

package com.amgkaka.performance;

/** *//**
* 监视信息的JavaBean类.
* @author amg
* @version 1.0
* Creation date: 2008-4-25 - 上午10:37:00
public class MonitorInfoBean {
/** *//** 可使用内存. */
private long totalMemory; /** *//** 剩余内存. */
private long freeMemory; /** *//** 最大可使用内存. */
private long maxMemory; /** *//** 操作系统. */
private String osName; /** *//** 总的物理内存. */
private long totalMemorySize; /** *//** 剩余的物理内存. */
private long freePhysicalMemorySize; /** *//** 已使用的物理内存. */
private long usedMemory; /** *//** 线程总数. */
private int totalThread; /** *//** cpu使用率. */
private double cpuRatio; public long getFreeMemory() {
return freeMemory;
} public void setFreeMemory(long freeMemory) {
this.freeMemory = freeMemory;
} public long getFreePhysicalMemorySize() {
return freePhysicalMemorySize;
} public void setFreePhysicalMemorySize(long freePhysicalMemorySize) {
this.freePhysicalMemorySize = freePhysicalMemorySize;
} public long getMaxMemory() {
return maxMemory;
} public void setMaxMemory(long maxMemory) {
this.maxMemory = maxMemory;
} public String getOsName() {
return osName;
} public void setOsName(String osName) {
this.osName = osName;
} public long getTotalMemory() {
return totalMemory;
} public void setTotalMemory(long totalMemory) {
this.totalMemory = totalMemory;
} public long getTotalMemorySize() {
return totalMemorySize;
} public void setTotalMemorySize(long totalMemorySize) {
this.totalMemorySize = totalMemorySize;
} public int getTotalThread() {
return totalThread;
} public void setTotalThread(int totalThread) {
this.totalThread = totalThread;
} public long getUsedMemory() {
return usedMemory;
} public void setUsedMemory(long usedMemory) {
this.usedMemory = usedMemory;
} public double getCpuRatio() {
return cpuRatio;
} public void setCpuRatio(double cpuRatio) {
this.cpuRatio = cpuRatio;


package com.amgkaka.performance;

/** *//**
* 获取系统信息的业务逻辑类接口.
* @author amg * @version 1.0
* Creation date: 2008-3-11 - 上午10:06:06
public interface IMonitorService {
/** *//**
* 获得当前的监控对象.
* @return 返回构造好的监控对象
* @throws Exception
* @author amgkaka
* Creation date: 2008-4-25 - 上午10:45:08
public MonitorInfoBean getMonitorInfoBean() throws Exception; }


package com.amgkaka.performance;

