
  • AutoBalance,AutoBalanceLin - Balances free space in the cluster. The goal of the AutoBalance job is to ensure that each node has the same amount of data on it, in order to balance data evenly across the cluster. AutoBalance, along with the Collect job, is run after any cluster group change, unless there are any storage nodes in a “down” state.
  • Collect - Reclaims disk space that could not be freed due to a node or drive being unavailable while they suffer from various failure conditions.
  • FlexProtect, FlexProtectLin - Rebuilds and re-protects the file system to recover from a failure scenario. FlexProtect is responsible for maintaining the appropriate protection level of data across the cluster.
  • MultiScan - Runs Collect and AutoBalance jobs concurrently. It ombines the functionality of AutoBalance and Collect, is automatically run after a group change which adds a
    device to the cluster.
  • SetProtectPlus - Applies the default file policy. This job is disabled if SmartPools is activated on the cluster.
  • (SmartPools - Job that runs and moves data between the tiers of nodes within the same cluster. Also executes the CloudPools functionality if licensed and configured.)




在当你改变一个文件夹的protection level的时候,这事儿根本就不是某一个job去完成的,这个修改protection level的命令会一直运行,直到结束。

答案是,没有任何一个job会来执行修改protection level的restriping的操作的,修改命令本身就会执行完成。

修改文件夹的protection level之后,哪个job会来执行re-stripe的操作呢?的更多相关文章

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