完成函数 createModule,调用之后满足如下要求:
2、对象的 greeting 属性值等于 str1, name 属性值等于 str2
3、对象存在一个 sayIt 方法,该方法返回的字符串为 greeting属性值 + ', ' + name属性值 // 字面量模式
function createModule(str1, str2) {
var obj =
greeting : str1,
name : str2,
sayIt : function(){return this.greeting + ", " + this.name;}
return obj;
} //创建对象模式
function createModule(str1, str2) {
function CreateObj()
obj = new Object;
obj.greeting = str1;
obj.name = str2;
obj.sayIt = function(){return this.greeting + ", " + this.name;}
return obj;
return CreateObj();
} //构造函数模式
function createModule(str1, str2) {
function Obj()
this.greeting = str1;
this.name = str2;
this.sayIt = function(){return this.greeting + ", " + this.name;}
return new Obj();
} //原型模式
function createModule(str1, str2) {
function Obj()
this.greeting = str1;
this.name = str2;
Obj.prototype.sayIt = function(){return this.greeting + ", " + this.name;}
return new Obj();


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