
Bring DNNL to TVM: JSON Codegen/Runtime

现在实现将中继图序列化为JSON表示的DNNL codegen,然后实现DNNL JSON runtime来反序列化和执行该图。请注意,如果尝试实现codegen来生成C兼容的程序,可能需要直接进入下一节。

要使TVM中的DNNL JSON codegen/runtime在本例中工作,请确保DNNL在计算机上可用,并在中使用set(USE_DNNL_CODEGEN ON)构建TVM配置文件制作。

DNNL codegen在src/relay/backend/contrib/dnnl/codegen.cc。 因为在这个文件中的两个表单中都实现了DNNL codegen,所以在跟踪代码时,可以将注意力集中在USE_JSON_RUNTIME宏所涵盖的部分。

首先用TVM注册API(L510)注册codegen。此注册使TVM编译引擎将Compiler=<your codegen>的中继函数分派到relay.ext.<your codegen>。然后实现了DNNL编译器(L490)的入口函数。有关详细信息,请阅读代码片段中嵌入的注释:

runtime::Module DNNLCompiler(const ObjectRef& ref) {

// "ref" should be the paritioned Relay function with kCompiler=dnnl.


auto func = Downcast<Function>(ref);

// Get the function name as the symbol to match in runtime.

auto func_name = GetExtSymbol(func);

// Serialize the function to a JSON string (introduce later).

DNNLJSONSerializer serializer(func_name, func);


std::string graph_json = serializer.GetJSON();

// The constant tensor names that have been bound to the module.

// All constant tensors will be serialzied along with the JSON graph

// when export_library is invoked.

auto params = serializer.GetParams();

// The function to create DNNL JSON runtime (introduce later).

const auto* pf = runtime::Registry::Get("runtime.DNNLJSONRuntimeCreate");

CHECK(pf != nullptr) << "Cannot find JSON runtime module to create";

// Create a DNNL runtime module that can run the serialized function.

auto mod = (*pf)(func_name, graph_json, params);

return mod;



每个 runtime模块只负责一个中继函数,这意味着您可能在一个single .so文件中有多个DNNL runtime模块。



我们从BYOC JSON codegen (src/relay/backend/contrib/codegen_json/codegen_json.h)派生而来。DNNL JSON serializer中的特殊进程尝试序列化对可由DNNL JSON runtime解释的JSON节点的复合函数调用。假设我们有一个与模式匹配的复合函数dnnl.conv2d_relu公司,则BYOC JSON codegen将生成以下JSON节点:


op: "kernel",

name: "dnnl.conv2d_relu",

inputs: [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]],

attrs: {

PartitionedFromPattern: ["nn.conv2d_nn.relu_"],

shape: [1, 32, 14, 14]



问题是在runtime仍然需要Conv2D属性,比如padding和stripes,但是BYOC JSON序列化程序只附加复合函数的属性,而不附加body算子。另一方面,定制的DNNL JSON序列化程序在复合函数中附加第一个也是唯一一个Conv2D的属性,以生成以下JSON节点:


op: "kernel",

name: "dnnl.conv2d_relu",

inputs: [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]],

attrs: {

shape: [1, 32, 14, 14],

data_layout: ["NCHW"],

kernel_layout: ["OIHW"],

strides: [1, 1],

padding: [1, 1, 1, 1]



从DNNL JSON序列化程序可以看出,只要JSON runtime能够解释,就可以定制序列化程序以生成JSON格式的任何表单。


实现一个DNNL JSON runtime来解释和执行序列化的JSON图。把它放在src/runtime/contrib/dnnl/dnnl_json_runtime.cc

同样,首先注册两个api来创建 runtime,这样就可以在任何地方使用。这个runtime.DNNLJSONRuntimeCreate序列化后在上一部分中使用,并且runtime.module.loadbinary_dnnl_json可以在加载.so back时使用。

// Create a DNNL JSON runtime to interpret and execute the given JSON graph.
runtime::Module DNNLJSONRuntimeCreate(String symbol_name, String graph_json,
                                      const Array<String>& const_names) {
  auto n = make_object<DNNLJSONRuntime>(symbol_name, graph_json, const_names);
  return runtime::Module(n);

Now we explain DNNL JSON runtime implementation. The basic class structure is:

class DNNLJSONRuntime : public JSONRuntimeBase {
  const  char* type_key() const { return  "dnnl_json"; } 
  void Init(const Array<NDArray>& consts) override {
    // Initialize the DNNL graph engine.
    // Setup constants entries for weights.
    CHECK_EQ(consts.size(), const_idx_.size())
      << "The number of input constants must match the number of required.";
  void Run() override {
   // 1. Fill in the input buffers.
   // 2. Invoke the engine through intepreting the stream.
   // 3. Read and fill output buffers.

Init函数负责通过解释JSON图形字符串来构建DNNL引擎(BuildEngine请参阅L93),并将常量权重填充到相应的数据输入缓冲区(SetupConstant在JSON runtime基类中实现,只需在Init中调用它)。



由于DNNL JSON runtime中的rest实现太过DNNL特定,因此在本文中我们将停止讨论。要强调的是,虽然DNNL JSON runtime是一个很好的参考,但是JSON runtime可以完全定制以满足需求。

Bring DNNL to TVM: C Source Codegen

现在让我们实现DNNL codegen,它生成C源代码,它调用dnnlapi来执行中继图表。注释如果试图实现一个codegen来生成JSON格式的其他图形表示,那么可能需要阅读DNNL to TVM: JSON Codegen/Runtime并跳过这一节。

要使TVM中的DNNL C源代码生成在本例中工作,确保DNNL在计算机上可用,并在中使用set(USE_DNNL_CODEGEN C_SRC)构建TVM配置文件制作.