import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.LineNumberReader; import sun.management.ManagementFactory; import com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean; /** *//**
* 获取系统信息的业务逻辑实现类.
* @author amg * @version 1.0 Creation date: 2008-3-11 - 上午10:06:06
public class MonitorServiceImpl implements IMonitorService {
private static final int CPUTIME = 5000; private static final int PERCENT = 100; private static final int FAULTLENGTH = 10; /** *//**
* 获得当前的监控对象.
* @return 返回构造好的监控对象
* @throws Exception
* @author amg * Creation date: 2008-4-25 - 上午10:45:08
public MonitorInfoBean getMonitorInfoBean() throws Exception {
int kb = 1024; // 可使用内存
long totalMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / kb;
// 剩余内存
long freeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / kb;
// 最大可使用内存
long maxMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / kb; OperatingSystemMXBean osmxb = (OperatingSystemMXBean) ManagementFactory
.getOperatingSystemMXBean(); // 操作系统
String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
// 总的物理内存
long totalMemorySize = osmxb.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize() / kb;
// 剩余的物理内存
long freePhysicalMemorySize = osmxb.getFreePhysicalMemorySize() / kb;
// 已使用的物理内存
long usedMemory = (osmxb.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize() - osmxb
/ kb; // 获得线程总数
ThreadGroup parentThread;
for (parentThread = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(); parentThread
.getParent() != null; parentThread = parentThread.getParent())
int totalThread = parentThread.activeCount(); double cpuRatio = 0;
if (osName.toLowerCase().startsWith("windows")) {
cpuRatio = this.getCpuRatioForWindows();
} // 构造返回对象
MonitorInfoBean infoBean = new MonitorInfoBean();
return infoBean;
} /** *//**
* 获得CPU使用率.
* @return 返回cpu使用率
* @author amg * Creation date: 2008-4-25 - 下午06:05:11
private double getCpuRatioForWindows() {
try {
String procCmd = System.getenv("windir")
+ "\\system32\\wbem\\wmic.exe process get Caption,CommandLine,"
+ "KernelModeTime,ReadOperationCount,ThreadCount,UserModeTime,WriteOperationCount";
// 取进程信息
long[] c0 = readCpu(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(procCmd));
long[] c1 = readCpu(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(procCmd));
if (c0 != null && c1 != null) {
long idletime = c1[0] - c0[0];
long busytime = c1[1] - c0[1];
return Double.valueOf(
PERCENT * (busytime) / (busytime + idletime))
} else {
return 0.0;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return 0.0;
} /** *//**
* 读取CPU信息.
* @param proc
* @return
* @author amg * Creation date: 2008-4-25 - 下午06:10:14
private long[] readCpu(final Process proc) {
long[] retn = new long[2];
try {
InputStreamReader ir = new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream());
LineNumberReader input = new LineNumberReader(ir);
String line = input.readLine();
if (line == null || line.length() < FAULTLENGTH) {
return null;
int capidx = line.indexOf("Caption");
int cmdidx = line.indexOf("CommandLine");
int rocidx = line.indexOf("ReadOperationCount");
int umtidx = line.indexOf("UserModeTime");
int kmtidx = line.indexOf("KernelModeTime");
int wocidx = line.indexOf("WriteOperationCount");
long idletime = 0;
long kneltime = 0;
long usertime = 0;
while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.length() < wocidx) {
// 字段出现顺序:Caption,CommandLine,KernelModeTime,ReadOperationCount,
// ThreadCount,UserModeTime,WriteOperation
String caption = Bytes.substring(line, capidx, cmdidx - 1)
String cmd = Bytes.substring(line, cmdidx, kmtidx - 1).trim();
if (cmd.indexOf("wmic.exe") >= 0) {
// log.info("line="+line);
if (caption.equals("System Idle Process")
|| caption.equals("System")) {
idletime += Long.valueOf(
Bytes.substring(line, kmtidx, rocidx - 1).trim())
idletime += Long.valueOf(
Bytes.substring(line, umtidx, wocidx - 1).trim())
} kneltime += Long.valueOf(
Bytes.substring(line, kmtidx, rocidx - 1).trim())
usertime += Long.valueOf(
Bytes.substring(line, umtidx, wocidx - 1).trim())
retn[0] = idletime;
retn[1] = kneltime + usertime;
return retn;
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
} /** *//**
* 测试方法.
* @param args
* @throws Exception
* @author amg * Creation date: 2008-4-30 - 下午04:47:29
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
IMonitorService service = new MonitorServiceImpl();
MonitorInfoBean monitorInfo = service.getMonitorInfoBean();
System.out.println("cpu占有率=" + monitorInfo.getCpuRatio()); System.out.println("可使用内存=" + monitorInfo.getTotalMemory());
System.out.println("剩余内存=" + monitorInfo.getFreeMemory());
System.out.println("最大可使用内存=" + monitorInfo.getMaxMemory()); System.out.println("操作系统=" + monitorInfo.getOsName());
System.out.println("总的物理内存=" + monitorInfo.getTotalMemorySize() + "kb");
System.out.println("剩余的物理内存=" + monitorInfo.getFreeMemory() + "kb");
System.out.println("已使用的物理内存=" + monitorInfo.getUsedMemory() + "kb");
System.out.println("线程总数=" + monitorInfo.getTotalThread() + "kb");


package com.amgkaka.performance;

/** *//**
* byte操作类.
* @author amg * @version 1.0
* Creation date: 2008-4-30 - 下午04:57:23
public class Bytes {
/** *//**
* 由于String.subString对汉字处理存在问题(把一个汉字视为一个字节),因此在
* 包含汉字的字符串时存在隐患,现调整如下:
* @param src 要截取的字符串
* @param start_idx 开始坐标(包括该坐标)
* @param end_idx 截止坐标(包括该坐标)
* @return
public static String substring(String src, int start_idx, int end_idx){
byte[] b = src.getBytes();
String tgt = "";
for(int i=start_idx; i<=end_idx; i++){
tgt +=(char)b[i];
return tgt;




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