在事务插入数据过程中,为防止其他事务向索引上该位置插入数据,会在插入之前先申请插入意向范围锁,而如果申请插入意向范围锁被阻塞,则事务处于gap before rec insert intention waiting的等待状态。


INSERT sets an exclusive lock on the inserted row. This lock is an index-record lock, not a next-key lock (that is, there is no gap lock) and does not prevent other sessions from inserting into the gap before the inserted row.Prior to inserting the row, a type of gap lock called an insertion intention gap lock is set. This lock signals the intent to insert in such a way that multiple transactions inserting into the same index gap need not wait for each other if they are not inserting at the same position within the gap.If a duplicate-key error occurs, a shared lock on the duplicate index record is set. This use of a shared lock can result in deadlock should there be multiple sessions trying to insert the same row if another session already has an exclusive lock.


## 创建测试表
CREATE TABLE `tb1001` (
`order_id` int() NOT NULL,
`order_num` int() DEFAULT NULL,
`order_type` int() DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`),
KEY `idx_order_type` (`order_type`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ## 准备测试数据
insert into tb1001(order_id,order_num,order_type)


update tb1001
set order_num=
where order_type=;

再执行事务(事务ID 132869):

update tb1001
set order_type=
where order_id=;


*************************** . row ***************************
requested_lock_id: :::
blocking_lock_id: ::: select * from INNODB_LOCKS \G
*************************** . row ***************************
lock_id: :::
lock_mode: X,GAP
lock_type: RECORD
lock_table: `db002`.`tb1001`
lock_index: idx_order_type
lock_data: ,
*************************** . row ***************************
lock_id: :::
lock_mode: X
lock_type: RECORD
lock_table: `db002`.`tb1001`
lock_index: idx_order_type
lock_data: ,


lock struct(s), heap size , row lock(s), undo log entries
MySQL thread id , OS thread handle , query id admin
TABLE LOCK table `db002`.`tb1001` trx id lock mode IX RECORD LOCKS space id page no n bits index idx_order_type of table `db002`.`tb1001` trx id lock_mode X
Record lock, heap no PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields ; compact format; info bits
: len ; hex 73757072656d756d; asc supremum;; Record lock, heap no PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields ; compact format; info bits
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;; Record lock, heap no PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields ; compact format; info bits
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;; RECORD LOCKS space id page no n bits index PRIMARY of table `db002`.`tb1001` trx id lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
Record lock, heap no PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields ; compact format; info bits
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex 24000000230a28; asc $ # (;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;; Record lock, heap no PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields ; compact format; info bits
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex 24000000230a49; asc $ # I;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;;


---TRANSACTION , ACTIVE  sec updating or deleting
mysql tables in use , locked
LOCK WAIT lock struct(s), heap size , row lock(s), undo log entries
MySQL thread id , OS thread handle , query id admin updating
update tb1001 set order_type= where order_id=
RECORD LOCKS space id page no n bits index idx_order_type of table `db002`.`tb1001` trx id lock_mode X locks gap before rec insert intention waiting
Record lock, heap no PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields ; compact format; info bits
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;; ------------------
TABLE LOCK table `db002`.`tb1001` trx id lock mode IX
RECORD LOCKS space id page no n bits index PRIMARY of table `db002`.`tb1001` trx id lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
Record lock, heap no PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields ; compact format; info bits
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex 250000002407c6; asc % $ ;;
: len ; hex 8000000a; asc ;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;; RECORD LOCKS space id page no n bits index idx_order_type of table `db002`.`tb1001` trx id lock_mode X locks gap before rec insert intention waiting
Record lock, heap no PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields ; compact format; info bits
: len ; hex ; asc ;;
: len ; hex ; asc ;;

由于执行事务(事务132868)按照order_type=2条件更新,因此先使用索引idx_order_type定位到order_type=2的记录并加锁(ROW LOCK),再根据二级索引上包含的主键索引值找到表上order_id=2和order_id=4的记录并加锁(ROW LOCK),加锁如下:

由于执行事务(事务132869)按照order_id=3条件更新,先根据主键定位到order_id=3并加锁(ROW LOCK),然后根据主键中数据(order_type=1+ order_id=3)到索引idx_order_type上找到满足条件的记录并加锁,UPDATE操作将数据(1,3)更新为(2,3),因此会将索引idx_order_type上记录(1,3)标记为删除,然后在记录(2,2)和(2,4)之间插入新记录(2,3),在插入记录前,为防止其他事务在该物理位置上插入其他数据,需要先在索引idx_order_type上申请记录(2,2)和(2,4)之间插入意向锁(Insert Intention Gap Lock),其加锁如下:

而由于索引记录(2,4)上已被事务132868加锁(X LOCK+ ROW LOCK),因此导致加插入意向锁(Insert Intention Gap Lock)被阻塞,处于“lock_mode X locks gap before rec insert intention waiting”的等待状态。

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