如题。[牛津] (egg of a) louse or other parasitic insect 虱或其他寄生虫(的卵).

忘了在那个帖子里说nit: 虱子了。

为了凑字数,迄今为止六级/考研单词: hemisphere, mere, dare, restless, splendid, roar, sail, lonely, solitary, foam, dash, cliff, bleak, savage, fame, tin, hollow, underneath, shallow, thunder, naked, beast, stain, tempt, probable, leap, proverb, thereby, bold, interior, seldom, hardy, swamp, mist, hut, ditch, mud, trunk, flock, cattle, coarse, pottery, venture, shore, sword, copper, shield, spear, jerk, fasten, stem, rattle, fright, tribe, fond, abundant, scarce, obey, construct, breast, hail, stiff, penny, worship, ceremony, priest, magic, ignorant, sacrifice, torture, immense, cage, oak, berry, sacred, instruct, temple, fragment, kit, ingenious, potent, execute, conquer, inhabit, resolve, christ, vessel, tide, ashore, rapid, tremble, besides, saint, jealous, quarrel, pearl, delicious, rational, fellow, emperor, fate, liberty, eternal, slave, ancestor, haste, armour, betray, triumph, misfortune, jail, noble, dignity, endure, distress, wither, yield, widow, shame, insult, revenge, injure, rage, oppress, slaughter, poison, devote, heap, pile, grave, rejoice, successor, privilege, fierce, pirate, indigenous, renew, interval, abandon, magistrate, sympathy, cultivate, unify, consolidate, era, invade, depart, militant, refine, wicked, curse, consult, signify, dig, rust, pave, tread, plough, crumble, spade, mingle, decay, trace, weed, ruin, shepherd, monument, terror, wretched, well-off, groan, perish, incline, princess, treaty, wolf, hound, gratitude, isle, gorgeous, feast, heal, cunning, tale, deed, confuse, portray, gradual, innocent, adjacent, gloom, steep, wreck, howl, offend, preach, convert, cathedral, niece, dedicate, wallet, reign, discourse, convince, singular, mount, fury, fling, throne, handsome, revolt, abolish, shelter, rival, refuge, territory, bind, shot, arrow, wound, secular, superb, poet, illuminate, tutor, diligent, quit, solemn, holy, bracelet, fatal, disperse, oblige, disguise, peasant, pronounce, overlap, compute, verb, bow, punish, scold, idle, weave, tentative, midst, fortify, tent, entertain, desire, tune, summon, sovereign, march, besiege, mercy, divine, loyal, sow, reap, famine, plague, nonetheless, pursuit, glitter, translate, rob, astonish, portion, wax, torch, regulate, draught, horn, relieve, bore, surname, elder, unite, greed, drunken, paste, silk, needle, carve, silver, precious, spoon, ornament, tissue, brass, stout, hammer, deadly, forehead, ample, complexion, delight, grace, descend, persevere, freeze, melt, spoil, generous, inspire, pray, animate, neglect, confucian, ideology, farther, counsel, converse, classic, flourish, benevolent, subordinate, humane, transmit, dynasty, suppress, illicit, glory, turbulent, tribute, hawk, wise, beset, outlaw, hunt, cloak, stab, splash, struggle, fever, tumble, angel, denounce, marsh, scholar, necessity, chapel, carpenter, herb, bruise, limb, accordingly, medicare, handicraft, marvel, forge, persecute, devil, nonsense, induce, gross, abuse, sour, treasury, flee, conspire, thief, brand, cheek, pity, cure, hack, dread, rigid, oar, steer, vicious, condemn, dispatch, charm, confess, cheat, enrich, martyr, madam, saddle, creep, spur, faint, trail, curl, snatch, dislike, consent, nickname, notorious, accord, vogue, guilt, heel, stern, commit, fleet, prime, massacre, bearing, dolphin, prey, onward, token, barn, mill, starve, ash, miserable, navy, toast, feeble, tire, assemble, bishop, nationwide, rude, supper, batter, prolong, emulate, rescue, sneak, imitate, aboard, proclaim, combat, weary, clasp, sincere, disposition, tender, wed, shed, pilgrim, contend, disgust, dose, vain, humour, stun, exile, affection, uncertain, halt, cheer, plot, brutal, worthy, tow, foul, crew, bargain, compact, pact, tract, beloved, negligible, resent, harass, exert, seal, diminish, embark, lodge, liquor, intellect, utmost, surrender, confine, tan, clothe, warrior, spy, expedition, stubborn, rally, deprive, tertiary, vigor, rebel, tragedy, hospitable, upset, escort, notify, liable, aspire, superstition, tub, uncover, fusion, array, praise, miracle, funeral, ambassador, banner, warranty, helmet, stumble, dismiss, contrary, diverse, sparkle, ascertain, reconcile, dawn, thread, cluster, burst, knight, foremost, retreat, eager, upward, clash, spectacle, mortal, corpse, knit, sew, embroider, gray, thorough, innumerable, clergy, pork, goat, loud, ensue, soothe, mood, impromptu, situate, repress, ambition, harsh, deliberate, blaze, bribe, dole, engage, curfew, zeal, versus, mankind, hunger, thirst, nominal, temper, ridicule, balcony, endeavor, stray, gay, errand, ongoing, indulge, advice, physician, commend, contest, undertake, convey, extinguish, flame, prohibit, lounge, captive, expense, shabby, flatter, amiable, keen, scatter, inevitable, interfere, embrace, perch, mainland, bay, humble, persist, aggravate, screw, deceive, impatient, hoist, drown, earnest, eloquent, rank, motive, hectic, squeeze, maritime, hardship, foretell, bud, shade, ax, lightning, bare, dew, herd, merry, cart, bleed, limelight, bush, glance, cord, fibre, suspicion, doom, charity, veil, vow, refreshment, crow, imprison, jolly, companion, absent, impulse, assert, tenant, confide, blush, trap, infant, disapprove, physics, basin


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