[Java] Create File with java.io.File class
Create a file with some content in some specific location. The reference is here.
* Write fileContent in a file and save it into FileToCreatePath
* @param fileContent content of the file
* @param FileToCreatePath path of the file been saved
* @throws IOException
private static void createFile(String fileContent, Path FileToCreatePath) throws IOException
File file = FileToCreatePath.toFile();
if (file.createNewFile())
System.out.println(FileToCreatePath.toString() + " is created!");
System.out.println(FileToCreatePath.toString() + " already exists.");
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file);
E.g if want to create a HelloWorld.txt file, then we just need to use
static final String _txtContent = "Hello World!!!";
static final Path _FilePath = Paths.get(
); // if we want to create different file , like .java, .py or .vbs, we just need to change the name in the _FilePath. createFile(_txtContent, _FilePath);
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