


  1. weight = -eta * (grad + lambda * weight)


  1. void UpdateWeight(const float *grad, float eta, float lambda,
  2. int n, float *weight) {
  3. for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  4. weight[i] = -eta * (grad[i] + lambda * weight[i]);
  5. }
  6. }


  1. void UpdateWeight(const Vec& grad, float eta, float lambda, Vec& weight) {
  2. weight = -eta * (grad + lambda * weight);
  3. }



  1. // Naive solution for vector operation overloading
  2. struct Vec {
  3. int len;
  4. float* dptr;
  5. Vec(int len) : len(len) {
  6. dptr = new float[len];
  7. }
  8. Vec(const Vec& src) : len(src.len) {
  9. dptr = new float[len];
  10. memcpy(dptr, src.dptr, sizeof(float)*len );
  11. }
  12. ~Vec(void) {
  13. delete [] dptr;
  14. }
  15. };
  16. inline Vec operator+(const Vec &lhs, const Vec &rhs) {
  17. Vec res(lhs.len);
  18. for (int i = 0; i < lhs.len; ++i) {
  19. res.dptr[i] = lhs.dptr[i] + rhs.dptr[i];
  20. }
  21. return res;
  22. }

然而,这种方法并不高效,原因是每次调用运算符时都会有内存空间的申请和释放。另一种更高效的方法是仅重载运算符+=和-=,他们无需临时内存分配即可实现, 但这又限制了我们可以调用的运算符的数量,得不偿失。下一小节,我们将介绍如何利用表达式模板实现延迟计算。



  1. // Example Lazy evaluation code
  2. // for simplicity, we use struct and make all members public
  3. #include <cstdio>
  4. struct Vec;
  5. // expression structure holds the expression
  6. struct BinaryAddExp {
  7. const Vec &lhs;
  8. const Vec &rhs;
  9. BinaryAddExp(const Vec &lhs, const Vec &rhs)
  10. : lhs(lhs), rhs(rhs) {}
  11. };
  12. // no constructor and destructor to allocate and de-allocate memory,
  13. // allocation done by user
  14. struct Vec {
  15. int len;
  16. float* dptr;
  17. Vec(void) {}
  18. Vec(float *dptr, int len)
  19. : len(len), dptr(dptr) {}
  20. // here is where evaluation happens
  21. inline Vec &operator=(const BinaryAddExp &src) {
  22. for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
  23. dptr[i] = src.lhs.dptr[i] + src.rhs.dptr[i];
  24. }
  25. return *this;
  26. }
  27. };
  28. // no evaluation happens here
  29. inline BinaryAddExp operator+(const Vec &lhs, const Vec &rhs) {
  30. return BinaryAddExp(lhs, rhs);
  31. }
  32. const int n = 3;
  33. int main(void) {
  34. float sa[n] = {1, 2, 3};
  35. float sb[n] = {2, 3, 4};
  36. float sc[n] = {3, 4, 5};
  37. Vec A(sa, n), B(sb, n), C(sc, n);
  38. // run expression
  39. A = B + C;
  40. for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  41. printf("%d:%f==%f+%f\\n", i, A.dptr[i], B.dptr[i], C.dptr[i]);
  42. }
  43. return 0;
  44. }




  • 只能编写形如A=B+C的表达式,不能编写类似A=B+C+D等更加复杂的表达式
  • 如果想添加更多的表达式,就需要编写更多的operator=来执行相应的计算


