8、Server   第五个对象



public interface IServer
Task StartAsync(RequestDelegate handler);
} public class HttpListenerServer : IServer
private readonly HttpListener _httpListener;// System.Net.HttpListener
private readonly string[] _urls;
public HttpListenerServer(params string[] urls)
_httpListener = new HttpListener();
_urls = urls.Any() ? urls : new string[] { "http://localhost:5000/" };
} public async Task StartAsync(RequestDelegate handler)
Array.ForEach(_urls, url => _httpListener.Prefixes.Add(url));
Console.WriteLine("Server started and is listening on: {0}", string.Join(';', _urls));
while (true)
var listenerContext = await _httpListener.GetContextAsync();
var feature = new HttpListenerFeature(listenerContext);
var features = new FeatureCollection()
var httpContext = new HttpContext(features);
await handler(httpContext);


  面向应用层的HttpContext对象是对请求和响应的封装,但是请求最初来源于服务器,针对HttpContext的任何响应操作也必需作用于当前的服务器才能真正起作用。现在问题来了,所有的ASP.NET Core应用使用的都是同一个HttpContext类型,但是却可以注册不同类型的服务器,我们必需解决两者之间的适配问题。



public interface IFeatureCollection : IDictionary<Type, object> { }
public class FeatureCollection : Dictionary<Type, object>, IFeatureCollection { }
public static partial class Extensions
public static T Get<T>(this IFeatureCollection features) => features.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out var value) ? (T)value : default(T);
public static IFeatureCollection Set<T>(this IFeatureCollection features, T feature)
features[typeof(T)] = feature;
return features;


public interface IHttpRequestFeature
Uri Url { get; }
NameValueCollection Headers { get; }
Stream Body { get; }
public interface IHttpResponseFeature
int StatusCode { get; set; }
NameValueCollection Headers { get; }
Stream Body { get; }

  接下来我们来看看HttpContext的具体实现。ASP.NET Core Mini的HttpContext只包含Request和Response两个属性成员,对应的类型分别为HttpRequest和HttpResponse,如下所示的就是这两个类型的具体实现。我们可以看出HttpRequest和HttpResponse都是通过一个IFeatureCollection对象构建而成的,它们对应的属性成员均有分别由包含在这个Feature集合中的IHttpRequestFeature和IHttpResponseFeature对象来提供的。

public class HttpRequest
private readonly IHttpRequestFeature _feature; public Uri Url => _feature.Url;
public NameValueCollection Headers => _feature.Headers;
public Stream Body => _feature.Body; public HttpRequest(IFeatureCollection features) => _feature = features.Get<IHttpRequestFeature>();
public class HttpResponse
private readonly IHttpResponseFeature _feature; public NameValueCollection Headers => _feature.Headers;
public Stream Body => _feature.Body;
public int StatusCode { get => _feature.StatusCode; set => _feature.StatusCode = value; } public HttpResponse(IFeatureCollection features) => _feature = features.Get<IHttpResponseFeature>(); }


public class HttpContext
public HttpRequest Request { get; }
public HttpResponse Response { get; } public HttpContext(IFeatureCollection features)
Request = new HttpRequest(features);
Response = new HttpResponse(features);

IfeatureCollection在源码里面也有定义   Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features  AspNetCore-2.2.4lib的http命名空间

