if( JSONUtils.isArray( object ) ){ 
         throw new JSONException( """object"" is an array. Use JSONArray instead" ); //不支撑数组,须要用JSONArray调换 
按照以上代码,首要发明_Map是不支撑应用DefaultValueProcessor 的。



if( value != null ){ //大的前提前提,value不为空 
               JsonValueProcessor jsonValueProcessor = jsonConfig.findJsonValueProcessor( 
                     value.getClass(), key ); 
               if( jsonValueProcessor != null ){ 
                  value = jsonValueProcessor.processObjectValue( key, value, jsonConfig ); 
                  if( !JsonVerifier.isValidJsonValue( value ) ){ 
                     throw new JSONException( "Value is not a valid JSON value. " + value );
               setValue( jsonObject, key, value, value.getClass(), jsonConfig ); 
private static void setValue( JSONObject jsonObject, String key, Object value, Class type, 
         JsonConfig jsonConfig ) { 
      boolean accumulated = false; 
      if( value == null ){ // 当 value为空的时辰应用DefaultValueProcessor 
         value = jsonConfig.findDefaultValueProcessor( type ) 
               .getDefaultValue( type ); 
         if( !JsonVerifier.isValidJsonValue( value ) ){ 
            throw new JSONException( "Value is not a valid JSON value. " + value ); 
按照我的注释, 上方的代码显然是存在抵触。


C,我们看若是 java 对象是自定义类型的,并且里面的属性包含空值(没赋值,默认是null)也就是上方B还没贴出来的最后一个else

else {return _Bean( object, jsonConfig );} 

public static void testDefaultValueProcessor() { 
PlainObjectHolder holder = new PlainObjectHolder(); 
JsonConfig config = new JsonConfig(); 
new MyPlainObjectProcessor()); 
new MyDefaultIntegerValueProcessor()); 
JSONObject json = JSONObject.Object(holder, config); 

这种景象的输出值是 {"a":9999,"object":"美男瑶瑶"} 

========================== Json To Java ===============


public static void json2java() { 
String jsonString = "{""name"":""hello"",""class"":""ddd""}"; 
JsonConfig config = new JsonConfig(); 
config.setIgnoreDefaultExcludes(true); // 与JAVA To Json的时辰一样,不设置class属性无法输出 
JSONObject json = (JSONObject) JSerializer.toJSON(jsonString,config); 

========================== JSON 输出的安然题目 ===============

我们做法度的时辰主如果应用 Java To Json的体式格式,下面描述的是 安然性题目:

    public static void testSecurity() { 
        Map map = new HashMap(); 
        map.put(""} {", ""); 
        JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.Object(map); 
public static void main(String[] args) { 

{""} {":"" }

若是把这段内容直接贴到记事本里面,定名为 testSecu.html ,然后用浏览器打开辟明履行了此中的 js脚本。如许就轻易产生XSS安然题目。

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