  1. // Example code, expression template, and more length equations
  2. // for simplicity, we use struct and make all members public
  3. #include <cstdio>
  4. // this is expression, all expressions must inheritate it,
  5. // and put their type in subtype
  6. template<typename SubType>
  7. struct Exp {
  8. // returns const reference of the actual type of this expression
  9. inline const SubType& self(void) const {
  10. return *static_cast<const SubType*>(this);
  11. }
  12. };
  13. // binary add expression
  14. // note how it is inheritates from Exp
  15. // and put its own type into the template argument
  16. template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs>
  17. struct BinaryAddExp: public Exp<BinaryAddExp<TLhs, TRhs> > {
  18. const TLhs &lhs;
  19. const TRhs &rhs;
  20. BinaryAddExp(const TLhs& lhs, const TRhs& rhs)
  21. : lhs(lhs), rhs(rhs) {}
  22. // evaluation function, evaluate this expression at position i
  23. inline float Eval(int i) const {
  24. return lhs.Eval(i) + rhs.Eval(i);
  25. }
  26. };
  27. // no constructor and destructor to allocate
  28. // and de-allocate memory, allocation done by user
  29. struct Vec: public Exp<Vec> {
  30. int len;
  31. float* dptr;
  32. Vec(void) {}
  33. Vec(float *dptr, int len)
  34. :len(len), dptr(dptr) {}
  35. // here is where evaluation happens
  36. template<typename EType>
  37. inline Vec& operator= (const Exp<EType>& src_) {
  38. const EType &src = src_.self();
  39. for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
  40. dptr[i] = src.Eval(i);
  41. }
  42. return *this;
  43. }
  44. // evaluation function, evaluate this expression at position i
  45. inline float Eval(int i) const {
  46. return dptr[i];
  47. }
  48. };
  49. // template add, works for any expressions
  50. template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs>
  51. inline BinaryAddExp<TLhs, TRhs>
  52. operator+(const Exp<TLhs> &lhs, const Exp<TRhs> &rhs) {
  53. return BinaryAddExp<TLhs, TRhs>(lhs.self(), rhs.self());
  54. }
  55. const int n = 3;
  56. int main(void) {
  57. float sa[n] = {1, 2, 3};
  58. float sb[n] = {2, 3, 4};
  59. float sc[n] = {3, 4, 5};
  60. Vec A(sa, n), B(sb, n), C(sc, n);
  61. // run expression, this expression is longer:)
  62. A = B + C + C;
  63. for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  64. printf("%d:%f == %f + %f + %f\\n", i,
  65. A.dptr[i], B.dptr[i],
  66. C.dptr[i], C.dptr[i]);
  67. }
  68. return 0;
  69. }

代码的关键思想是模板Exp<SubType>将其派生类SubType的类型作为模板参数,因此它可以通过self()将其自身转换为SubType,这种模式被称为奇异递归模板模式,简称CRTPBinaryAddExp现在是一个模板类,可以将多个表达式复合在一起。真正的计算操作是通过函数Eval完成的,该函数在BinaryAddExp中以递归方式实现,operator=中的函数调用src.Eval(i)会被编译成B.dptr[i] + C.dptr[i] + C.dptr[i]