DNNL codegen在src/relay/backend/contrib/dnnl/codegen.cc。由于在这个文件中的两个表单中都实现了DNNL codegen,所以在跟踪代码时,可以将注意力集中在USE_JSON_RUNTIME runtime宏未涵盖的部分。

首先用TVM注册API(L510)注册codegen。此注册使TVM编译引擎将Compiler=<your codegen>的中继函数分派到relay.ext.<your codegen>。然后实现DNNL编译器(L490)的entry函数:

runtime::Module DNNLCompiler(const ObjectRef& ref) {

DNNLModuleCodegen dnnl;

return dnnl.CreateCSourceModule(ref);



每个 runtime模块只负责一个中继函数,这意味着您可能在single .so文件中有多个DNNL runtime模块。


runtime::Module CreateCSourceModule(const ObjectRef& ref) override {

// Include headers

// ...skip...

code_stream_ << "#include <dnnl/dnnl_kernel.h>\n";

// ...skip...

// "ref" should be the paritioned Relay function with kCompiler=dnnl.


auto res = GenDNNLFunc(Downcast<Function>(ref));

// "code" is the generated C code with DNNL APIs.

std::string code = code_stream_.str();

// "res" is a tuple of constant weights (symbols, values).

// All constant tensors will be serialzied along with the generated C code

// when export_library is invoked.

String sym = std::get<0>(res);

Array<String> variables = std::get<1>(res);

// Create a CSource module with all above artifacts.

const auto* pf = runtime::Registry::Get("runtime.CSourceModuleCreate");

CHECK(pf != nullptr) << "Cannot find csource module to create the external runtime module";

return (*pf)(code, "c", sym, variables);


接下来,实现GenDNNLFunc(L365),用DNN API生成可编译的C代码,如下所示。有关TVM C source runtime模块兼容函数接口的说明,请参阅嵌入的注释。

// The example Relay graph: conv2d -> add -> relu.

#include <cstdint>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <cstring>

#include <vector>

#include <tvm/runtime/c_runtime_api.h>

#include <tvm/runtime/container.h>

#include <tvm/runtime/packed_func.h>

#include <dlpack/dlpack.h>

#include <dnnl/dnnl_kernel.h>

using namespace tvm::runtime;

using namespace tvm::runtime::contrib;

// Execute the conv2d->add->relu graph with DNNL.

extern "C" void dnnl_0_(float* dnnl_0_i0, float* dnnl_0_i1,

float* dnnl_0_i2, float* out0) {

// Allocate intermediate buffers.

float* buf_0 = (float*)std::malloc(4 * 4608);

float* buf_1 = (float*)std::malloc(4 * 4608);

float* buf_2 = (float*)std::malloc(4 * 4608);

// Pre-implemented op-based DNNL functions.

dnnl_conv2d(dnnl_0_i0, dnnl_0_i1, buf_0, 1, 32, 14, 14, 32, 1, 0, 0, 3, 3, 1, 1);

dnnl_add(buf_0, dnnl_0_i2, buf_1, 1, 32, 12, 12);

dnnl_relu(buf_1, buf_2, 1, 32, 12, 12);

// Copy the final output to the corresponding buffer.

std::memcpy(out0, buf_2, 4 * 4608);





// The wrapper function with all arguments in DLTensor type.

extern "C" int dnnl_0_wrapper_(DLTensor* arg0,

DLTensor* arg1,

DLTensor* arg2,

DLTensor* out0) {

// Cast all DLTensor to primitive type buffers and invoke the above

// execution function.





return 0;


// The TVM macro to generate TVM runtime compatible function "dnnl_0"

// from our generated "dnnl_0_wrapper_".

TVM_DLL_EXPORT_TYPED_FUNC(dnnl_0, dnnl_0_wrapper_);



C Source Compilation


def update_lib(lib):
    # Include the path of src/runtime/contrib/dnnl/dnnl.cc
    test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(__file__)))
    source_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, "..", "..", "..")
    contrib_path = os.path.join(source_dir, "src", "runtime", "contrib")
    # Setup the gcc flag to compile DNNL code.
    kwargs = {}
    kwargs["options"] = ["-O2", "-std=c++14", "-I" + contrib_path]
    tmp_path = util.tempdir()
    lib_name = 'lib.so'
    lib_path = tmp_path.relpath(lib_name)
    # The generated C code with DNNL APIs is compiled to a binary lib.so.
    lib.export_library(lib_path, fcompile=False, **kwargs)
    # Load the lib.so back to a runtime module.
    lib = runtime.load_module(lib_path)
    return lib
with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
    json, lib, param = relay.build(mod, target=target, params=params)
lib = update_lib(lib)
rt_mod = tvm.contrib.graph_runtime.create(json, lib, ctx)

Bring DNNL to TVM: Build TVM with DNNL Codegen/Runtime

最后,创建cmake/modules/contrib/DNNL.cmake在构建TVM时包括DNNL codegen。为了演示,DNNL codegen在同一个cmake文件中有两个实现。只能根据需要专注于其中的一个。

cmake文件就绪后,现在用户可以在其构建中指定set(USE_DNNL_CODEGEN ON)的build/config.cmake配置文件制作启用DNNL codegen。


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