Schedule a Batch Job
- Create a new batch job via FreeFileSync's main dialog: Menu → File → Save as a batch job...
- By default, FreeFileSync will show a progress dialog during synchronization and will wait while the results dialog is shown.
If the progress dialog is not needed, enable checkbox Run minimized. This will also skip the results dialog at the end.Alternatively, if you want to see the progress, but not to wait at the results dialog, it's sufficient to only select the On completion action Close progress dialog.
Even if the progress dialog is not shown at the beginning, you can make it visible later during
synchronization by double-clicking the FreeFileSync icon in the notification area. - If you don't want error or warning messages to interrupt synchronization, set Handle errors to either Ignore or Stop.
- If log files are required, enable Save log and enter a folder path.
If the path is left empty, the logs will be saved under the current user's roaming profile,
Additionally, FreeFileSync always stores the result of the last
synchronization in file LastSyncs.log (up to a user-defined size, see Expert Settings). - Set up the FreeFileSync batch job in your operating system's scheduler:
A. Windows Task Scheduler:
- Open the Task Scheduler either via the start menu, or enter taskschd.msc in the run dialog (keyboard shortcut: Windows + R).
- Create a new basic task and follow the wizard.
- Make Program/script point to the location of FreeFileSync.exe and insert the ffs_batch file into Add arguments.
- Use quotation marks to protect spaces in path names, e.g. "D:\Backup Projects.ffs_batch"
- In Windows 7 Program/script always needs to point to an executable file like FreeFileSync.exe even
when the ffs_batch file association is registered. If an ffs_batch file was entered instead, the task would return with
error code 2147942593 (0x800700C1), "%1 is not a valid Win32 application".
For Windows 8 and later this limitation does not apply and you may enter the ffs_batch file path directly into Program/script and leave out Add arguments. - If you schedule FreeFileSync to run under a different user account, note that settings (e.g. GlobalSettings.xml)
will also be read from a different path, C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\FreeFileSync, or in the case of the SYSTEM account from
B. macOS Automator and Calendar:
- Open Launchpad and run Automator.
- Create a new Calendar Alarm.
- Drag and drop the ffs_batch file on the workflow panel.
- Drag and drop action Files & Folders/Open Finder Items and add it to the workflow.
- Go to File → Save... and save the Automator job.
- The Calendar app will start automatically with the Automator
job scheduled to the current day. You can now select a different time
for synchronization or make it a recurring task.
C. Windows XP Scheduled Tasks:
- Go to Start → Control Panel → Scheduled Tasks and select Add Scheduled Task.
- Follow the wizard and select FreeFileSync.exe as program to run.
- Fill the input field Run:
<FreeFileSync installation folder>\FreeFileSync.exe <job name>.ffs_batch
D. Ubuntu Linux Gnome Scheduled Tasks:
- Install Gnome-schedule if necessary: sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule
- Search the Ubuntu Unity Dash for Scheduled tasks
- Enter the command:
<FreeFileSync installation folder>/FreeFileSync <job name>.ffs_batch - Select X application since FreeFileSync requires access to GUI
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