
jQuery("input[type=checkbox][name='fbCqscsf.cqzdycqk']").not("[value=1]").attr("checked","");var item = $('input[@name=items][@checked]').val();$("input[@type=radio]").attr("checked",'2');  $('input[@name=items]').get(1).checked = true;
the_value = jQuery('#radio_form input:radio:checked').val();
$("#genera :not(option:first)").remove(); // Delete select except the first one than the other option Item


jQuery("#wgpz option[value='$!wgpz']").attr("selected",true)

$('#select_id')[0].selectedIndex = 1;var item = $("select[@name=items] option[@selected]").text();$("#sel").attr("value",'-sel3');

not function

the_value = jQuery('#radio_form input:radio:checked').val();

IE browser version detection

var isVesion = jQuery.browser.msie && (jQuery.browser.version == "6.0") && !;
Delete the first line of the outer table in addition to all rows of the records .
jQuery("#ywmcjlList tr:not(:first)").remove();

jQuery to determine whether the hidden element


//jQuery Let Div Timing hidden
var timer = setTimeout("$('#alertmsg').css('display','none')",3000);
clearTimeout(timer); var dialogTop = Dialogs.focusedWindow.dialog[0];
var dialogLeft = Dialogs.focusedWindow.dialog[0].style.left;
var top = e.clientY - parseInt(dialogTop);
var left = e.clientX - parseInt(dialogLeft); jQuery("#demo").css("top", top + "px").css("left", left + "px").fadeIn("fast");

To find the back of each paragraph next to sibling

// Filtering Radios group selected radio var pramotion = $( "input[type=radio][name='" +name+ "_" +id+ "']" ); var checked = pramotion.filter( "input:checked" ); "label" ).show(); pramotion.not( "input:checked" ).next( "label" ).hide(); pramotion.not( "input:checked" ).show(); "img" ).hide();

counteract.siblings().next( "img" ).hide();
// To obtain additional promotions ( Platform, shops ) With flowers-Radio box
var filterRadio = counteractVolumeRadio.filter($( "input[name!='" +fashion+ "'][value='"+sequence+ "']" ));
var genera = $( "#genera" );
var jsonCategory = $!shopcategory;
jQuery.each(jsonCategory, function (index,sole){
genera.append("<option value=" +sole.typecode+ ">" +sole.typename+ "</option>" );

If the attribute name contains "-" so, you must use quotation marks:

jQuery  Code  :
$(this).is(':checked')//jQuery CSS Style settings $("p").css({ color: "#ff0011", background: "blue" });$("p").css({ "margin-left": "10px", "background-color": "blue" });
$(this).css("border","2px dashed #000000");
width: function(index, value) {
return parseFloat(value) * 1.2;
height: function(index, value) {
return parseFloat(value) * 1.2;
'font-size' : '2em',
'color' : '#cc00ff'
}); $("p").css({
}); var item = $( 'input[@name=items][@checked]' ).val();
$( "input[@type=radio]" ).attr( "checked" , '2' );
$( 'input[@name=items]' ).get(1).checked = true ;
the_value = jQuery( '#radio_form input:radio:checked' ).val();
$( "input[@name='rdio']:checked" ).val()

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