作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/



We have two special characters. The first character can be represented by one bit 0. The second character can be represented by two bits (10 or 11).

Now given a string represented by several bits. Return whether the last character must be a one-bit character or not. The given string will always end with a zero.

Example 1:

bits = [1, 0, 0]
Output: True
The only way to decode it is two-bit character and one-bit character. So the last character is one-bit character.

Example 2:

bits = [1, 1, 1, 0]
Output: False
The only way to decode it is two-bit character and two-bit character. So the last character is NOT one-bit character.


  1. 1 <= len(bits) <= 1000.
  2. bits[i] is always 0 or 1.







class Solution(object):
def isOneBitCharacter(self, bits):
:type bits: List[int]
:rtype: bool
pos = 0
while pos < len(bits) - 1:
if bits[pos] == 1:
pos += 2
pos += 1
return pos == len(bits) - 1 and bits[pos] == 0


class Solution(object):
def isOneBitCharacter(self, bits):
:type bits: List[int]
:rtype: bool
pos = 0
while pos < len(bits) - 1:
pos += 2 if bits[pos] == 1 else 1
return pos == len(bits) - 1


2018 年 1 月 22 日
2018 年 11 月 14 日 —— 很严重的雾霾

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