python 爬取王者荣耀英雄皮肤代码
import os, time, requests, json, re, sys
from retrying import retry
from urllib import parse """
作者:Felix(2020/7/30 14:42)
""" class HonorOfKings:
def __init__(self, save_path='./heros'):
self.save_path = save_path # 默认路径为:./heros
self.time = str(time.time()).split('.')
self.url = '{}&iOrder=0&iSortNumClose=1&iAMSActivityId=51991&_everyRead=true&iTypeId=2&iFlowId=267733&iActId=2735&iModuleId=2735&_=%s' % \
self.time[0] # 这是抓包获得的,暂时不会。。 def hello(self):
print("*" * 50)
print(' ' * 18 + '王者荣耀壁纸下载')
print(' ' * 5 + '公众号:【全面资源集】')
print("*" * 50)
return self def run(self):
print('↓' * 20 + ' 格式选择: ' + '↓' * 20)
print('1.缩略图 2.1024x768 3.1280x720 4.1280x1024 5.1440x900 6.1920x1080 7.1920x1200 8.1920x1440')
size = input('请输入您想下载的格式序号,默认6:')
size = size if size and int(size) in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] else 6 # 直接回车就选6 hero_list = self.request('').json()
hero_names = [] # 上面网址是抓包获得的,暂时不会。。
cover_div = os.path.join(self.save_path, '英雄封面')
num = 0 # 下载第几张封面,用于显示进度
all = len(hero_list['list'])
for i in hero_list['list']:
hero_names.append(i['name']) # 把英雄名放入列表
content = self.request(i['cover']).content
cover_path = os.path.join(cover_div, i['name']+'.png')
if not os.path.exists(cover_path):
with open(cover_path, 'wb') as f: # 保存封面
num += 1
sys.stdout.write('→ → → →正在爬取封面....爬取进度:%s|%s张' % (num, all))
# print(hero_names) page = 0 # 第零页,用于获取英雄总数,并保存第零页图片
offset = 20 # 页数,用于递增爬取不同页
total_response = self.request(self.url.format(page)).text
total_res = json.loads(total_response)
total_page = --int(total_res['iTotalPages']) # 总页数(25)
print('→ → → →开始爬取皮肤...(总共 {} 页)'.format(total_page))
while True:
if offset > total_page:
url = self.url.format(offset)
result = self.request(url).json() # 获取json格式数据(不标准),但是能索引,你也可以用下面的
# response = self.request(url).text
# result = json.loads(response)
now = 0 # 表示第几张图,用于显示进度
for item in result["List"]:
now += 1
split_name = parse.unquote(item['sProdName']).split('-')
hero_name = split_name[0] # 英雄名,但是不规范
hero_name = re.sub(r'[【】:.<>|·@#$%^&() ]', '', hero_name) # 把垃圾符号弄掉
for f in hero_names: # 有些英雄名是:张良·幽兰居士,但是我希望所有同英雄皮肤放在一个目录下,所有加上这一步
if f in hero_name:
hero_name = f
# print('---正在下载第 {} 页 {} 英雄 进度{}/{}...'.format(offset, hero_name, now, len(result["List"])))
hero_url = parse.unquote(item['sProdImgNo_{}'.format(str(size))]) # 网址都被编码了,恶心
save_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, hero_name) # 图片保存路径
try: # 不是每个名字都有“-”
pic_name = split_name[1]
pic_name = re.sub(r'[【】:.<>|·@#$%^&() ]', '', pic_name)+'.jpg' # 图片名也给它标准化
except IndexError:
pic_name = hero_name+'.jpg'
save_name = os.path.join(save_path, pic_name)
if not os.path.exists(save_path):
if not os.path.exists(save_name):
with open(save_name, 'wb') as f:
response_content = self.request(hero_url.replace("/200", "/0")).content
sys.stdout.write('\r') # 让输出不断更新
sys.stdout.write('第%s页 %s|第%s张' % (offset, '▋'*2*now, now))
offset += 1
print('\n下载完成!') @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=3)
def request(self, url):
response = requests.get(url, timeout=10)
assert response.status_code == 200
return response if __name__ == "__main__":
HonorOfKings(r'E:\win10\Pictures\电脑图片\王者荣耀壁纸').hello().run() # 这里设置图片下载根目录
import os, time, requests, json, re, sys import threadpool
from retrying import retry
from urllib import parse
from tqdm import tqdm """
作者:Felix(2020/7/30 14:42)
""" class HonorOfKings:
This is a main Class, the file contains all documents.
