


  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  3. from math import exp
  4. from gnuplot_leon import *
  5. imp0 = 377.0
  7. class fdtd_leon:
  8. # Author : Leon Email: yangli0534@gmail.com
  9. # fdtd simulation
  11. #initialization
  12. def __init__(self,size=400,time=0,MaxTime=1000,delay = 30, width = 10, cdtds =1.0):
  13. self.ez = size * [0.00]
  14. self.hy = size * [0.00]
  15. self.ceze = size * [0.00]
  16. self.chye = size * [0.00]
  17. self.cezh = size * [0.00]
  18. self.chyh = size * [0.00]
  19. self.size = size
  20. self.time = 0
  21. self.MaxTime = MaxTime
  22. self.delay = delay
  23. self.width = width
  24. self.cdtds = cdtds
  26. # grid initialization
  27. def grid_init(self,loss = 0.02, loss_layer = 180, epsr = 9.0):
  28. for mm in range(0, self.size):
  29. if (mm < 100):
  30. self.ceze[mm] = 1.0
  31. self.cezh[mm] = imp0
  32. elif (mm < loss_layer):
  33. self.ceze[mm] = 1.0
  34. self.cezh[mm] = imp0/epsr
  35. else:
  36. self.ceze[mm] = (1.0-loss)/(1.0+loss)
  37. self.cezh[mm] = imp0/epsr//(1.0+loss)
  38. if(mm < loss_layer):
  39. self.chyh[mm] = 1.0
  40. self.chye[mm] = 1.0/imp0
  41. else:
  42. self.chyh[mm] = (1.0-loss)/(1.0+loss)
  43. self.chye[mm] = 1.0/imp0/(1.0+loss)
  45. # update electric field
  46. def update_e(self):
  47. mm =0;
  48. for mm in range(1,self.size-1):
  49. self.ez[mm] = self.ez[mm]*self.ceze[mm] + (self.hy[mm]-self.hy[mm-1])*self.cezh[mm]
  51. # update magnetic field
  52. def update_h(self):
  53. mm =0;
  54. for mm in range(0,self.size-1):
  55. self.hy[mm] = self.hy[mm]*self.chyh[mm] + (self.ez[mm+1]-self.ez[mm])*self.chye[mm]
  57. def ez_inc_init(self):
  58. #self.delay = int(raw_input('Enter delay:'))
  59. #self.width = int(raw_input('Enter width:'))
  60. #self.cdtds = int(raw_input('Enter cdtds:'))
  61. #print self.delay
  62. #print self.width
  63. #print self.cdtds
  64. return
  66. def ez_inc(self,time,location):
  67. #print ''.join(['ez_inc time: ',str(time),'location: ',str(location)] )
  68. #print exp(-((time-self.delay-location/self.cdtds)/self.width)**2)
  69. return exp(-((time-self.delay-location/self.cdtds)/self.width)**2)
  71. def abc_init(self):
  72. return
  74. def abc(self):
  75. self.ez[0] = self.ez[1]
  77. def tfsf_init(self):
  78. tfsf_boundary = raw_input('Enter location of tfsf boundary:')
  79. self.ez_inc_init()
  80. return int(tfsf_boundary)
  82. def tfsf_update(self,tfsf_boundary):
  83. #print self.time
  84. #print tfsf_boundary
  85. tfsf_boundary = int(tfsf_boundary)
  86. if (tfsf_boundary <= 0):
  87. print 'tfsf boundary error \n'
  88. return
  89. else:
  90. self.hy[tfsf_boundary] -= self.ez_inc(self.time,0.0)*self.chye[tfsf_boundary]
  91. self.ez[tfsf_boundary+1] += self.ez_inc(self.time+0.5,-0.5)


  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  3. import sys
  4. import math
  5. import os
  6. from gnuplot_leon import *
  7. from fdtd_leon import *
  8. import threading
  9. # Author : Leon Email: yangli0534@gmail.com
  10. # fdtd simulation , plotting with gnuplot, writting in python
  11. # python and gnuplot software packages should be installed before running this program
  12. # 1d fdtd with absorbing boundary and TFSF boundary
  13. # lossy dielectric material
  15. def snashot(gp, fdtd,interval):
  16. """Record a frame data into the gif file
  18. Parameters
  19. ----------
  20. gp : class gnuplot_leon
  21. fdtd : class fdtd_leon
  22. interval : int record one every [interval] frames
  23. """
  24. if(fdtd.time % interval == 0):
  25. gp.set_frame_start('l', 1, 'green')
  26. cnt = 0
  27. for elem in fdtd.ez:
  28. gp.update_point(cnt,elem)
  29. cnt += 1
  30. gp.set_frame_end()
  32. def report():
  33. """report the rate of progress
  35. Parameters
  36. ----------
  37. none
  38. """
  39. global MaxTime
  40. global qTime
  41. print ''.join([str(int(1000.00*int(qTime+1)/int(MaxTime))/10.0),'% has been finished!'])
  42. if(qTime>=MaxTime-1):
  43. return
  44. global timer
  45. timer = threading.Timer(2.0,report)
  46. timer.start()
  48. gp = gnuplot_leon()
  49. gp.set_plot_size(0.85,0.85)
  50. gp.set_canvas_size(600,400)
  51. #gp.set_title('fdtd simulation by leon : gnuplot class test')
  52. title = 'fdtd simulation by leon,yangli0534\\\\@gmail.com'
  54. gp.set_title(title)
  55. gp.set_gif()
  56. #gp.set_png()
  57. gp.set_file_name('demo3.gif')
  58. gp.set_tics_color('white')
  59. gp.set_border_color('orange')
  60. gp.set_grid_color('orange')
  61. gp.set_bkgr_color('gray10')
  62. gp.set_xlabel('length','white')
  63. gp.set_ylabel('amplitude','white')
  64. gp.auto_scale_enable()
  65. gp.set_key('off','sin(x)','white')
  67. size = 400#physical distance
  68. #ez=size * [0.00]#electric field
  69. #hy=size * [0.00]#magnetic field
  70. #ceze=size * [0.00]#
  71. #cezh=size * [0.00]#
  72. #chye=size * [0.00]#
  73. #chyh=size * [0.00]#
  74. #sinwave=size * [0.00]#
  75. imp0 = 377.00
  76. LOSS = 0.01
  77. LOSS_LAYER = 250
  78. qTime = 0
  79. MaxTime = 18000
  80. delay = 30
  81. width = 10
  82. cdtds =1.0
  83. epsR = 9.0
  84. tfsf_boundary = 0
  85. interval = 30
  86. #cnt = 0
  87. #elem = 0.00000
  88. gp.set_x_range(0,size-1)
  90. fdtd = fdtd_leon(size,0,MaxTime,delay,width,cdtds)
  91. fdtd.grid_init(LOSS, LOSS_LAYER, epsR)
  92. fdtd.abc_init()
  93. tfsf_boundary = fdtd.tfsf_init()
  94. timer = threading.Timer(1,report)
  95. timer.start()
  96. # do time stepping
  97. for fdtd.time in range(0, MaxTime):
  98. qTime = fdtd.time
  99. fdtd.update_h()
  100. fdtd.tfsf_update(tfsf_boundary)
  101. fdtd.abc()
  102. fdtd.update_e()
  103. snashot(gp,fdtd,interval)
  105. gp.set_output_valid()
  106. gp.close()

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