LeetCode_412. Fizz Buzz
412. Fizz Buzz
Write a program that outputs the string representation of numbers from 1 to n.
But for multiples of three it should output “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five output “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five output “FizzBuzz”.
n = 15, Return:
package leetcode.easy; public class FizzBuzz {
public java.util.List<String> fizzBuzz1(int n) { // ans list
java.util.List<String> ans = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); for (int num = 1; num <= n; num++) { boolean divisibleBy3 = (num % 3 == 0);
boolean divisibleBy5 = (num % 5 == 0); if (divisibleBy3 && divisibleBy5) {
// Divides by both 3 and 5, add FizzBuzz
} else if (divisibleBy3) {
// Divides by 3, add Fizz
} else if (divisibleBy5) {
// Divides by 5, add Buzz
} else {
// Not divisible by 3 or 5, add the number
} return ans;
} public java.util.List<String> fizzBuzz2(int n) {
// ans list
java.util.List<String> ans = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); for (int num = 1; num <= n; num++) { boolean divisibleBy3 = (num % 3 == 0);
boolean divisibleBy5 = (num % 5 == 0); String numAnsStr = ""; if (divisibleBy3) {
// Divides by 3, add Fizz
numAnsStr += "Fizz";
} if (divisibleBy5) {
// Divides by 5, add Buzz
numAnsStr += "Buzz";
} if (numAnsStr.equals("")) {
// Not divisible by 3 or 5, add the number
numAnsStr += Integer.toString(num);
} // Append the current answer str to the ans list
} return ans;
} public java.util.List<String> fizzBuzz3(int n) { // ans list
java.util.List<String> ans = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(); // Hash map to store all fizzbuzz mappings.
java.util.HashMap<Integer, String> fizzBizzDict = new java.util.HashMap<Integer, String>() {
put(3, "Fizz");
put(5, "Buzz");
}; for (int num = 1; num <= n; num++) { String numAnsStr = ""; for (Integer key : fizzBizzDict.keySet()) { // If the num is divisible by key,
// then add the corresponding string mapping to current
// numAnsStr
if (num % key == 0) {
numAnsStr += fizzBizzDict.get(key);
} if (numAnsStr.equals("")) {
// Not divisible by 3 or 5, add the number
numAnsStr += Integer.toString(num);
} // Append the current answer str to the ans list
} return ans;
} @org.junit.Test
public void test() {
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