One document contains paragraphs that have several sentences
It loads the original file and converts the original file to new content
Then the new content will be saved by this class
""" def __init__(self, save_path='./heros'):
self.save_path = save_path # 保存根目录默认在代码所在目录
self.time = str(time.time()).split('.')
self.url = '{}&iOrder=0&iSortNumClose=1&iAMSActivityId=51991&_everyRead=true&iTypeId=2&iFlowId=267733&iActId=2735&iModuleId=2735&_=%s' % \
self.time[0] # 抓包的网址 def hello(self):
This is a welcome speech(欢迎界面) :return: self
print("*" * 50)
print(' ' * 18 + '王者荣耀壁纸下载')
print(' ' * 5 + '公众号:【全面资源集】')
print("*" * 50)
return self def pool(self, function, arg):
pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(20)
request = threadpool.makeRequests(function, arg)
[pool.putRequest(req) for req in request]
pool.wait() def run(self):
"""The program entry(程序入口)"""
print('↓' * 20 + ' 格式选择: ' + '↓' * 20)
print('1.缩略图 2.1024x768 3.1280x720 4.1280x1024 5.1440x900 6.1920x1080 7.1920x1200 8.1920x1440')
size = input('请输入您想下载的格式序号,默认6:')
size = size if size and int(size) in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] else 6 hero_list = self.request( # 下面网址是抓包获得的,暂时不会。。
cover_dicts = [] # 存放字典 {封面名:封面网址}
hero_names = [] # 存放所有英雄名
cover_div = os.path.join(self.save_path, '英雄封面')
num = 0 # 下载第几张封面,用于显示进度
all = len(hero_list['list'])
def down_corver(dict):
global num
content = self.request(dict['cover']).content
cover_path = os.path.join(cover_div, dict['name'] + '.png')
if not os.path.exists(cover_path):
with open(cover_path, 'wb') as f: # 保存封面
num += 1
sys.stdout.write('→ → → →正在爬取封面....爬取进度:%s|%s张' % (num, all))
for i in hero_list['list']:
cover_dicts.append({i['name']: i['corver']})
# print(cover_dicts)
for i in hero_names:
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.save_path, i))
self.pool(down_corver, cover_dicts) page = 0
offset = 0 # 爬取的页数
total_res = self.request(self.url.format(page)).json()
# total_response = self.request(self.url.format(page)).text
# total_res = json.loads(total_response)
total_page = --int(total_res['iTotalPages']) # 所有页数
print('→ → → →开始爬取皮肤(总共 {} 页)...'.format(total_page)) def down(dict):
if '-' in dict['name']:
hero_name = dict['name'].split('-')[0] # 英雄名,创建英雄图片目录
hero_name = re.sub(r'[【】:.<>|·@#$%^&() ]', '', hero_name)
for name in hero_names:
if name in hero_name:
hero_name = name
save_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, hero_name) # 英雄皮肤保存目录
pic_name = dict['name'].split('-')[1] # 各种皮肤名
pic_name = re.sub(r'[【】:.<>|·@#$%^&() ]', '', pic_name) + '.jpg'
hero_name = pic_name = dict['name']
hero_name = pic_name = re.sub(r'[【】:.<>|·@#$%^&() ]', '', hero_name)
save_path = os.path.join(self.save_path, hero_name)
save_name = os.path.join(save_path, pic_name)
hero_url = dict['url']
if not os.path.exists(save_name):
with open(save_name, 'wb') as f:
response_content = self.request(hero_url.replace("/200", "/0")).content
time.sleep(0.4) while True:
if offset > total_page:
url = self.url.format(offset)
response = self.request(url).text
result = json.loads(response) # 共25页,每页20个图片,总共483张;每页英雄不同,即乱排的
# now = 0
dict_list = [] # 储存所有{英雄名:下载地址}的列表
with tqdm(total=len(result["List"]), leave=False, unit='img', ncols=100) as tq:
tq.set_description('第%s页' % offset)
for item in result["List"]:
# now += 1
hero_name = parse.unquote(item['sProdName'])
# print('---正在下载第 {} 页 {} 英雄 进度{}/{}...'.format(offset, hero_name, now, len(result["List"])))
hero_url = parse.unquote(item['sProdImgNo_{}'.format(str(size))])
dict_list.append({'name': hero_name, 'url': hero_url}) # 把所有对应英雄名及图片下载地址放进列表
self.pool(down, dict_list)
offset += 1
print('下载完成!') @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=3)
def request(self, url):
Send a request :param url: the url of request
:param timeout: the time of request
:return: the result of request
response = requests.get(url, timeout=10)
assert response.status_code == 200
return response if __name__ == "__main__":
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