LeetCode(67) Add Binary
Given two binary strings, return their sum (also a binary string).
For example,
a = “11”
b = “1”
Return “100”.
如下利用‘0’字符作为中间转换,才得到正确结果。int temp = (a[i]-'0') + (b[i]-'0'); char c = temp + '0';
class Solution {
string addBinary(string a, string b) {
int la = strlen(a.c_str());
int lb = strlen(b.c_str());
if (la == 0)
return b;
else if (lb == 0)
return a;
int carry = 0 ;
string r = la > lb ? a : b ;
int k = la > lb ? la - 1 : lb - 1;
int ia = la - 1, ib = lb - 1;
for (; ia >= 0 && ib >= 0; --ia, --ib)
int temp = (a[ia] - '0') + (b[ib] - '0') + carry;
if (temp >= 2)
temp -= 2;
carry = 1;
carry = 0;
r[k] = temp + '0';
while (ia >= 0)
int temp = (a[ia] - '0') + carry;
if (temp >= 2)
temp -= 2;
carry = 1;
carry = 0;
r[k] = temp + '0';
while (ib >= 0)
int temp = (b[ib] - '0') + carry;
if (temp >= 2)
temp -= 2;
carry = 1;
carry = 0;
r[k] = temp + '0';
if (carry == 0)
return r;
return "1"+r;
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