
给定一个包含 0, 1, 2, ..., n 中 n 个数的序列,找出 0 .. n 中没有出现在序列中的那个数。

示例 1:

  1. 输入: [3,0,1]
  2. 输出: 2

示例 2:

  1. 输入: [9,6,4,2,3,5,7,0,1]
  2. 输出: 8



  1. class Solution(object):
  2. def missingNumber(self, nums):
  3. """
  4. :type nums: List[int]
  5. :rtype: int
  6. """
  7. nums.sort()
  8. for i in range(len(nums)):
  9. if nums[i] != i:
  10. return i
  11. return i + 1


  1. class Solution(object):
  2. def missingNumber(self, nums):
  3. """
  4. :type nums: List[int]
  5. :rtype: int
  6. """
  7. return len(nums)*(len(nums)+1)//2 - sum(nums)


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