  1. // Example code, expression template
  2. // with binary operator definition and extension
  3. // for simplicity, we use struct and make all members public
  4. #include <cstdio>
  5. // this is expression, all expressions must inheritate it,
  6. // and put their type in subtype
  7. template<typename SubType>
  8. struct Exp{
  9. // returns const reference of the actual type of this expression
  10. inline const SubType& self(void) const {
  11. return *static_cast<const SubType*>(this);
  12. }
  13. };
  14. // binary operators
  15. struct mul{
  16. inline static float Map(float a, float b) {
  17. return a * b;
  18. }
  19. };
  20. // binary add expression
  21. // note how it is inheritates from Exp
  22. // and put its own type into the template argument
  23. template<typename OP, typename TLhs, typename TRhs>
  24. struct BinaryMapExp: public Exp<BinaryMapExp<OP, TLhs, TRhs> >{
  25. const TLhs& lhs;
  26. const TRhs& rhs;
  27. BinaryMapExp(const TLhs& lhs, const TRhs& rhs)
  28. :lhs(lhs), rhs(rhs) {}
  29. // evaluation function, evaluate this expression at position i
  30. inline float Eval(int i) const {
  31. return OP::Map(lhs.Eval(i), rhs.Eval(i));
  32. }
  33. };
  34. // no constructor and destructor to allocate and de-allocate memory
  35. // allocation done by user
  36. struct Vec: public Exp<Vec>{
  37. int len;
  38. float* dptr;
  39. Vec(void) {}
  40. Vec(float *dptr, int len)
  41. : len(len), dptr(dptr) {}
  42. // here is where evaluation happens
  43. template<typename EType>
  44. inline Vec& operator=(const Exp<EType>& src_) {
  45. const EType &src = src_.self();
  46. for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
  47. dptr[i] = src.Eval(i);
  48. }
  49. return *this;
  50. }
  51. // evaluation function, evaluate this expression at position i
  52. inline float Eval(int i) const {
  53. return dptr[i];
  54. }
  55. };
  56. // template binary operation, works for any expressions
  57. template<typename OP, typename TLhs, typename TRhs>
  58. inline BinaryMapExp<OP, TLhs, TRhs>
  59. F(const Exp<TLhs>& lhs, const Exp<TRhs>& rhs) {
  60. return BinaryMapExp<OP, TLhs, TRhs>(lhs.self(), rhs.self());
  61. }
  62. template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs>
  63. inline BinaryMapExp<mul, TLhs, TRhs>
  64. operator*(const Exp<TLhs>& lhs, const Exp<TRhs>& rhs) {
  65. return F<mul>(lhs, rhs);
  66. }
  67. // user defined operation
  68. struct maximum{
  69. inline static float Map(float a, float b) {
  70. return a > b ? a : b;
  71. }
  72. };
  73. const int n = 3;
  74. int main(void) {
  75. float sa[n] = {1, 2, 3};
  76. float sb[n] = {2, 3, 4};
  77. float sc[n] = {3, 4, 5};
  78. Vec A(sa, n), B(sb, n), C(sc, n);
  79. // run expression, this expression is longer:)
  80. A = B * F<maximum>(C, B);
  81. for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  82. printf("%d:%f == %f * max(%f, %f)\\n",
  83. i, A.dptr[i], B.dptr[i], C.dptr[i], B.dptr[i]);
  84. }
  85. return 0;
  86. }

这段代码与上一小节代码的主要区别是模板类BinaryMapExp可以接受任意类型的二元操作符,要求是该操作符必须要实现一个Map函数。个人理解,第62行实现的那个F函数主要是为了编写代码方便,如果没有它,那么第69行就要写成BinaryMapExp<mul, TLhs, TRhs>(lhs.self(), rhs.self());,写起来就比较麻烦。其他的地方基本上与前一小节的代码差不多,稍微一看就能明白。



  • 延迟计算,允许我们提前知道运算符和目标变量
  • 组合模板与递归计算,允许我们执行任意element-wise操作的复合表达式
  • 由于模板和内联的存在,表达式模板能够像编写for循环那样高效的实现element-wise的计算



  • 将计算代码和表达式构造相分离

    • 没有把Eval函数实现在Exp类中,而是根据表达式创建一个Plan类,并用它计算结果
    • 这样做的一个目的是减少Plan类中的私有变量数量,比如不需要知道数组的长度就可以计算结果
    • 另一个原因是CUDA kernel不能处理包含const reference的类
    • 这种设计值得商榷,但是目前很有用
  • 延迟计算支持复杂的表达式,例如矩阵点乘
    • 除了element-wise的表达式,MShadow还计算实现形如A = dot(B.T(), C)的语法糖。
  • 支持类型检查和数组长度检查



  • This only removes the need of expression template then expression generate space, say dst = A + B + C, dst does not contain space allocated before assignment. (这句话没有理解它的意思,先把原文放这里吧)
  • 如果想要保留一切都是预先分配的这种syntax,并且表达式无需内存分配即可执行(这就是MShadow所做的事情),那么仍然需要表达式模板。


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