// 摘要:
// Represents a collection of HTTP features.
public interface IFeatureCollection : IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Type, object>>, IEnumerable
// 摘要:
// Gets or sets a given feature. Setting a null value removes the feature.
// 参数:
// key:
// 返回结果:
// The requested feature, or null if it is not present.
object this[Type key] { get; set; } //
// 摘要:
// Indicates if the collection can be modified.
bool IsReadOnly { get; } // 摘要:
// Incremented for each modification and can be used to verify cached results.
int Revision { get; } //
// 摘要:
// Retrieves the requested feature from the collection.
// 类型参数:
// TFeature:
// The feature key.
// 返回结果:
// The requested feature, or null if it is not present.
TFeature Get<TFeature>(); // 摘要:
// Sets the given feature in the collection.
// 参数:
// instance:
// The feature value.
// 类型参数:
// TFeature:
// The feature key.
void Set<TFeature>(TFeature instance);
} namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features
/// <summary>
/// Contains the details of a given request. These properties should all be mutable.
/// None of these properties should ever be set to null.
/// </summary>
public interface IHttpRequestFeature
/// <summary>
/// The HTTP-version as defined in RFC 7230. E.g. "HTTP/1.1"
/// </summary>
string Protocol { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// The request uri scheme. E.g. "http" or "https". Note this value is not included
/// in the original request, it is inferred by checking if the transport used a TLS
/// connection or not.
/// </summary>
string Scheme { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// The request method as defined in RFC 7230. E.g. "GET", "HEAD", "POST", etc..
/// </summary>
string Method { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// The first portion of the request path associated with application root. The value
/// is un-escaped. The value may be string.Empty.
/// </summary>
string PathBase { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// The portion of the request path that identifies the requested resource. The value
/// is un-escaped. The value may be string.Empty if <see cref="PathBase"/> contains the
/// full path.
/// </summary>
string Path { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// The query portion of the request-target as defined in RFC 7230. The value
/// may be string.Empty. If not empty then the leading '?' will be included. The value
/// is in its original form, without un-escaping.
/// </summary>
string QueryString { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// The request target as it was sent in the HTTP request. This property contains the
/// raw path and full query, as well as other request targets such as * for OPTIONS
/// requests (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.3).
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This property is not used internally for routing or authorization decisions. It has not
/// been UrlDecoded and care should be taken in its use.
/// </remarks>
string RawTarget { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// Headers included in the request, aggregated by header name. The values are not split
/// or merged across header lines. E.g. The following headers:
/// HeaderA: value1, value2
/// HeaderA: value3
/// Result in Headers["HeaderA"] = { "value1, value2", "value3" }
/// </summary>
IHeaderDictionary Headers { get; set; } /// <summary>
/// A <see cref="Stream"/> representing the request body, if any. Stream.Null may be used
/// to represent an empty request body.
/// </summary>
Stream Body { get; set; }


  在对服务器和它与HttpContext的适配原理具有清晰的认识之后,我们来尝试着自己定义一个服务器。在前面的Hello World实例中,我们利用WebHostBuilder的扩展方法UseHttpListener注册了一个HttpListenerServer,我们现在就来看看这个采用HttpListener作为监听器的服务器类型是如何实现的。



public class HttpListenerFeature : IHttpRequestFeature, IHttpResponseFeature
private readonly HttpListenerContext _context;
public HttpListenerFeature(HttpListenerContext context) => _context = context; Uri IHttpRequestFeature.Url => _context.Request.Url; NameValueCollection IHttpRequestFeature.Headers => _context.Request.Headers;
NameValueCollection IHttpResponseFeature.Headers => _context.Response.Headers; Stream IHttpRequestFeature.Body => _context.Request.InputStream;
Stream IHttpResponseFeature.Body => _context.Response.OutputStream; int IHttpResponseFeature.StatusCode { get => _context.Response.StatusCode; set => _context.Response.StatusCode = value; }


public class HttpListenerServer : IServer
private readonly HttpListener _httpListener;
private readonly string[] _urls; public HttpListenerServer(params string[] urls)
_httpListener = new HttpListener();
_urls = urls.Any()?urls: new string[] { "http://localhost:5000/"};
} public async Task StartAsync(RequestDelegate handler)
Array.ForEach(_urls, url => _httpListener.Prefixes.Add(url));
while (true)
var listenerContext = await _httpListener.GetContextAsync();
var feature = new HttpListenerFeature(listenerContext);
var features = new FeatureCollection()
var httpContext = new HttpContext(features);
await handler(httpContext);


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